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Scientific Data Base

# Grant Hutchison
    Supplied the correct orientations for the major planets, their moons, and a
    number of asteroids and also worked on these data files:
        solarsys.ssc,, extrasolar.ssc,, earth_locs.ssc

# Fridger Schrempp
    Complete NGC/IC galaxy database + local group galaxies (galaxies.dsc)

    Database of globular clusters (globulars.dsc)

    Database of visual and spectroscopic binaries (,



# Andrew Tribick
    Significant update of the star database based on Gaia EDR3 data
    licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.

    CHARM2 stellar radii (

    Open cluster catalog (openclusters.dsc)

# LukeCEL
    Complete update of

# Thomas Tarrants (Sirius_Alpha)
    Updated exoplanet catalogue (, extrasolar.ssc)

# Askaniy
    Updated location files (

# SevenSpheres
    Substantial additions and improvements to starnames.dat and other data files

    Pulsar catalog (

Texture maps

# Askaniy (

   Textures of Phobos, Jupiter, Ganymede, Saturn, Uranus, Puck, Neptune,
   Triton, Pluto, Charon, Nix, Hydra, Ryugu, Bennu, and Arrokoth.

   Haumea's (fictional) ring texture is by Askaniy.

   The Callisto texture was made by Askaniy from JVV's texture.

# FarGetaNik (

   O, B, A star textures derived from SDO images of a Sun without spots
   F, G, K star textures derived from SDO images featuring spots
   L star texture derived from IR images of the Sun by SDO
   White dwarf texture is a grayscale version of the A star texture

   Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.

   M star texture based on images from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST),
   operated by the Institute for Solar Physics:

   The observers for the individual images used are Oddbjorn Engvold, Jun Elin Wiik,
   Luc Rouppe van der Voort (Oslo); Dan Kiselman, Mats Löfdahl, Göran Scharmer, Kai Langhans, Mats Löfdahl (ISP)

   T star texture derived from a fictional texture by John Van Vliet

   Normal map derived from USGS DEM, details improved with a texture reposted by Kexitt.
   Surface texture based on USGS color map, gaps filled with larger greyscale map.

   Normal map derived from USGS DEM.
   Surface texture based on John Van Vliet's addon.

   Surface texture derived from:
   and improved by the specular map derived from Natural Earth II by Tom Patterson
   Normal map derived from the BMNG datadet.
   Cloud Texture from the BMNG dataset

   Normal map derived from USGS DEM.
   Surface texture derived from LRO map posted on the Celestial Matters forum:
   Improved with the CGI Moon Kit

   Surface texture based on USGS Viking map, details are from Surveyor data:
   Color and cloud texture extracted from a map on the NASA photojournal, brightness adjusted with the USGS albedo map.
   Normal map derived from USGS DEM.

   Texture is a composite of individual color filter maps by NASA, gaps improved by SevenSpheres
   Normal map derived from USGS DEM.

   Jupiter's rings are derived from spacecraft imagery found on the NASA photojournal.

   Io's surface texture is derived from USGS maps and JVV's map.

   Saturn's ring texture is a composite of data found on Björn Jónsson's site.

   Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus textures are derived from enhanced color maps by Paul Schenk, found on
   the NASA photojounal. Rhea texture is based on an Albedo map by Björn Jónsson, details added from the JPL map.
   Tethys and Dione normal maps are derived from models by Rob Gaskell.

   Hyperion & Phoebe:
   Textures derieved from a texture by JVV

   Uranus & Neptune's rings are composites of transparency data and Voyager imagery.

   Texture by Robin Charles Gilbert and shading reduced with the normal map:
   Normal map derived from a DEM by Paul Schenk

   Pluto and Charon normal maps derived from the USGS DEMs.

   Texture is a composite of individual color filter maps, gaps filled with a shaded texture improved by a normal map
   made from topography data by USGS.

# The Europa texture is by John van Vliet.

   Other textures derived from work by JVV are listed above.

# Snowfall-The-Cat (

   Textures of Larissa (based on Phil Stooke's map) and Proteus.

# Grant Hutchison

   The Eros map is a shaded relief generated from the NEAR laser rangefinder.

# Phil Stooke

   Janus, Prometheus and Epimetheus maps are from Phil Stooke.

   The Ida and Gaspra photomosaic maps are by Phil Stooke.

   The Deimos map is from:
      Stooke. P., Stooke Small Bodies Maps V3.0. MULTI-SA-MULTI-6-STOOKEMAPS-V3.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2015.

# Venus's clouds are from Björn Jónsson, recolored by FarGetaNik.

# The textures for the Uranian satellites were created by Ivan Rivera from JPL
  data. His Celestia page is:

# Amalthea is a shaded relief map by Phil Stooke, colored by Wm. Robert Johnston
  (, and further modified
  by Jens Meyer, Grant Hutchison, and Askaniy.

