What's Changed
- Update issue templates by @brooke-hamilton in #14
- Add a validate-terraform workflow to validate and lint terraform by @glennmusa in #25
- Validate terraform in src/core by @glennmusa in #36
- initial commit by @brooke-hamilton in #35
- Issue and PR templates by @brooke-hamilton in #52
- Doc updates by @brooke-hamilton in #51
- Generate configuration names and config.vars files by @glennmusa in #53
- contributing.md by @brooke-hamilton in #56
- Updates to SECURITY.md by @brooke-hamilton in #58
- updates to SUPPORT.md by @brooke-hamilton in #57
- Source MLZ config environment name and region from configuration file by @glennmusa in #60
- Add unattended terraform execution, centralize Service Principal check, exit on any errors by @glennmusa in #63
- add the shellcheck extension to the devcontainer by @glennmusa in #70
- Enable Azure Security Center in MLZ subscriptions by @Phydeauxman in #55
- Add persona and business justification to the Issue template by @brooke-hamilton in #73
- Implement error handling into shell scripts by @Phydeauxman in #72
- Implement Sub ID array for Role assignment by @Phydeauxman in #76
- Remove providers by @brooke-hamilton in #84
- use unique diagnostic settings names by @glennmusa in #82
- move scripts to src/scripts by @glennmusa in #87
- add a workflow for apply and destroy terraform by @glennmusa in #83
- add NSG flow logs and remove network watcher module by @glennmusa in #93
- Ezdeploy by @Breanna-Stryker in #99
- Updated usage example in command-line-deployment.md file by @shannawaz in #109
- Ignore *.tfvars.json files by @sstjean in #105
- use hashicorp Action in validate-terraform workflow instead of devcontainer by @glennmusa in #124
- Linking to Win10 WSL install steps (on Docs@MSFT) by @bspender in #121
- Updated doc to include saca-hub apply by @shannawaz in #127
- Update issue templates by @brooke-hamilton in #112
- removing unnecessary background on link text by @bspender in #135
- use MLZ_LOCATION instead of reserved term Location by @glennmusa in #139
- use arguments for build scripts by @glennmusa in #141
- Add inbound connection from hub to network tiers. by @Breanna-Stryker in #142
- Doc changes to UI deployment and dev container getting started guides by @bspender in #137
- Add sub array logic to only assign role once per unique sub by @Phydeauxman in #143
- Resolve transient failure with creating Service Principals in MAG by @Phydeauxman in #122
- create terraform backends from the UI by @glennmusa in #145
- deploy from the command line using a single script and argument by @glennmusa in #147
- set firewall SKU to Premium where azurerm environments support it by @glennmusa in #148
- Update Docker push commands and add checks for App properties by @Phydeauxman in #149
- enable the UI in other clouds by @glennmusa in #152
- wait for app property queries by list to return results in UI app registration creation by @glennmusa in #155
- First cut at docs for management groups by @sstjean in #154
- add config_clean.sh as a way to clean up MLZ resources by @glennmusa in #159
- SCCA Mapping by @brooke-hamilton in #162
- add missionlz deployment footprint image to docs by @glennmusa in #163
- Docker Export/Load by @Breanna-Stryker in #167
- Auto Scroll Text, Fix Variable Mismatches in local output. by @Breanna-Stryker in #177
- Complex Environmental Name Replacements by @Breanna-Stryker in #178
- validate input for Azure Region and Terraform Environment on deploy.sh and setup_ezdeploy.sh by @glennmusa in #174
- Added instruction for starting MLZ UI with AzGov (doc change only) by @bspender in #165
- Update to version 2.55 of the Terraform Azure RM provider by @Breanna-Stryker in #180
- add --help option and handle unexpected arguments by @glennmusa in #182
- add .dockerignore to ignore terraform deployment artifacts by @glennmusa in #193
- Disable SNAT regardless of the destination IP address (Firewall) since forced tunneling is turned on by @jjansen23 in #194
- pin azure cli to 2.22.0 by @glennmusa in #201
- cleanup files created by deploy.sh #192 by @jjansen23 in #199
- re-organize scripts to make end-user actions easier to find by @glennmusa in #204
- Remove symbolic link for pip in devcontainer by @sstjean in #208
