Caldaia means boiler.
My boiler is old. I decided to make it smart. But not too much.
Plus one can learn go, which is pretty cool.
Run ./
to start the main services.
- docker
- go (and air
- node
Open ports:
- http:5178 (app)
- http:8080 (GraphQL to controller)
- redis:6379
The front-end is a svelte app that communicates with a go back-end (controller) in graphql, both via streams and requests. The communication between worker and controller happens via redis message broker. All data is also stored in redis.
The app, the controller and the worker are all dockerized and running on a Raspberry PI Zero 2W.
Following, a diagram of the deployment:
graph LR
subgraph raspberry
subgraph docker
S[svelte app:4173]
C[go controller:8080]
W[go worker]
subgraph R[Redis Server Stack:6379]
RT[Time Series]
RM[Message Broker]
subgraph Sensors and I/O
IS[Rele Switch]
subgraph home
S <-- graphql --> C
C <--> R
W <--> RM
W --> IS
IT --> W
IS --> B
The front-end is pretty simple. There is a button to set a quick rule to control the boiler. A center preview of the current temperature and the current state of the boiler. Below a plot of the temperature in the last 24 hours.
Insert sd card and run and bypass windows to connect USB to WSL2 (you have to build the kernel with SD and USB drivers first) - or just don't use windows.
usbip list -l
usbipd attach --wsl --busid 1-1
>>> OK
sdd 8:48 1 59.5G 0 disk
├─sdd1 8:49 1 256M 0 part
└─sdd2 8:50 1 59.2G 0 part
sudo rpi-imager