An implementation of the generalized yield model (Constable and de la Mare, 1996) in R. This implementation is still considered a work in progress up until it has been endorced by the Scientific Committee.
Once accepted by CCAMLR the accepted version of the Grym Packahosted as
a fork on the CCAMLR github account.
ge will be ## Installing
The package is easily installed from GitHub, using the remotes package.
remotes::install_github("AustralianAntarcticDivision/Grym", build_vignettes=TRUE)
If you don’t have remotes
installed already, install it first.
Grym does not otherwise require remotes
for normal use.
Parametric bootstrap from a vector of recruits
Check examples for consistency of implementation
Build GrymExamples
The goal of Grym is to have provide an R based implementation of the Generalised Yield Model by Constable and de la Mare (1996). This package provides specific functions which users can use in combination to build their own projection functions and packages.
Grym is accompanied by the GrymExamples package which provides vignettes of examples of implementation for a number of species within the CCAMLR region. The GrymExamples package can be found here:
Unless otherwise stated all examples are works in progress. A list of examples can be accessed with the following code:
Specific examples can be accessed with the same function and specifying the topic for example
vignette(topic = "Icefish", package="GrymExamples")
Constable, AJ, and WK de la Mare. 1996. “A Generalised Model for Evaluating Yield and the Long-Term Status of Fish Stocks Under Conditions of Uncertainty.” CCAMLR Science 3: 31–54.