- Add Forced Tunneling to the Hub Firewall configuration by @Phydeauxman in #202
- add a Bastion Host module by @glennmusa in #209
- add a windows VM as a jumpbox to Bastion RDP into the Hub network by @glennmusa in #210
- add --no-bastion to allow users to opt-out of Bastion host and Jumpbox creation by @glennmusa in #217
- Checkbox Render Logic Fix by @Breanna-Stryker in #218
- Updated docs to add tier usage to tier reference. by @sstjean in #216
- add a linux VM as a jumpbox to Bastion SSH into the Hub network by @glennmusa in #219
- Doc changes to be more explicit on .devcontainer usage for command-line deployments (vs local shell) by @bspender in #211
- Add Azure Firewall Policy by @brooke-hamilton in #221
- create MLZ configuration storage accounts with lowercase names by @glennmusa in #222
- Add Tier 3 Workload Templates and Stand Alone Script. by @Breanna-Stryker in #220
- allow for empty az cloud show results when building .mlzconfig files by @glennmusa in #238
- Update README.md (added reference to getting started docs) by @bspender in #225
- Added "owner" requirement to Mission LZ pre-reqs by @bspender in #226
- Updated stated pre-reqs for local BASH by @bspender in #227
- Update diagrams on the root README file to reflect the latest release by @brooke-hamilton in #237
- remove URI components from metadata host service endpoint when generating .mlzconfig by @glennmusa in #243
- Add flags to deployment script for T3 deployment. by @Breanna-Stryker in #245
- enable traffic analytics and bump network flow logs to v2 by @glennmusa in #248
- Remove the word demo from default resource names by @brooke-hamilton in #250
- Update fastapi requirement from ~=0.62.0 to ~=0.65.2 in /src/front by @dependabot in #253
- Update msal requirement from ~=1.8.0 to ~=1.12.0 in /src/front by @dependabot in #254
- Update uvicorn requirement from ~=0.12.3 to ~=0.14.0 in /src/front by @dependabot in #251
- Update starlette requirement from ~=0.13.6 to ~=0.14.2 in /src/front by @dependabot in #252
- bump Terraform to 1.0.0 and azurerm to 2.63 by @Chambras in #257
- Compatibility support for AZ CLI v2.25.0 by @Chambras in #263
- Update starlette requirement from ~=0.14.2 to ~=0.15.0 in /src/front by @dependabot in #262
- consolidate the multiple terraform deployments at src/core/* into a single deployment at src/terraform by @glennmusa in #268
- Fixing a small issue with the clean.sh script by @Chambras in #265
- add command line deployment to getting-started.md by @glennmusa in #270
- update devcontainer.json as "terminal.integrated.shell.linux" is deprecated by @dennispayne in #273
- Removing some extra auto-generated configurations and terraform related files and folders by @Chambras in #271
- remove unused terraform variables by @glennmusa in #274
- optionally deploy Azure Sentinel solution into Tier 1 Log Analytics Workspace by @glennmusa in #281
- Fix jumpbox-subnet firewall IP by @jftl6y in #288
- Update azurerm provider version from 2.63 to 2.67 by @Phydeauxman in #286
- use the cached Terraform providers if available by @glennmusa in #282
- set availability zone on public IP resources to "no-zone" by @glennmusa in #283
- create jumpbox passwords with Windows complexity requirements by @glennmusa in #284
- update .gitattributes to use LF endings for *.sh by @glennmusa in #292
- add Linux jumpbox password constraints by @glennmusa in #290
- Added Microsoft CSS support information by @brooke-hamilton in #298
- Fix a bug where config resources were always created in the Hub subscription by @glennmusa in #303
- Fixed SCCA FRD link by @brooke-hamilton in #308
- Fixing typo in getting-started by @lisamurphy-msft in #316
- Updated contribution process by @brooke-hamilton in #309
- allow users to bring their own credentials and override MLZ Service Principal creation by @glennmusa in #315
- Update Terraform to version 1.0.3 by @Chambras in #318
- updated NOTICE to remove unused licenses by @brooke-hamilton in #321
- Set missing provider on Sentinel LAWS by @sstjean in #326
- Update Terraform to version 1.0.4 by @Chambras in #334
- update terraform required version by @brooke-hamilton in #336
- Updating mlz variables file by @Chambras in #338
- Update azurerm provider to 2.71.0 by @Chambras in #339
- Updating tier3 variables file by @Chambras in #340
