A simple Shopify API client in PHP.
The canoncial repository for this stream of development is https://github.com/TeamOffshoot/shopify-php
This API Client is still in a pre-1.0 state, so you can expect:
- some bugs (feel free to submit a pull request with bug fixes and test coverage)
- possibly some breaking API changes between v0.10 and v1.0
- PHP 5.3 (or higher)
- ext-curl, ext-json
- phpunit/phpunit 3.7
Install shopify-php via Composer
Create a composer.json
file if you don't already have one in your projects
root directory and require shopify-php:
"require": {
"offshoot/shopify-php": "0.10.x"
To learn more about Composer, including the complete installation process, visit http://getcomposer.org/
If you're using a cURL based HttpClient like the CurlHttpClient
, you will want
to include the cacert.pem file that can be found at
You can add this as a dependency in your composer file. Your composer.json
might look something like this:
"require": {
"offshoot/shopify-php": "0.10.x",
"haxx-se/curl": "1.0.0"
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "haxx-se/curl",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dist": {
"url": "http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem",
"type": "file"
You will be able to find the cacert.pem file in vendor/haxx-se/curl/cacert.pem
If you do not already have a Shopify API Permanent Access Token, you will need you authenticate with the Shopify API first
$pathToCertificateFile = "vendor/haxx-se/curl/cacert.pem";
$httpClient = new \Shopify\HttpClient\CurlHttpClient($pathToCertificateFile);
$redirector = new \Shopify\Redirector\HeaderRedirector();
$authenticate = new \Shopify\Api\AuthenticationGateway(
$httpClient, $redirector
->usingClientId('XXX1234567890') // get this from your Shopify Account
->withScope(array('write_products', 'read_orders'))
This will redirect your user to a Shopify login screen where they will need to authenticate with their Shopify credentials. After doing that, Shopify will perform a GET request to your redirect URI, that will look like:
GET http://wherever.you/like?code=TEMP_TOKEN
Your application will need to capture the code
query param from the request
and use that to get the permanent access token from Shopify
$client = new Shopify\Api\Client($httpClient);
// validate the Shopify Request
if ($client->isValidRequest($_GET)) {
// exchange the token
$permanentAccessToken = $authenticate->forShopName('mycoolshop')
Once you have a valid Shopify Permanent Access Token, you can start making calls to the Shopify API
First setup an instance of the Shopify API client.
$client = new \Shopify\Api\Client($httpClient);
Then you're ready to start interacting with the Shopify API. Maybe you want to get all of the products from your store
$products = $client->get('/admin/products.json', array(
'collection_id' => '987654321'
Maybe you want to get the details of a specific order
$order = $client->get('/admin/orders/123456789.json');
Or maybe you want to create a new Order
$order = $client->post('/admin/orders.json', array(
'order' => array(
'line_items' => array(
0 => array(
'grams' => 1300,
'price' => 74.99,
'quantity' => 3,
'title' => "Big Brown Bear Boots",
'tax_lines' => array(
0 => array(
'price' => 29.25,
'rate' => 0.13,
'title' => "HST",
'transactions' => array(
0 => array(
'amount' => 254.22,
'kind' => "sale",
'status' => "success",
'total_tax' => 29.25,
'currency' => "CAD",
Contributions are welcome. Just fork the repository and send a pull request. Please be sure to include test coverage with your pull request. You can learn more about Pull Requests here
In order to run the test suite, ensure that the development dependencies have been installed via composer. Then from your command line, simple run:
vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/
This library is released under the MIT License
Thanks to Sandeep Shetty for his development of the initial code base.