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  • part of the gordian technology family

GordianWallet-iOS is an open source iOS Bitcoin wallet that connects via Tor V3 authenticated service to the full node of your choice, including: a bitcoind installed using either GordianServer-macOS or another Bitcoin Standup program such as Linux Scripts; a full-node box such as Nodl or Rasbiblitz; or a full-node service such as BTCpay. GordianWallet is a self-sovereign wallet, and self-sovereignty means that you get to decide.

GordianWallet allows for multiple wallet templates, including: legacy, SegWit-compatible, and SegWit-native hot wallets using a single signature (seed on iOS device); a warm wallet using multisig (seed on iOS device, keys on full node, offline seed, etc.); or a number of cold wallet templates that leverage PSBTs (Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions), such as cold offline seeds, third-party collaborative custody services, and various air-gapped hardware solutions using QR codes. GordianWallet can potentially support almost anything that can be described by a bitcoind descriptor.

GordianWallet-iOS is part of the Gordian system. Also see Gordian SeedTool, which expands on the Gordian principles by demonstrating how to make active use of keys in a largely offline manner.

Gordian Wallet app Home Screen Gordian Wallet app Home Screen

Additional Information

The Philosophy Behind GordianWallet

GordianWallet is intended for a sophisticated power user. It's a leading-edge platform that experiments with modern Bitcoin technologies to create a powerful new architecture with features not found in other mobile wallets. Though it can be used as a professional wallet for your use, it's primarily intended as a demonstration of functionality that other companies can integrate into their own apps as an open source reference implementation of functionality.

Even more cutting-edge technology is planned for the future, including collaborative custody models, airgapped technologies such as Blockchain Commons' #LetheKit for offline signing using QR codes, and methodologies for social-key recovery.

Gordian Principles

Gordian Wallet is a reference implementation meant to display the Gordian Principles, which are philosophical and technical underpinnings to Blockchain Commons' Gordian technology. As noted above, this includes:

  • Independence. GordianWallet allows you to maintain your funds on a closely held mobile wallet.
  • Privacy. A Torgap ensures the safety of connections between your wallet and server.
  • Resilience. A two-of-three multisig with keys held on wallet, server, and off-line minimizes Single Points of Failure or Compromise.
  • Openness. GordianWallet links to a full-node server as well as an entire ecosystem of services and microservices.

Here's some more details on how architectural decisions were made to support these principles:

  1. Self-sovereign Interactions. Supports Independence & Openness. Classic mobile wallets usually talked to a full node chosen by the wallet developer and owned/controlled by someone else. GordianWallet instead allows you to choose a full node, either one created using a setup process such as #BitcoinStandup and run by yourself, or a service offered by a provider that you select: self-sovereign means you get to decide. (You can use Blockchain Commons' full-node server for beta testing, but you should migrate to a protected server for real money transactions.)

  2. Protected Communications. Supports Privacy. All of the communications in GordianWallet are protected by the latest version of Tor, which provides two-way authentication of both the server and your wallet. Unlike traditional use of the soon-to-be-deprecated SPV protocol, which reveals that you're accessing the Bitcoin network, Tor simply shows that you're engaging in private onion communications. It's safer when you're in a hostile state, and it's safer in your local coffee shop.

  3. Multi-sig Protections. Supports Resilience. Finally, GordianWallet ensures that your private keys are protected from the most common adversary: loss. Its 2-of-3 multi-sig system leaves one key on the server, one on your mobile wallet, and one in safe off-line storage. If you lose your phone or your server, you can still rebuild from the other two. (The Blockchain Commons #SmartCustody system talks more about how to protect off-line keys.)

Blockchain Commons apps do not phone home and do not run ads. Some are available through various app stores; all are available in our code repositories for your usage.

Status — Early Beta

GordianWallet is currently under active development and in early beta testing phase. It should be used on Bitcoin testnet to gain familiarity with how the wallet works, and most importantly to practice deleting and recovering wallet. For a detailed checklist to test critical functionality please see our [Testing](./Docs/Testing


  • iOS 13
  • A Bitcoin Core full node v0.20.0 (at minimum) which is running on Tor with rpcport exposed to a Tor V3 hidden service, such as a GordianServer-macOS or one created by the Bitcoin Standup Linux Scripts. Your node does not need to be an archive node, thus you can save space by being setup as a pruned full node.

Installation Instructions

GordianWallet can be installed from source.

To install from source:

  • $ brew install carthage
  • $ git clone
  • $ cd GordianWallet-iOS/XCode
  • double click GordianWallet.xcodeproj

You can then run the app either on your mac, iPhone or a simulator.

Please only use the app on testnet!

To help us improve GordianWallet, please share crash reports and give us feedback. Want a feature added? Tell us about it.

Linking to a Full Node

When you install GordianWallet, you will need to link it to the full node of your choice.

Gordian Wallet has been tested with GordianServer-macOS and with our Bitcoin Standup Linux scripts, which install your own personal bitcoin-core and Tor services.

GordianWallet should also work with any properly configured Bitcoin Core 0.20.0 node with a hidden service controlling rpcport via localhost, including full node devices such as Nodl or RaspiBlitz, or full nodes installed by other services such as BTCPayServer. These full nodes can be connected by clicking a link or scanning a QR code.