- updated issue templates by @brooke-hamilton in #349
- Add CODEOWNERS file by @brooke-hamilton in #364
- Updating some modules variables files by @Chambras in #363
- Add NIST policy assignment off by default by @shawngib in #350
- Update Terraform to version 1.0.5 by @Chambras in #372
- update the diagram for accuracy by @glennmusa in #383
- Updating some modules files by @Chambras in #395
- fail fast on deployments by decrementing max_attempts to 1 by @lisamurphy-msft in #404
- update types and descriptions for Terraform modules by @Chambras in #408
- Update Terraform to version 1.0.6 by @Chambras in #418
- Update tags to append DeploymentType in terraform by @lisamurphy-msft in #422
- add a Bicep implementation and remove bash scripts by @glennmusa in #425
- Update pr template by @brooke-hamilton in #429
- add superlinter and fix linting errors by @glennmusa in #430
- Corrected text in README.md by @jjansen23 in #436
- Adding deploymentType tag to resources by @lisamurphy-msft in #432
- Tested policy for adding a tag inherit policy by @Breanna-Stryker in #440
- Remove validate, update build workflows. by @Breanna-Stryker in #444
- added firewalls policies for AzureCloud and MSFT Login by @shawngib in #442
- Add Centralized Log Analytics Workspace and add Security Center by @shawngib in #438
- fix transposed hub network peerings by @glennmusa in #451
- use the common diagnosticSettings provider version in central logging by @glennmusa in #453
- update Bicep docs by @glennmusa in #457
- update policy assignment to be opt-in for Terraform by @glennmusa in #459
- Updating terraform provider to 2.80.0 by @Chambras in #464
- update deploySentinel assignment in log analytics workspace module by @glennmusa in #468
- Add quick start to top level readme by @Breanna-Stryker in #469
- update the remote access example to include a log analytics workspace by @glennmusa in #472
- added missing privateDnsZoneId for storage in AMPLS fixing agent reporting by @shawngib in #470
- add diagnostics settings for firewall, public IP, and network security groups by @glennmusa in #473
- remove virtual network diagnostics from Terraform by @glennmusa in #476
- update docs so that users know Firewall Premium is the default by @glennmusa in #460
- set activity logging for supported clouds by @shawngib in #478
- Add release process to CONTRIBUTING.md. by @brooke-hamilton in #481
- Cred Scan & PoliCheck ADO Pipelines by @Breanna-Stryker in #483
- Updating Readme with Firewall information by @lisamurphy-msft in #477
- disable CI trigger on credscan and policheck by @glennmusa in #492
- optional policy assignment module in root deployment by @glennmusa in #490
- Enabling Azure Firewall premium in usgovernment by @Chambras in #494
- Update NSG diagnostics settings in newWorkload by @sstjean in #488
- Updating Tools by @Chambras in #496
- use Bicep loop syntax to create spoke resources the same way by @glennmusa in #497
- Regenerated new workload ARM template and added missing module param by @brooke-hamilton in #502
- Add nightly and PR validation pipelines in Azure DevOps by @vidyambala in #437
- update PR builds and scheduled deployment triggers by @glennmusa in #505
- Update mlz-tf-azuregov-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines by @vidyambala in #506
- Update README.md with build pipeline status badges by @vidyambala in #511
- Fix private link scopes by @jjansen23 in #510
- omit build badges for now by @glennmusa in #513
- remove the Deploy to Azure buttons for now by @glennmusa in #516
- Exposed 'deploySentinel' as an available parameter by @ExchMaster in #515
- Update Readme with Build status Badges by @vidyambala in #518
- Check cloud before collecting audit logs by @shawngib in #520
- Making Terraform deployment idempotent by @Chambras in #521
- updating documentation with username by @lisamurphy-msft in #522
- Updating roleAssignment.bicep expected values by @lisamurphy-msft in #534
- modified private link naming variables by @shawngib in #533
- Update the Terraform deployment README.md to describe benefits and risks of using Azure Cloud Shell by @brooke-hamilton in #541
- Modified tags to support add values and removing default by @shawngib in #537
- Remove default NSG rules for 22 and 3389 from Bicep deployment by @vidyambala in #538
