A simple framework for solving optimization problems by simulated annealing.
Pathfinder solves the k-Vehicle Routing Problem using simulated annealing at https://github.com/csse497/pathfinder-routing. We couldn't find any existing frameworks we liked and it was simple enough to implement, so we created our own.
Available on Maven.
You will need to implement the SearchState<T>
interface. It defines only one method, T step()
, which should return a randomly chosen deviation from the current state. Also, you will need to implement the Problem<T>
interface, which initializes a state and evaluates the energey of states.
You will need to choose a Scheduler
implementation, which determines the speed and shape of the annealing process. We provide two built-in options, LinearDecayScheduler
and ExponentialDecayScheduler
Finally, just create a Solver
and call solve!
Scheduler scheduler = new LinearDecayScheduler(INITIAL_TEMPERATURE, NUMBER_OF_STEPS);
Problem<VRPSearchState> problem = new VehicleRoutingProblem(...);
Solver<VRPSearchState> solver = new Solver(problem, scheduler);
VRPSearchState solution = solver.solve();