Please refer to their telegram groups for simple instructions on linking to these servers or services:

Usage Instructions

Please see our features document for full information on how to use Gordian Wallet once it's installed.

Afterward, you may also want to read about how it all works.

Origin, Authors, Copyright & Licenses

Unless otherwise noted (either in this / or in the file's header comments) the contents of this repository are Copyright © 2020 by Blockchain Commons, LLC, and are licensed under the spdx:BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License.

In most cases, the authors, copyright, and license for each file reside in header comments in the source code. When it does not, we have attempted to attribute it accurately in the table below.

This table below also establishes provenance (repository of origin, permalink, and commit id) for files included from repositories that are outside of this repo. Contributors to these files are listed in the commit history for each repository, first with changes found in the commit history of this repo, then in changes in the commit history of their repo of their origin.

File From Commit Authors & Copyright (c) License
exception-to-the-rule.c or exception-folder 2020 Exception Author MIT


Financial Support

Gordian Wallet is a project of Blockchain Commons. We are proudly a "not-for-profit" social benefit corporation committed to open source & open development. Our work is funded entirely by donations and collaborative partnerships with people like you. Every contribution will be spent on building open tools, technologies, and techniques that sustain and advance blockchain and internet security infrastructure and promote an open web.

To financially support further development of Gordian Wallet and other projects, please consider becoming a Patron of Blockchain Commons through ongoing monthly patronage as a GitHub Sponsor. You can also support Blockchain Commons with bitcoins at our BTCPay Server.

Project Sponsors

Thanks to our project sponsors for their support of Gordian Wallet:

Blockchainbird is a free and open source software toolset with a manual to build an extra guarantee layer on existing database systems. It is free to use and adapt to your own needs. Smartphones and smart custody arranged? Then Bird gives wings to projects that are labeled as blockchain, but can in fact be implemented with databases.


We encourage public contributions through issues and pull-requests! Please review for details on our development process. All contributions to this repository require a GPG signed Contributor License Agreement.


The best place to talk about Blockchain Commons and its projects is in our GitHub Discussions areas.

Gordian User Community. For users of the Gordian reference apps, including Gordian Coordinator, Gordian Seed Tool, Gordian Server, Gordian Wallet, and SpotBit as well as our whole series of CLI apps. This is a place to talk about bug reports and feature requests as well as to explore how our reference apps embody the Gordian Principles.

Blockchain Commons Discussions. For developers, interns, and patrons of Blockchain Commons, please use the discussions area of the Community repo to talk about general Blockchain Commons issues, the intern program, or topics other than those covered by the Gordian Developer Community or the Gordian User Community.

Other Questions & Problems

As an open-source, open-development community, Blockchain Commons does not have the resources to provide direct support of our projects. Please consider the discussions area as a locale where you might get answers to questions. Alternatively, please use this repository's issues feature. Unfortunately, we can not make any promises on response time.

If your company requires support to use our projects, please feel free to contact us directly about options. We may be able to offer you a contract for support from one of our contributors, or we might be able to point you to another entity who can offer the contractual support that you need.


GordianWallet is a professional mobile wallet that can be used by you for your cryptocurrency needs, but it's also an example that shows the latest in wallet technology and that can be used to inspire your own wallet designs, per the license above.

The team responsible for designing and developing this app are:

Christopher Allen, Principal Architect. Christopher has been working on open web architectures since the early ’90s, with a focus on security, privacy, cryptography, and standards. He is the founder of Blockchain Commons and Rebooting the Web of Trust and a member of the W3 Credentials Community Group. His recent focus is on engines of trust, specifically blockchains, digital assets, smart contracts, smart signatures, and decentralized self-sovereign identity..

Peter Denton, Project Lead. Creator of Fully Noded. Tor and Bitcoin enthusiast who is passionate about building censorship resistant, user empowering Bitcoin software to promote self sovereignty.

You can contact them at:

Name Role Github Email GPG Fingerprint
Christopher Allen Principal Architect @ChristopherA <[email protected]> FDFE 14A5 4ECB 30FC 5D22 74EF F8D3 6C91 3574 05ED
Peter Denton Project Lead @Fonta1n3 <[email protected]> 3B37 97FA 0AE8 4BE5 B440 6591 8564 01D7 121C 32FC

You can add your name here by getting involved — the first step is to learn how to contribute from our documentation.

Responsible Disclosure

We want to keep all our software safe for everyone. If you have discovered a security vulnerability, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. We are unfortunately not able to offer bug bounties at this time.

We do ask that you offer us good faith and use best efforts not to leak information or harm any user, their data, or our developer community. Please give us a reasonable amount of time to fix the issue before you publish it. Do not defraud our users or us in the process of discovery. We promise not to bring legal action against researchers who point out a problem provided they do their best to follow the these guidelines.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Please report suspected security vulnerabilities in private via email to [email protected] (do not use this email for support). Please do NOT create publicly viewable issues for suspected security vulnerabilities.

The following keys may be used to communicate sensitive information to developers:

Name Fingerprint
Christopher Allen FDFE 14A5 4ECB 30FC 5D22 74EF F8D3 6C91 3574 05ED

You can import a key by running the following command with that individual’s fingerprint: gpg --recv-keys "<fingerprint>" Ensure that you put quotes around fingerprints that contain spaces.