##What is CWColorPicker
CWColorPicker is a cross-platform color picker, and provide almost all colors like Adobe PhotoShop. It support Windows, iOS and will support more platforms
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##How to use it
###For Windows You need to add the windows project to your solution and add a refrence to you own project, so that you can use the CWColorPicker control.
You can use it in Xaml or C# code.
In Xaml:
after add xmlns refrence, you can add the control in Xaml code
<cw:CWColorPicker Width="500" Height="500" Background="Gray" ColorSelected="CWColorPicker_ColorSelected"/>
###For iOS To use the control, you need to add the CWColorPicker floder to your own project. After do that, you can use this control in your app.
Add .h refrence
#import "CWColorPicker.h"
init the control in you project, you can get the color result by two methods, including Block and Delegate
_colorPicker = [[CWColorPicker alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(SCREEN_WIDTH/2-100, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-200, 200, 200)];
there are two methods,including block and delgate. you need to choice one method to use.
_colorPicker.delegate = self;
[self setBlock:_colorPicker];
[self.view addSubview:_colorPicker];
##Feedback & Qusetion
You can send email to me or report an issue in this project.
[email protected]