# Earth's night texture created by FarGetaNik from the BMNG dataset and colored
  with a night texture by JVV, posted on the Celestia forum:
  and further improved by nussun based on a NASA Earth Observatory image:

# Titan's surface texture is a composite of Cassini ISS and Radar maps from USGS,
  created by FarGetaNik and further modified by Askaniy. Titan's specular texture
  is by Askaniy. Titan's cloud texture is by Fridger Schrempp, based on resources
  available from the imaging site (Ciclops) of the Cassini mission

# Chariklo's ring texture is by Zemlyanin.

# The exoplanet textures (exo-classN and venuslike) and the asteroid.jpg
  texture were created by cubicApocalypse, licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

# The icymoon.jpg texture was created by trappistplanets based on an image of Methone.

Note on content from JPL
Some content in Celestia, including texture maps and models, comes from JPL
websites. That content is subject to the JPL Image Use Policy, a copy of which
appears below (as captured on 2020-July-13). The latest version of this policy
can be found at Also refer to for clarity on how textures/models are

# JPL Image Use Policy
# Unless otherwise noted, images and video on JPL public web sites (public
# sites ending with a address) may be used for any purpose
# without prior permission, subject to the special cases noted below.
# Publishers who wish to have authorization may print this page and
# retain it for their records; JPL does not issue image permissions on an
# image by image basis.
# By electing to download the material from this web site the user agrees:
# 1. that Caltech makes no representations or warranties with respect to
# ownership of copyrights in the images, and does not represent others who
# may claim to be authors or owners of copyright of any of the images, and
# makes no warranties as to the quality of the images. Caltech shall not be
# responsible for any loss or expenses resulting from the use of the images,
# and you release and hold Caltech harmless from all liability arising from
# such use.
# 2. to use a credit line in connection with images. Unless otherwise noted
# in the caption information for an image, the credit line should be
# "Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech."
# 3. that the endorsement of any product or service by Caltech, JPL or NASA
# must not be claimed or implied.
# Special Cases:
# * Prior written approval must be obtained to use the NASA insignia logo
# (the blue "meatball" insignia), the NASA logotype (the red "worm" logo)
# and the NASA seal. These images may not be used by persons who are not
# NASA employees or on products (including Web pages) that are not NASA
# sponsored. In addition, no image may be used to explicitly or implicitly
# suggest endorsement by NASA, JPL or Caltech of commercial goods or
# services. Requests to use NASA logos may be directed to Bert Ulrich, Public
# Services Division, NASA Headquarters, Code POS, Washington, DC 20546,
# telephone (202) 358-1713, fax (202) 358-4331, email [email protected].
# * Prior written approval must be obtained to use the JPL logo (stylized JPL
# letters in red or other colors). Requests to use the JPL logo may be
# directed to the Institutional Communications Office, email
# [email protected].
# * If an image includes an identifiable person, using the image for
# commercial purposes may infringe that person's right of privacy or publicity,
# and permission should be obtained from the person. NASA and JPL generally do
# not permit likenesses of current employees to appear on commercial products.
# For more information, consult the NASA and JPL points of contact listed above.
# * JPL/Caltech contractors and vendors who wish to use JPL images in
# advertising or public relation materials should direct requests to the
# Institutional Communications Office, email [email protected].
# * Some image and video materials on JPL public web sites are owned by
# organizations other than JPL or NASA. These owners have agreed to make their
# images and video available for journalistic, educational and personal uses,
# but restrictions are placed on commercial uses. To obtain permission for
# commercial use, contact the copyright owner listed in each image caption.
# Ownership of images and video by parties other than JPL and NASA is noted in
# the caption material with each image.

3D Models

# New space bodies models can be found in Greg Frieger's 3D Asteroid Catalogue:
  The individual models are from various sources, listed individually.

# The Galileo spacecraft model is by FarGetaNik, based on the NASA model:
  The model of Galileo's probe is by Snowfall, originally from here:

# Models of Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey were created by Shrox:
  They are included under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
  License (CC BY 4.0):

# The Cassini and Huygens models are by Jack Higgins:

# The 3D model of ISS is a representation of the station created by NASA-VTAD
  on April 22, 2019:
  The configuration shown is what the ISS looked like from May
  2011 until February 2015, shortly after STS-134 (Endeavour)
  delivered the AMS and ELC-3 pallets to the station. Model and textures were
  converted for use in Celestia by DaveBowman2001

# 3D asteroid models of Toutatis, Kleopatra, Geographos, 1998 KY26, Bacchus,
  Castalia and Golevka are courtesy of Scott Hudson, Washington State
  University. Originally found here:
  On August 20, 2020, Scott Hudson waived the commercial use restrictions on
  these models, permitting unrestricted use of them.

# Models of Phobos and Deimos are from Ernst et al. 2023:
  (available at

# The Mimas and Phoebe models are by Rob Gaskell:

# 3D models of Amalthea, Thebe, Larissa, Proteus, Vesta, Ida, Gaspra and Halley
  are derived from Phil Stooke's Cartography of Non-Spherical Worlds.

# Models of Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Janus,
  Telesto, Calypso, Helene, and Hyperion are from:

# The Vesta model is from:

# The 3D model of Eros was prepared from the NEAR laser rangefinder shape model.

# The Puck model is by Askaniy.

# The Nix and Hydra models are by Simon Porter:

# The Ryugu model is from:

# Bennu's model is a simplified version of the OLA v20 PTM shape model from NASA's
# Scientific Visualization Studio:

# The Arrokoth model was converted to cmod from the Spencer et al. 2020 model:

# Models of Didymos and Dimorphos come from the DART Shapemodel Archive Bundle at PDS:

# The Psyche model is from Shepard et al. 2021:

# Models of asteroids Pallas, Juno, Iris, Hygiea, Eugenia, Sylvia, Elektra,
  Kleopatra, and Interamnia are based on VLT/SPHERE imaging:
  The original models are available here:


Data files for Celestia space simulator







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