- Deploy App Service Plan - MLZ Example by @ExchMaster in #526
- Updated prerequisites in the bicep readme by @brooke-hamilton in #546
- deploy Azure Container Registry Example by @ExchMaster in #543
- Deploy Azure KeyVault (Premium, RBAC) by @ExchMaster in #544
- Breestryker/polichecklatest by @Breanna-Stryker in #550
- Automated deployment of Tier 3 Workloads by @vidyambala in #551
- Enforce a mandatory resourcePrefix parameter by @glennmusa in #553
- Enable intrusion detection (IDPS) by default by @brooke-hamilton in #555
- Add a default resource naming convention to mlz.bicep by @glennmusa in #558
- Add Bicep cleanup instructions for diagnostic settings by @brooke-hamilton in #564
- relocate Bicep parameters and add descriptions to mlz.bicep by @glennmusa in #563
- Update nightly Bicep pipelines resource clean up scripts by @glennmusa in #567
- Update storage account naming convention to use subscription IDs as a unique string seed by @glennmusa in #571
- Update newWorkload example to resolve naming related conflicts by @ExchMaster in #572
- Updated management group docs by @brooke-hamilton in #574
- Add an Azure Portal Form UI by @glennmusa in #577
- Generate deploymentVariables.json in pipelines by @glennmusa in #578
- Updates to the new workload readme by @brooke-hamilton in #579
- Update password requirements to require only 12 characters by @glennmusa in #585
- Fix warnings for unnecessary Bicep dependsOn statements by @brooke-hamilton in #596
- Update the main page documentation by @brooke-hamilton in #587
- Updating tools to newer versions by @Chambras in #591
- Updates and reorganization of deployment guides by @brooke-hamilton in #595
- Link update for main README by @brooke-hamilton in #600
- Remove compiled bicep examples by @brooke-hamilton in #611
- Sentinel example readme clarification by @brooke-hamilton in #613
- Add default tags to Bicep examples by @brooke-hamilton in #614
- Remove
from portal user interface by @brooke-hamilton in #616 - Add collaboration section to contribution guide by @brooke-hamilton in #619
- Update securityCenter.bicep module API provider to prevent warnings by @lisamurphy-msft in #560
- Allow traffic between spokes by default by @Breanna-Stryker in #622
- Add supernet address prefix parameter input to Portal UI by @glennmusa in #623
- Check that Portal UI form outputs map to template parameter inputs on pull requests by @glennmusa in #620
- Move the workflow scripts to where they're used by @glennmusa in #632
- Update descriptions in alt text on main README.md by @glennmusa in #633
- Add spike issue template and remove feature request issue template by @brooke-hamilton in #635
- Fix for Terraform issue in which the tier 2 subscription parameter is ignored by @brooke-hamilton in #638
- Process for handling a broken build by @brooke-hamilton in #641
- Clean-up nightly deployments using Azure CLI by @glennmusa in #642
- Add instructions for ASC/Defender cleanup by @brooke-hamilton in #643
- Pin Bicep to v0.4.1272 by @glennmusa in #650
- Implement and generate Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) manifest in pull request pipeline. by @vidyambala in #648
- Update policy assignment resource provider version by @jjansen23 in #652
- Generate SBOMs without .git contents by @glennmusa in #654
- Generate SBOM files during PR events by @glennmusa in #656
- Tier 3 naming convention by @vidyambala in #651
- Update nightly build pipeline for new tier 3 parameters by @brooke-hamilton in #668
- Prepend Copyrights throughout codebase. by @Breanna-Stryker in #671
- Update Azure Security Center to Microsoft Defender for Cloud by @Breanna-Stryker in #664
- Automation Account Example by @Breanna-Stryker in #663
- Update examples to include Sentinel Workbook by @lisamurphy-msft in #665
- Link to missionlz-edge by @lisamurphy-msft in #680
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #681
- Update the examples README.md to include not currently referenced examples by @Breanna-Stryker in #686
- Updated bundle parameter to include default array by @lisamurphy-msft in #687
- Generate SBOM on release by @glennmusa in #688
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md by @lisamurphy-msft in #690
- Update GitHub connection for generating releases by @glennmusa in #692
