Install the following Operator to your cluter to get started:
- CodeReady Workspaces (for participant environments)
- OpenShift GitOps / ArgoCD (to have participants provision their own ArgoCD Instances)
Create a group for all participants and allow them to create ArgoCD Instances (You can find a Kustomize file at cluster-preperation/rolebindings).
- Provision your own Workspace
- Deploy an ArgoCD Instance
- Deploy an App via Helm
- Fork this repository
- Change the repo in the devfile
- Login to CodeReady Workspaces
- Create a "Custom Workspace"
- Copy the devfile to your CodeReady Workspace instance
- Start the workspace and click on "Yes, I trust"
- Start a new Terminal in the
- Login to the cluster using your username
oc login https://$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST:$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true -p r3dh4t1! -u userX
- create a namespace for your
Instanceoc new-project userX-argo
- Change the name of your ArgoCD Instance
- Create your ArgoCD Instance
oc apply -f argocd.yaml -n userX-argo
- Create a namespace for this App
oc new-project userX-sharry
- Tell the ArgoCD Operator, that this namespace is to be managed by your ArgoCD Instance (this is usually done by an administrator)
oc label namespace userX-sharry
go to manifests/apps/sharry
take a look at sharry-app.yaml.
Change the .spec.destination.namespace
to your users namespace e.g. userX-sharry
take alook at kustomization.yaml.
Change the namespace to your Argo Namespace user1-argo
The initial App will deploy multiple other apps (one for PostgreSQL and one for Sharry). This is called the app-of-apps
Take a look at sharry-chart.yaml and postgresql-chart.yaml.
Change the namespace for these both and the destination to your users namespaces
metadata.namespace: userX-argo
spec.destination.namespace: userX-sharry
run oc apply --dry-run=client -o yaml -k ./manifests/apps/sharry/base
and verify, that your initial app has the correct namespaces
run oc apply --dry-run=client -o yaml -k ./manifests/apps/sharry/base/apps
and verify that the other apps have the correct namespace as well
!Push these changes to your Repository!
Apply the first App to the cluster
oc apply -k ./manifests/apps/sharry/base
Look at your ArgoCD Instance and manual sync everything.
Expose your app
oc create route edge --service=sharry --insecure-policy='Redirect'
If we got more time: Turn On "Auto-Sync" manually -> Route will disappear because it is not in GIT Add the route to your git - see how it is created