Downloader for live streams, replay videos and clips of Chzzk.
Downloader for Chzzk live streams
Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00
- [Mandatory] Latest version of Streamlink. (Requires Streamlink 6.8.0 or higher)
- [Mandatory] Latest version of FFmpeg. (Requires FFmpeg 7.0 or higher)
ChzzkLiveDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i ID] [-u [UID]] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
[--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-q [QUALITY]] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--once ONCE] [--stream [STREAM]]
[--final [FINAL]] [--custom [CUSTOM]] [--offset OFFSET] [--duration DURATION]
[--detect [DETECT]] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]] [--work-user [WORK_USER]]
[--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]] [--out-user [OUT_USER]] [--out-pass [OUT_PASS]]
[--temp [TEMP]] [--temp-user [TEMP_USER]] [--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]]
[--category [CATEGORY]] [--exist [EXIST]] [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc]
[--rpcbaseport [RPCPORT]] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--thumb [THUMB]] [--startup [STARTUP]]
[--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]
-h, --help Show this help message
--version Show version information
-i, --id ID Set streamer configuration id
-u, --uid [UID] Set streamer unique identifier
-a, --auth [AUTH] Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT] Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-q, --quality [QUALITY] Set target quality to download (e.g. 1080p)
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--once ONCE Download a live stream only once
--stream [STREAM] Set stream retrieving method (standard|timemachine)
--final [FINAL] Set finalization method (bypass|convert|cleanup|cconvert|ccleanup)
--custom [CUSTOM] Set custom finalize options (applicable only to cconvert|ccleanup)
--offset OFFSET Set amount of time to skip from the beginning of the stream
--duration DURATION Set the maximum stream duration to download
--detect [DETECT] Set detection interval (default: 60, 1-600)
--name [NAME] Set output filename format
--work [WORK] Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT] Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER] Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS] Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP] Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY] Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST] Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcbaseport [RPCPORT] Set base port of JSON-RPC server (default: 62000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--thumb [THUMB] Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP] Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS] Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset Reset all settings
ChzzkLiveDownloader -i 2 --thumb save --detect 30 --work work --out out --temp temp
Downloader for Chzzk replay videos
- [Mandatory] Latest version of Streamlink. (Requires Streamlink 6.8.0 or higher)
- [Mandatory] Latest version of FFmpeg. (Requires FFmpeg 7.0 or higher)
Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00
ChzzkVideoDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
[--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-q [QUALITY]] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--final [FINAL]]
[--custom [CUSTOM]] [--info INFO] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]]
[--work-user [WORK_USER]] [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]]
[--out-user [OUT_USER]] [--out-pass [OUT_PASS]] [--temp [TEMP]]
[--temp-user [TEMP_USER]] [--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]] [--category [CATEGORY]]
[--exist [EXIST]] [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]]
[--rpcport [RPCPORT]] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--download [DOWNLOAD]]
[--limit [LIMIT]] [--thumb [THUMB]] [--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]]
video Video number or URL to download
-h, --help Show this help message
--version Show version information
-i, --input INPUT Set the download list file
-a, --auth [AUTH] Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT] Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-q, --quality [QUALITY] Set target quality to download (e.g. 1080p)
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--final [FINAL] Set finalization method (bypass|convert|cleanup|cconvert|ccleanup, applicable only when downloading UPLOAD type)
--custom [CUSTOM] Set custom finalize options (applicable only to cconvert|ccleanup)
--info INFO Retrieve video information without downloading
--name [NAME] Set output filename format
--work [WORK] Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT] Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER] Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS] Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP] Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY] Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST] Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID] Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 30)
--rpcport [RPCPORT] Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 63000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--download [DOWNLOAD] Set download method (default|atxc|alter)
--limit [LIMIT] Set max download speed (e.g., 512K, 10M, 1G, default: 0)
--thumb [THUMB] Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP] Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS] Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset Reset all settings
ChzzkVideoDownloader 1602969 --thumb save --work work --out out --temp temp
Downloader for Chzzk clips
Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00
ChzzkClipDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
[--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--info INFO] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]]
[--work-user [WORK_USER]] [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]] [--out-user [OUT_USER]]
[--out-pass [OUT_PASS]] [--temp [TEMP]] [--temp-user [TEMP_USER]]
[--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]] [--category [CATEGORY]] [--exist [EXIST]]
[--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]] [--rpcport [RPCPORT]]
[--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--download [DOWNLOAD]] [--limit [LIMIT]] [--thumb [THUMB]]
[--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]
clip Clip UID or URL to download
-h, --help Show this help message
--version Show version information
-i, --input INPUT Set the download list file
-a, --auth [AUTH] Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT] Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--info INFO Retrieve clip information without downloading
--name [NAME] Set output filename format
--work [WORK] Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT] Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER] Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS] Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP] Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY] Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST] Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID] Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 50)
--rpcport [RPCPORT] Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 64000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--download [DOWNLOAD] Set download method (default|atxc|alter)
--limit [LIMIT] Set max download speed (e.g., 512K, 10M, 1G, default: 0)
--thumb [THUMB] Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP] Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS] Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset Reset all settings
ChzzkClipDownloader C46IcpG11p --thumb save --work work --out out --temp temp
Finalizer for Chzzk transport streams
Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00
ChzzkTransportFinalizer [-h] [--version] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--work [WORK]] [--work-user [WORK_USER]]
[--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--watch [WATCH]] [--watch-user [WATCH_USER]]
[--watch-pass [WATCH_PASS]] [--convert [CONVERT]] [--exist [EXIST]]
[--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]] [--rpcport [RPCPORT]]
[--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]
-h, --help Show this help message
--version Show version information
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--work [WORK] Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--watch [WATCH] Set watching directory
--watch-user [WATCH_USER] Set username to use when watching directory is on remote network
--watch-pass [WATCH_PASS] Set password to use when watching directory is on remote network
--convert [CONVERT] Set convert parameters
--exist [EXIST] Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID] Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 70)
--rpcport [RPCPORT] Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 65000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--startup [STARTUP] Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS] Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset Reset all settings
ChzzkTransportFinalizer --work work --watch out
Please kindly read Release Notes.
Please kindly read CREDITS.
Please kindly read AUTHORS.