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This project provides a ros2_control SystemInterface for mjbots pi3hat.
Huge thanks to Gabrael Levine and his version of pi3hat_hardware_interface for inspiration and making this work much more easier!

Software supports:

  • ☑️ Different kinds of controllers (for making wrapper for your kind of controller check below)
  • ☑️ Transmission interface (SimpleTransmission, FourBarLinkageTransmission and DifferentialTransmission)
  • ☑️ Simple transformation for IMU (z axis now points "up")
  • ☑️ 3 joint command interfaces:
    • position [radians]
    • velocity [radians/s]
    • effort [Nm]
  • ☑️ 4 joint state interfaces:
    • position [radians/s]
    • velocity [radians/s]
    • effort [Nm]
    • temperature [Celcius]
  • ☑️ 10 IMU state interfaces (ready to use for IMU Sensor Broadcaster):
    • orientation (x, y, z and w)
    • angular velocity (x, y, z) [radians/s]
    • linear acceleration (x, y, z) [m/s^2]

⚠️ IMPORTANT: User don't have to set up every command or state interface in xml file, but remeber to set up your controller accordingly e.g. in order to control velocity in moteus controller, u need to set up kp coefficient to 0.0.


  • Raspberry Pi 4 (more RAM the better)
  • pi3hat

Operating System

Dependencies (all for humble)


  1. Clone repo to your workspace:
git clone
  1. Create link to library bcm_host:
sudo ln /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
  1. Install dependencies:
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r
  1. Build (only works on Raspberry Pi):
colcon build --packages-select pi3hat_hardware_interface

Hardware parameters

Pi3hat options:

<ros2_control name="pi3hat_hardware_interface" type="system">
    <param name="imu_mounting_deg.yaw">0</param>
    <param name="imu_mounting_deg.pitch">0</param>
    <param name="imu_mounting_deg.roll">0</param>
    <param name="imu_sampling_rate">1000</param>

    <param name="can_1_fdcan_frame">true</param>
    <param name="can_1_automatic_retransmission">true</param>
    <param name="can_1_bitrate_switch">true</param>

    <param name="can_2_fdcan_frame">true</param>
    <param name="can_2_automatic_retransmission">true</param>
    <param name="can_2_bitrate_switch">true</param>

    <param name="can_3_fdcan_frame">true</param>
    <param name="can_3_automatic_retransmission">true</param>
    <param name="can_3_bitrate_switch">true</param>

    <param name="can_4_fdcan_frame">true</param>
    <param name="can_4_automatic_retransmission">true</param>
    <param name="can_4_bitrate_switch">true</param>

    <param name="can_5_fdcan_frame">true</param>
    <param name="can_5_automatic_retransmission">true</param>
    <param name="can_5_bitrate_switch">true</param>

imu_mounting_deg.* - IMU RPY mouting relative to fixed link [degrees]
imu_sampling_rate - IMU rate for attitude sampling (400 or 1000 are the best) [Hz]
can_X_fdcan_frame - Using FDCAN frame in X CAN bus [bool]
can_X_automatic_retransmission - Using automatic retransmission in X CAN bus [bool]
can_X_bitrate_switch - Using bitrate switch in X CAN bus [bool]

Controller/Motor options:

<joint name="joint_1">
  <param name="controller_type">moteus</param>
  <param name="controller_can_bus">1</param>
  <param name="controller_can_id">1</param>

  <param name="motor_direction">1</param>
  <param name="motor_position_offset">0.0</param>
  <param name="motor_position_max">500.0</param>
  <param name="motor_position_min">-500.0</param>
  <param name="motor_velocity_max">10.0</param>
  <param name="motor_torque_max">1.0</param>

  <command_interface name="position"/>
  <command_interface name="velocity"/>
  <command_interface name="effort"/>

  <state_interface name = "position"/>
  <state_interface name = "velocity"/>
  <state_interface name = "effort"/>
  <state_interface name = "temperature"/>


controller_type - Type of controller (now only moteus supported)
controller_can_bus - CAN bus which controller is connected
controller_id - Controller Id


Motor (not joint):

motor_direction - Motor direction (1 or -1)
motor_position_offset - Motor position offset, will be added to commanded position before sending to controller [radians]
motor_position_max/min - Motor max/min position [radians]
motor_velocity_max - Motor maximal velocity [radians]
motor_torque_max - Motor maximal torque [Nm]


Testing controller wrappers:

  1. Go to test/controllers
  2. Choose controller type directory
  3. Compile tests:
bash "type"
  1. Run tests:
sudo simple_wrapper_"type"_test
sudo single_wrapper_"type"_test
sudo double_wrapper_"type"_test

Testing hardware interface

  1. Go to test/urdf
  2. Choose urdfs with your controller type
  3. Edit urdf with your options
  4. Build project
  5. Source project
  6. Run:
  ros2 launch pi3hat_hardware_interface test_"amount"_"type"


Check out Gabrael Levine Troubleshooting.


Adding your controller

  1. Check include/controllers/wrappers/MoteusWrapper.hpp and src/controllers/wrappers/MoteusWrapper.cpp.
  2. Add third-party library to include/3rd_libs/.
  3. Add third-party party library to CMakelist.txt as add_library (like pi3hat and moteus).
  4. Create "Type"Wrapper.hpp file for your controller wrapper in include/controllers/wrappers.
  5. Add include path to "Type"Wrapper.hpp file in include/controllers/Controllers.hpp.
  6. Create "Type"Wrapper.cpp file with implementation in src/controllers/wrappers.
  7. Add your "Type"Wrapper.cpp file to library controllers in CMakelist.txt.
  8. Go to src/controllers/ControllerBridge.cpp.
  9. Add else if with your controller type as std::string with construction of your wrapper inside.
  10. Add comments to your code (check other source and header files).
  11. Add wrapper tests for wrapper in test/controllers/"type" (check tests for moteus).
  12. Add tests for pi3hat with your wrapper in test/urdf and test/bringup/launch (check tests for moteus).
  13. Run all tests.
  14. Create pull request with your code. Write description of your changes.

Other changes

  1. Change code.
  2. Run all tests.
  3. If all passed, create pull request with your code. Write description of your changes.


mjbots pi3hat hardware interface for ros2_control framework







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