- BIDMach and BIDMat libraries are succuessfully imported, and the Android app written in Scala can be compiled and deployed.
- We are able to monitor outputs from the app.
- We are able to transfer the data files to the android device and have the app access it.
- The RCV1 dataset appears to be too big to be loaded, or at least it did not finish loading in half an hour. Memory usage appears to be normal. This is the part that will be worked on next.
- If we reduce the size of the datasets, we can get them to load successfully.
- GLM learner works! (at least with the smaller datasets)
- OpenCL working (at least with some Adreno GPU SDK samples)
- Can now run custom OpenCL kernels through BIDMat
- JOCL wrapper library working
- OpenBLAS integrated. Back-filled BLAS routines for non-Intel machines.
- OpenCL SGEMM routine working and benchmarked. (~75 GFlops on Adreno 530, ~23 GFlops on Adreno 420)
- Back-fill omatcopy for QSML.
- Optimize ADAGrad with native implementation
- Integrate CLBlast + CLTune directly, to get full, performant BLAS functionality on OpenCL.
- Get boda working
- Optimize convolution kernels
- Flesh out OpenCL matrix and ND array implementations
Some benchmarks have been done for Qualcomm 805 and 820 boards. You can find them in the benchmarks/
Install Scala, sbt, cmake, Maven, the Android SDK, and the Android NDK.
git clone [email protected]:BIDData/BIDMach_Android.git
git clone [email protected]:BIDData/BIDMat.git
cd BIDMat
git checkout opencl
cd ..
For more details, see here: http://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/standalone_toolchain.html
$ANDROID_NDK/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh \
--platform=android-21 \
--toolchain=arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 \
In your ~/.bashrc
, add the following to your path.
# install [android-cmake](https://github.com/taka-no-me/android-cmake)
# Linux:
cd /usr/share/cmake-3.2/Modules/
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taka-no-me/android-cmake/master/android.toolchain.cmake
cd <development-base-directory>
git clone [email protected]:gpu/JOCL.git
git clone [email protected]:gpu/JOCLCommon.git
# Build the native OpenCL libraries for Android
mkdir build
cd build
# See [android-cmake] for extended parameter descriptions
cmake --build .
cd ..
# Build the .jar file
mvn clean install -DskipTests
# Copy the files into the correct locations
cp jocl-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ../BIDMat/lib/
cp jocl-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ../BIDMach_Android/app/libs/
cd ..
See (https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/wiki/How-to-build-OpenBLAS-for-Android) for more details.
git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git
cd OpenBLAS
make HOSTCC=gcc CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc NO_LAPACK=1 TARGET=ARMV7
make install PREFIX=../BIDMat/jni/src/openblas
cd ../BIDMat/jni/src/
cp openblas/lib/libopenblas.a ./
cp openblas/include/cblas.h include/openblas_cblas.h
cp openblas/include/openblas_config.h include/openblas_config.h
cd ../../../
Next, uncomment the sections in BIDMat/jni/src/jni/Android.mk
corresponding to OpenBLAS.
Download the (Qualcomm Snapdragon Math Libraries)[https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/snapdragon-math-libraries] and
For linux, you should download a file that looks like qsml-0.14.0.deb
and one like libsymphony-linux-1.0.0.deb
or something.
Extract and install the libraries:
ar p qsml-0.14.0.deb data.tar.gz | tar -xzv
cp qsml-0.14.0/opt/Qualcomm/QSML-0.14.0/lp64/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/libQSML-0.14.0.so BIDMat/jni/src/
cp qsml-0.14.0/opt/Qualcomm/QSML-0.14.0/lp64/arm-linux-androideabi/include/* BIDMat/jni/src/include/
# Symphony
ar p libsymphony-linux-1.0.0.deb data.tar.gz | tar -xzv
cp libsymphony/opt/Qualcomm/Symphony/1.0.0/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/libsymphony-1.0.0.so BIDMat/jni/src/
cp libsymphony/opt/Qualcomm/Symphony/1.0.0/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/libsymphony-cpu-1.0.0.so BIDMat/jni/src/
Next, uncomment the sections in BIDMat/jni/src/jni/Android.mk
corresponding to QSML.
cd BIDMat
# Fetch the dependencies
ARCH=linux-arm ./getdevlibs.sh
# Build the native libraries for BIDMat
cd jni/src
ndk-build clean
cd ../..
cp jni/src/libs/armeabi-v7a/*.so ../BIDMach_Android/app/src/main/libs/armeabi-v7a/
# Build BIDMat.jar
sbt package
cp BIDMat.jar ../BIDMach_Android/app/libs/
cd ..
cd BIDMach_Android/app
> android:run # run on the device
> android:package # build the .apk file (in target/android/output/)
> clean # clean build files
# watch the ouput
adb logcat BIDMach_Android:* *:S
# see any errors
adb logcat art:* System.out:* AndroidRuntime:* *:S
sbt android:package
./remote_test.sh # install the .apk on the remote device
./remote_log.sh # view the remote device's logcat
Note: Make sure that platformTarget in Android
in build.sbt
is set to the correct Android API level for whatever device/emulator you're using.
- Run
adb shell
to open a remote shell on the android device.
The following commands assume you're in the device shell already. This is not required, as one can simply issue adb shell <cmd>
to run shell commands as well.
- Run
am start -n com.BIDMach/.MainActivity
to run the app again - Run
pm uninstall com.BIDMach
to uninstall the app. - Run
to see current memory and cpu stats