Massive csv importer for WooCommerce WP plugin
- Drop files inside WP root directory and replace all.
- Activate plugin called: "WooCommerce Product Shortlinks Importer".
- Go to menu: Tools / Woo ProdShort Importer.
- Select file to import, use configuration according it and upload.
- Review columns and import.
- Wait until process finish. It does ajax request until finish.
Folder: wp_modified/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-prodshort/
Name: WooCommerce Product Shortlinks Importer
Menu: Tools / Woo ProdShort Importer.
CSV sample: attached.
What it does: Add custom field "short_link" with provided value.
Folder: wp_modified/wp-content/themes/glammy/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/
File: simple.php
Changes from original: Removed button and quantities, added direct link referencing product custom field.
See attached LICENSE
Copyright 2015 Ciro Pedrini - All rights reserved.