This We will use "kmeans.ssc" included in the repository as example file. You can also use the same procedure for other BIDMach scripts that you might have.
Please clone and build BIDMach from this repository by using following commands
git clone
cd BIDMach
mvn package install
If you get compile errors you might need to rebuild the latest version of BIDMat first, with these commands
cd ..
git clone
cd BIDMat
mvn package install
Then rerun the previously failed commands
cd ..
git clone
cd BIDMach_Viz
mvn package
Here we use the kmeans.ssc script included in BIDMach_Viz as example.
Before the script look like this:
import BIDMach.models.KMeans.MatOptions
import BIDMat.{Mat,SBMat,CMat,DMat,FMat,IMat,HMat,GMat,GIMat,GSMat,SMat,SDMat}
import BIDMat.MatFunctions._
import BIDMat.SciFunctions._
import BIDMach.datasources._
import BIDMach.datasinks._
import BIDMach.updaters._
import BIDMach._
import BIDMach.ui.NetSink
val mat0 = rand(100, 100000)
val opts = new MatOptions
opts.dim = 256
opts.batchSize = math.min(100000, mat0.ncols/30 + 1)
opts.npasses = 1000
val nn = new Learner(
new MatSource(Array(mat0:Mat), opts),
new KMeans(opts),
new Batch(opts),
New we want add WebServerChannel as learner listener to the learner before the line nn.train
import BIDMach.ui.WebServerChannel = new WebServerChannel(nn)
WebServer takes a Learner instance as constructor argument.
Save the file. Now we can run it by first running a sbt console using
sbt console
Then load the file using
:load kmeans.ssc
The script will start running, eventually you will see this log
23:49:37.420 [run-main-0] INFO play.core.server.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000
After this the webserver has started and you can access the visualization UI by directing your browser to *http://localhost:10001/
You will see something like the above screen shot.
When the webapp is first launched, it establishes a websocket connection to /ws. All communication between the server and the javascript is done through this websocket. Below describes different messages that the server handles.
Client can send a message of this format:
methodName: <methodName>;
content: ...
The methodName refers the different methods that javascript wants to invoke in the client. The different methodName the server accepts are:
- addFunction
- pauseTraining
- modifyParam
- evaluateCommand
- getCode Below will describe what each of them do and what they accept as content.
methodName: "addFunction",
content: {
name: name,
code: code,
type: type
success: true,
data: ""
if succeeds, Or
success: false,
data: "error message"
if fails.
methodName: "pauseTraining",
content: <boolean>
Content is true to pause and false to resume. Returns: Nothing
methodName: "modifyParam",
content: {
// a map of key to newvalue
The server will iterate over that map and set the value using reflexion. Returns: Nothing
methodName: "evaluateCommand",
content: {
code: "// the command to evaluate"
Execute to the command inside of "code". Returns
success: boolean,
data: "string"
if success is true, then data is the result of the evaluation, if success is false, then the data is the error message returned
methodName: "evaluateCommand",
content: {
name : "name of the chart"
get the Scala code user originally submitted to server for the chart of name. Returns
success: boolean,
data: "scala code as string"
Server sends messages to client spontaneously on the following cases:
- on generating a new data point
- on run time message of the graph code
- sending requested parameters