As cloudron team has not the right to plublish piracy related applications I decided to create myself custom apps.
This repository includes:
- Jellyseerr cloudron app
- Prowlarr cloudron app
- Radarr cloudron app
- Nzbget cloudron app
- Sonarr cloudron app
All docker image are available on docker hub: Docker Hub
Those apps are custom so unfortunately automatic updates are not possible. Thus, I will need to update manually docker's images on every update. I will try my best but you can still make a PR with updates.
⚠ Alaways install the applications wil the greatest version image.
for example jbrichez/cloudron-jellyseerr
greatest is 0.5
, so install jbrichez/cloudron-jellyseerr:0.5
with cloudron cli.
If not cloudron CLI will installs the latest
version which is not valid. Why ? Because cloudron internal registry need a tagged's image version other from latest
to be able to update version when new image is out.
You need to install Cloudron CLI: here. After you need to connect the CLI to your cloudron instance.
To install any custom app below, you need to move to app's folder then:
cloudron install --image [DOCKER IMAGE NAME]
as said here in the doc.
You need to be in the folder of the app you want to install before running the command. Because cloudron CLI needs to read CloudronManifest.json
You will need to create:
- (1) volume as nzbget download folder
- (2) volume as your movies library for jellybin
- (3) (optional) volume as your series library for jellyfin
Here is the guide to create cloudron volume: guide.
I recommand to choose "Filesystem" mount type when you create the volumes.
To connect a volume to an specific app, go app's settings, then "storage" tab and "mount" options on right panel.
You will need to:
- connect (1) and (2) to Radarr's App.
- connect (1) to nzbget app.
- connect (2) to jellybin app.
- (optional) connect (3) to jellyfin app.
You can mount volumes to app in the app's settings and "storage" tab.
You will need to have the internal IP of your container when you will connect services together. To get private IP you need to connect to you VPS.
Get your container's name:
docker ps - a
Find the cloudron network's name (some of time: cloudron):
docker network ls
List ip of all containers connected to network:
docker network inspect cloudron
Jellyseerr is a free and open source software application for managing requests for your media library.
Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular *arr .net
Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
NZBGet is a binary downloader, which downloads files from Usenet based on information given in nzb-files.
Go to the app's file manager (available in app's settings).
Create a config
folder then create a nzbget.conf
file and copy/past the content of nzbget.conf
Modify inside the file, set:
topath of your mounted volume
If you have an error in the logs telling that the app didn't have access to app data, try running on your host:
chown -R cloudron /app/data/config