- Adobe Connect (version 7.5 tested)
- CakePHP (version 2.x - branch for 1.3)
- PHP 5.3+
This CakePHP Plugin uses the Adobe Connect API as a Datasouce and packages access to it's parts as isolated Models.
- AdobeConnectPrincipal - access to all Principals: users & groups
- AdobeConnectSco - access to all SCO items: meetings, content, folders, etc.
- AdobeConnectPermission - access to Permissions, reading and granting rights: meetings, content, folders, etc.
- AdobeConnectReport - access to all Reporting functions: meetings, content, folders, etc.
The API interaction and standard "heavy-lifting" is done in the Datasource, but the Models tie the peices together and facilitate access through normal commands and syntax.
See the unit tests for more information on how to use.
If you're using git, you can include this as a submodule in your repository:
git submodule add https://github.com/zeroasterisk/CakePHP-AdobeConnect-Plugin.git app/Plugin/AdobeConnect
git submodule update --init --recursive
Or you can clone the repository (but don't do this inside of another repository):
git clone https://github.com/zeroasterisk/CakePHP-AdobeConnect-Plugin.git app/Plugin/AdobeConnect
cd app cp Plugin/AdobeConnect/Config/adobe_connect.example.php Config/adobe_connect.php edit Config/adobe_connect.php
- 2013-12-16 changed
args the same, alias commented out in model - 2013-12-16 changed Unit Test config can now be set in the App's config file, as
You can specify any of the Models in your controller's $uses array:
public $uses = array(
Or you can initialize the model, like any other Model:
if (!isset($this->AdobeConnectSco)) {
App::uses('AdobeConnectSco', 'AdobeConnect.Model');
$this->AdobeConnectSco = ClassRegistry::init('AdobeConnect.AdobeConnectSco');
Once initilized, you can use it like any other Model. There are several exposed custom find methods, and custom save/delete functions as well.
// shared functionality on any of these models
// just in case you want the config
$adobeConnectConfig = $this->AdobeConnectSco->config();
// just in case you want to get a logged in session for a user/pass
$session = $this->AdobeConnectSco->getSessionKeyForUser($username, $password);
// basic CRUD functionality for SCOs (content/meetings/etc)
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('search', 'my meeting');
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('search', array('conditions' => array('name' => 'my meeting')));
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('search', array('conditions' => array('name' => 'my meeting', 'type' => 'meeting')));
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('search', array('conditions' => array('name' => 'my*meeting', 'type' => 'meeting')));
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('contents', 12345);
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('contents', array('sco-id' => 12345, 'conditions' => array('icon' => 'archive')));
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('searchcontent', 'welcome training');
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('searchcontent', array('query' => 'welcome training', 'conditions' => array('type' => 'content')));
$this->AdobeConnectSco->find('path', $scoId);
// bonus points, move
$this->AdobeConnectSco->move($scoId, $folder_id);
// basic CRUD functionality for Principals (users/groups)
$this->AdobeConnectPrincipal->find('search', 'my login');
@$this->AdobeConnectPrincipal->find('search', array('conditions' => array('email' => 'myemaildomain.com')));
// assigning permissions
$this->AdobeConnectPermission->lookup($scoId, $principalId);
$this->AdobeConnectPermission->assign($scoId, $principalId, "view"); // 'host', 'manage', 'mini-host', 'remove', 'denied'
$this->AdobeConnectPermission->delete($scoId, $principalId);
$this->AdobeConnectPermission->delete($scoId); // removes all rights
// generating reports
$this->AdobeConnectReport->find("bulkconsolidatedtransactions", array('conditions' => array('sco-id' => $scoId, 'principal-id' => $principalId), 'limit' => 100));
$this->AdobeConnectReport->find("coursestatus", $scoId);
$this->AdobeConnectReport->find("meetingattendance", $scoId);
$this->AdobeConnectReport->find("meetingconcurrentusers", $scoId);
There are a whole lot more, look at the test cases or the comments in the code...
Big Props to Neil Crookes and his CakePHP-GData-Plugin which I heard him present on at cakefest 2010
Also thanks to Nick Baker for some debugging help.