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React Slipping List

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A swipeable and reorderable React list component


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Example Usage

import { SlippableList, SlippableListItem, ActionAnimations } from "react-slipping-list";

        swipeLeftContent={<div>Revealed During Swipe Left</div>}
        swipeRightContent={<div>Revealed During Swipe Right</div>}
        <div>Item Content</div>
    <SlippableListItem ... />
    <SlippableListItem ... />

Available props

{SlippableList, SlippableListItem, and ActionAnimations} are exported.

<SlippableList/> has no props

<SlippableListItem/> accepts many props, allowing list items to have independent trigger thresholds, onStart & onEnd events, swipeLeft & swipeRight revealed contents, etc... See full props list below

Note, for each Prop with "left" in the name, there is a corresponding "right" prop. For example, swipeLeftContent is listed below, so swipeRightContent also exists.

Props Description Type Default
swipeLeftContent content revealed during swipe left React Element <div />
swipeLeftThreshold on swipe end, if percentage swiped exceed this, trigger onSwipeLeftEndOverThreshold 0 <= num <= 1 0.5
swipeLeftContentPercentToFullOpacity percent of list item's width swiped for swipeLeftContent to reach full opacity 0 <= num <= 100 25
onSwipeLeftEnd triggers whenever swipe motion is released func ()=>{}
onSwipeLeftEndOverThreshold triggers when percentage of list item width swiped is greater than the swipeLeftThreshold func ()=>{}
onSwipeLeftEndOverThresholdAnimation On swipe over threshold, play a returning, removing, or NO animation ActionAnimations.RETURN, ActionAnimations.REMOVE, ActionAnimations.NONE ActionAnimations.REMOVE
onReorderStart self explanatory, note, start reordering by holding down an element for 500ms func ()=>{}
onReorderEnd self explanatory func ()=>{}
blockSwipe list item is not swipeable bool false
blockReorder list item does not trigger reorder on after 500ms hold down bool false
gap See Caveats, below num 0


If you desire space between your list items and smooth animations, I find using flexbox + gap, plus setting the gap property to gap to be the only, yet incomplete solution so far.

Margins on <SlippableListItem/> itself (by overriding the default scss) or on the children of a <SlippableListItem/> as a means to create space is not viable. Because, this makes the actual item larger.

So we must create space using the parent element with flexbox + gap. However, this means <CSSTransition> can't catch onto the gap, thus not creating the full deletion animation. So, I added margin-bottom: negative(half of the gap) to the exit nodes in <CSSTransition> and set transition: margin-bottom 500ms. This completes the animation, but there is a differentiable lag.


I studied the source code of two well written projects

  1. react-swipeable-list
  2. slip

I ended up borrowing a lot of syntaxes and implementation details (I never thought that instead of toggling multiple class names, I could directly set class names) from react-swipeable-list. And, for the logic that updates the scrollTop of the list during reordering, I copied directly from updateScrolling in slip.js.

I thought this was going to be a sweet one week project to make for my upcoming productivity app (this works well in a todolist). However, it stretched into a whole month in which I spent a good chunk of time learning about CI/CD. I eventually was able to implement semantic-release, and package bundlers plus everything in package.json actually makes sense now.


If only one node, reorder end calls "removeChild" error


  1. Gradually drop elements, as in React-Beautiful-DnD
  2. Animation speed prop
  3. Refactoring


A swipeable and reorderable React list component







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