The TInvar package provides a set of tools for canonicalization of expressions involving the Riemann tensor.
- To run this package you need to have xAct installed.
- TInvar is distributed as a Paclet that can be installed using PacletInstall. For example, to install the latest version from the Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit Paclet Server:
PacletSiteRegister["", "Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit Paclet Server"]
After installation, TInvar can be loaded using
<< xAct`TInvar`
Usage examples can be found in the documentation. This is available within the Documentation Center by selecting Help → Wolfram Documentation from then menu and searching for TInvar
TInvar was created by:
Kevin Kiely, Barry Wardell, Adrian Ottewill and José M. Martín-García.
It is based on Invar and Invar2, which were created by:
José M. Martín-García, David Yllanes, Renato Portugal and Leon Manssur.