Automatically login to HaloWaypoint and collect the daily login REQ pack. Powered by Taiko.
The project is named after Knight Prevalos, a Halo 5 Warzone boss.
$ git clone
$ cd prevalos/
$ npm install
$ export XBOX_LOGIN_EMAIL="[email protected]"
$ npm start
# Use '$ npm start -- --observe' to see it live in a browser
Use a scheduler such as cron for daily execution. For example, to run every day at midnight, add the following to your crontab:
0 0 * * * npm start --prefix /path/to/prevalos
Alternatively, you can use Heroku and the Heroku Scheduler to deploy it and forget about it:
- Add logging.
- Validate email address before running.
- Open REQ pack and log contents.
Pull requests welcome, or [submit an issue])