- Update README.md with embedded youtube link by @lisamurphy-msft in #698
- Breestryker/restructure code by @Breanna-Stryker in #699
- Change examples to add-ons by @Breanna-Stryker in #703
- Update minimum TLS version enforcement by @lisamurphy-msft in #702
- Breestryker/tier3 diagnostics by @Breanna-Stryker in #704
- Fix deploymentVariables.json Nightly Build output location by @Breanna-Stryker in #706
- Remove Parentheses from tier count expression to enable single tier deployment. by @Breanna-Stryker in #708
- Fix broken relative links by @hymccord in #712
- Fix spoke deployment of Defender by @lisamurphy-msft in #721
- Update defender.bicep with current securitypricing resource types by @LManning-Dev in #722
- support for Standard SKU by @FabienGilbert in #737
- Move AMPLS to Operations Tier by @FabienGilbert in #739
- Update tier3.bicep Creation in correct Subscription by @LManning-Dev in #726
- Standard Firewall SKU update by @FabienGilbert in #740
- fixed Tier3 subnetPrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies error by @FabienGilbert in #742
- Update tier3.bicep Adding Defender configuration to Tier 3 by @LManning-Dev in #725
- IaaS DNS Forwarders by @FabienGilbert in #746
- tier3 deploy policy #727 by @LManning-Dev in #728
- Fix Tier3 Naming Convention - Add more flexibility and match mlz.bice… by @LManning-Dev in #730
- Generate uniqueData for Private Link resources in an idempotent manner by @BrandonSharp in #748
- Key Vault private endpoint, private dns integration and diagnostic settings by @FabienGilbert in #750
- Breaking NIST into NISTRev4 and NISTRev5 by @LManning-Dev in #751
- Fix IaaS DNS forwarders deployment with default extensions uri + more documentation by @FabienGilbert in #753
- Aks bicep module by @renato-marciano in #718
- Fixing Bicep deploy-time warnings by @BrandonSharp in #754
- Updates terraform tooling to the latest version by @Chambras in #755
- Bump hashicorp/setup-terraform from 1 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #759
- Update README.md by @joeycrack93 in #762
- IaaS Active Directory Domain Controllers Example by @FabienGilbert in #761
- Update mlz.json by @kyle-hoyer in #765
- Update defender.bicep by @kyle-hoyer in #775
- Linting fixes by @brooke-hamilton in #776
- Bump github/super-linter from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #768
- Bump hashicorp/setup-terraform from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #763
- Update README.md for IAAS-ActiveDirectory-Example by @kyle-hoyer in #777
- Removed the mlz-policheck-and-credscan ADO pipeline definition by @brooke-hamilton in #780
- Create AVD/README.md by @kyle-hoyer in #782
- Removed ADO pipelines by @brooke-hamilton in #784
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #786
- Bump hashicorp/setup-terraform from 2.0.3 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #788
- Pull Request to update Private Link / Private DNS Zones and Update Portal UI Selector in the mlz.portal.json by @mikedzikowski in #796
- Fixed URLs in deployment buttons by @jamasten in #798
- defender fix by @mikedzikowski in #802
- update buttons by @mikedzikowski in #803
- Update README.md by @mikedzikowski in #804
- Fixed dependency for remote access by @jamasten in #809
- Added pvt dns zone for azure automation by @jamasten in #811
- Added zero trust configs for storage & virtual machines by @jamasten in #815
- Update validate-build-bicep.yml by @mikedzikowski in #818
- Fixed version for OmsAgentForLinux by @jamasten in #821
- Updated resource prefix length to support resource names with shorter… by @jamasten in #823
- Added suffix to deployment name by @jamasten in #824
- Fixed pvt dns zones for recovery services by @jamasten in #828
- Updated key vault name for global uniqueness by @jamasten in #831
- Zta add on for esri by @mikedzikowski in #833
- Update README.md by @mikedzikowski in #834
- Fixed private DNS zone names by @jamasten in #836
- Updates to allow optional identity resources by @jamasten in #838
- Add Firewall Option for SKU #794 by @mikedzikowski in #839
- Moved CMK resources to HUB by @jamasten in #842
- Added AVD by @jamasten in #844
- Fixed URIs for blue buttons by @jamasten in #846
- Added template spec option by @jamasten in #848
