This is a speedy how-to, intended on getting you started with GitHub.
Check accounts needed:
- Gmail, or other account used for email identity
- GitHub account
- create one, using your email identity.
- you can create one at:
Check software needed:
- GitHub Desktop.
- You can find this at:
- NodeJS (for
the NodeJS package manager).- You can find this at:
- GitHub Desktop.
Are you in a workshop?
The Workshopper at the front will be working to this presentation
You'll learn about:
- What a repository is
- Why using a repository is a good idea
- What Git is
- What GitHub is
- What GitHub Desktop is
- What Forking is
- What Cloning is
- What it means to commit to a repository
- What it means to fetch, pull and push to a repository
- Keeping unwanted files out of your repository
- What GitHub knows about you, and how you can make your GitHub profile a honeypot for recruiters.
You'll play around with a repository:
- Forking and Cloning
- Changing, committing, pushing and pulling
- Collaborating
You'll publish some wireframes to Github Pages.