- Updated links, Fixed default value by @jamasten in #849
- Updated the naming convention for consistency across resources and resource groups by @jamasten in #850
- MLZ Add-ons for ESRI by @Borg-GitHub in #853
- 854 esri documentation updates by @Borg-GitHub in #857
- 852 custom UI definition for avd to deploy arcgis pro hosts by @jamasten in #856
- Added fixes for pvt dns zone names by @jamasten in #859
- Fixed linter issues in mark down files by @jamasten in #860
- Fixed broken links by @jamasten in #862
- Fixed output for virtual machine vCPUs & null DNS servers by @jamasten in #864
- Added terraform deprecation message by @jamasten in #863
- Removed locations missing geo codes by @jamasten in #867
- Update validate-build-bicep.yml by @mikedzikowski in #896
- compiled bicep changes by @jamasten in #895
- Added network watcher to unique spokes by @jamasten in #902
- Fixed friendly name for AVD feed workspace by @jamasten in #904
- UI Enhancements for MLZ & AVD by @jamasten in #905
- Updated default networking throughout the repo by @jamasten in #916
- Imaging & Other Updates by @jamasten in #926
- Disabled BGP route propagation on spoke route tables by @jamasten in #932
- Mcsbfree by @jayhaddad in #933
- Dzikowski esrienterprise by @mikedzikowski in #934
- 935 update esri readmemd by @mikedzikowski in #936
- Update esri.md by @mikedzikowski in #942
- Add KV logs and re-adjust log analytics workspace retention/remove locks by @jayhaddad in #941
- Updates to support ESRI Accelerator by @jamasten in #945
- Updated networking documentation by @jamasten in #948
- update readme files and linter findings by @mikedzikowski in #950
- 843 tier 3 add on create UI definition with blue button deployments by @mikedzikowski in #951
- Added warning banner for Azure Policy by @jamasten in #953
- Fix def for cloud pricing api change for defenders for api by @jayhaddad in #954
- Update scca.md by @mikedzikowski in #955
- More Updates in Preparation for ESRI Single Click Deployment by @jamasten in #956
- Fixed broken link in README.md by @defendable-tor in #957
- updates to activity logs by @mikedzikowski in #959
- Updated address prefixes by @jamasten in #962
- add pip unique dns name and update container for artifacts in mgmt vm by @mikedzikowski in #964
- Fix for mgmt vm by @mikedzikowski in #966
- Revised defender for cloud plan logic by @jayhaddad in #960
- Update README.md by @tsweatman1 in #971
- Readme diagram by @mikedzikowski in #974
- Update README.md by @mikedzikowski in #975
- Update README.md by @tsweatman1 in #976
- Fixed subnet for storage private endpoints by @jamasten in #979
- Update deployment-guide-bicep.md by @mikedzikowski in #983
- Fixed VM names & supported clouds for diag settings by @jamasten in #985
- update ArcGISpro.zip UI by @mikedzikowski in #992
- AVD Updates: GPU VM sizes & agent name by @jamasten in #997
- Update esri.md by @mikedzikowski in #994
- security documentation updates by @sedmonds22 in #1007
New Contributors
- @brooke-hamilton made their first contribution in #14
- @shannawaz made their first contribution in #109
- @sstjean made their first contribution in #105
- @bspender made their first contribution in #121
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #253
- @Chambras made their first contribution in #257
- @dennispayne made their first contribution in #273
- @jftl6y made their first contribution in #288
- @lisamurphy-msft made their first contribution in #316
- @ExchMaster made their first contribution in #515
- @hymccord made their first contribution in #712
- @LManning-Dev made their first contribution in #722
- @FabienGilbert made their first contribution in #737
- @BrandonSharp made their first contribution in #748
- @renato-marciano made their first contribution in #718
- @joeycrack93 made their first contribution in #762
- @kyle-hoyer made their first contribution in #765
- @jamasten made their first contribution in #798
- @Borg-GitHub made their first contribution in #853
- @jayhaddad made their first contribution in #933
- @defendable-tor made their first contribution in #957
- @tsweatman1 made their first contribution in #971
- @sedmonds22 made their first contribution in #1007
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Azure/missionlz/commits/v1.0.0