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Chzzk Downloader Suite

Downloader for live streams, replay videos and clips of Chzzk.


Chzzk Live Downloader

Downloader for Chzzk live streams

(This image may not reflect the latest information.)


Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00

Prerequisites For Executables

  • [Mandatory] Latest version of Streamlink. (Requires Streamlink 6.8.0 or higher)
  • [Mandatory] Latest version of FFmpeg. (Requires FFmpeg 7.0 or higher)


ChzzkLiveDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i ID] [-u [UID]] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
                    [--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-q [QUALITY]] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--once ONCE] [--stream [STREAM]]
                    [--final [FINAL]] [--custom [CUSTOM]] [--offset OFFSET] [--duration DURATION]
                    [--detect [DETECT]] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]] [--work-user [WORK_USER]]
                    [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]] [--out-user [OUT_USER]] [--out-pass [OUT_PASS]]
                    [--temp [TEMP]] [--temp-user [TEMP_USER]] [--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]]
                    [--category [CATEGORY]] [--exist [EXIST]] [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc]
                    [--rpcbaseport [RPCPORT]] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--thumb [THUMB]] [--startup [STARTUP]]
                    [--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]


-h, --help              Show this help message
--version               Show version information
-i, --id ID             Set streamer configuration id
-u, --uid [UID]         Set streamer unique identifier
-a, --auth [AUTH]       Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT       Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES       Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT]         Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes               Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-q, --quality [QUALITY] Set target quality to download (e.g. 1080p)
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--once ONCE             Download a live stream only once
--stream [STREAM]       Set stream retrieving method (standard|timemachine)
--final [FINAL]         Set finalization method (bypass|convert|cleanup|cconvert|ccleanup)
--custom [CUSTOM]       Set custom finalize options (applicable only to cconvert|ccleanup)
--offset OFFSET         Set amount of time to skip from the beginning of the stream
--duration DURATION     Set the maximum stream duration to download
--detect [DETECT]       Set detection interval (default: 60, 1-600)
--name [NAME]           Set output filename format
--work [WORK]           Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT]             Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER]   Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS]   Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP]           Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY]   Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST]         Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc                   Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcbaseport [RPCPORT] Set base port of JSON-RPC server (default: 62000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT     Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--thumb [THUMB]         Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP]     Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS]   Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset                 Reset all settings


ChzzkLiveDownloader -i 2 --thumb save --detect 30 --work work --out out --temp temp

Chzzk Video Downloader

Downloader for Chzzk replay videos

(This image may not reflect the latest information.)

Prerequisites For Executables

  • [Mandatory] Latest version of Streamlink. (Requires Streamlink 6.8.0 or higher)
  • [Mandatory] Latest version of FFmpeg. (Requires FFmpeg 7.0 or higher)


Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00


ChzzkVideoDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
                     [--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-q [QUALITY]] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--final [FINAL]]
                     [--custom [CUSTOM]] [--info INFO] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]]
                     [--work-user [WORK_USER]] [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]]
                     [--out-user [OUT_USER]] [--out-pass [OUT_PASS]] [--temp [TEMP]]
                     [--temp-user [TEMP_USER]] [--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]] [--category [CATEGORY]]
                     [--exist [EXIST]] [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]]
                     [--rpcport [RPCPORT]] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--download [DOWNLOAD]]
                     [--limit [LIMIT]] [--thumb [THUMB]] [--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]]

Positional Arguments

video                   Video number or URL to download


-h, --help              Show this help message
--version               Show version information
-i, --input INPUT       Set the download list file
-a, --auth [AUTH]       Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT       Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES       Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT]         Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes               Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-q, --quality [QUALITY] Set target quality to download (e.g. 1080p)
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--final [FINAL]         Set finalization method (bypass|convert|cleanup|cconvert|ccleanup, applicable only when downloading UPLOAD type)
--custom [CUSTOM]       Set custom finalize options (applicable only to cconvert|ccleanup)
--info INFO             Retrieve video information without downloading
--name [NAME]           Set output filename format
--work [WORK]           Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT]             Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER]   Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS]   Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP]           Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY]   Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST]         Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc                   Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID]         Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 30)
--rpcport [RPCPORT]     Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 63000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT     Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--download [DOWNLOAD]   Set download method (default|atxc|alter)
--limit [LIMIT]         Set max download speed (e.g., 512K, 10M, 1G, default: 0)
--thumb [THUMB]         Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP]     Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS]   Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset                 Reset all settings


ChzzkVideoDownloader 1602969 --thumb save --work work --out out --temp temp

Chzzk Clip Downloader

Downloader for Chzzk clips

(This image may not reflect the latest information.)


Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00


ChzzkClipDownloader [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT] [-a [AUTH]] [--authaut AUTHAUT] [--authses AUTHSES]
                    [--adult [ADULT]] [-y] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--info INFO] [--name [NAME]] [--work [WORK]]
                    [--work-user [WORK_USER]] [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--out [OUT]] [--out-user [OUT_USER]]
                    [--out-pass [OUT_PASS]] [--temp [TEMP]] [--temp-user [TEMP_USER]]
                    [--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS]] [--category [CATEGORY]] [--exist [EXIST]]
                    [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]] [--rpcport [RPCPORT]]
                    [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--download [DOWNLOAD]] [--limit [LIMIT]] [--thumb [THUMB]]
                    [--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]

Positional Arguments

clip                    Clip UID or URL to download


-h, --help              Show this help message
--version               Show version information
-i, --input INPUT       Set the download list file
-a, --auth [AUTH]       Set Chzzk authentication credential control method (reuse|reissue|ignore)
--authaut AUTHAUT       Set auth key of Chzzk authentication credential
--authses AUTHSES       Set session key of Chzzk authentication credential
--adult [ADULT]         Set the process method for adult contents when credentials are invalid (ask|skip)
-y, --yes               Set any confirmation values to 'yes' automatically
-d, --display [DISPLAY] Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--info INFO             Retrieve clip information without downloading
--name [NAME]           Set output filename format
--work [WORK]           Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER] Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS] Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--out [OUT]             Set output directory
--out-user [OUT_USER]   Set username to use when output directory is on remote network
--out-pass [OUT_PASS]   Set password to use when output directory is on remote network
--temp [TEMP]           Set temporary directory
--temp-user [TEMP_USER] Set username to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--temp-pass [TEMP_PASS] Set password to use when temporary directory is on remote network
--category [CATEGORY]   Set output categorize method (none|streamer)
--exist [EXIST]         Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD] Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc                   Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID]         Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 50)
--rpcport [RPCPORT]     Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 64000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT     Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--download [DOWNLOAD]   Set download method (default|atxc|alter)
--limit [LIMIT]         Set max download speed (e.g., 512K, 10M, 1G, default: 0)
--thumb [THUMB]         Save thumbnail image or skip (save|skip)
--startup [STARTUP]     Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS]   Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset                 Reset all settings


ChzzkClipDownloader C46IcpG11p --thumb save --work work --out out --temp temp

Chzzk Transport Finalizer

Finalizer for Chzzk transport streams

(This image may not reflect the latest information.)


Version 1.16.0, March 03, 2025 00:00:00


ChzzkTransportFinalizer [-h] [--version] [-d [DISPLAY]] [--work [WORK]] [--work-user [WORK_USER]]
                        [--work-pass [WORK_PASS]] [--watch [WATCH]] [--watch-user [WATCH_USER]]
                        [--watch-pass [WATCH_PASS]] [--convert [CONVERT]] [--exist [EXIST]]
                        [--threshold [THRESHOLD]] [--rpc] [--rpcid [RPCID]] [--rpcport [RPCPORT]]
                        [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--startup [STARTUP]] [--settings [SETTINGS]] [--reset]


-h, --help                Show this help message
--version                 Show version information
-d, --display [DISPLAY]   Set display mode (quiet|simple|fluent|all)
--work [WORK]             Set working directory
--work-user [WORK_USER]   Set username to use when working directory is on remote network
--work-pass [WORK_PASS]   Set password to use when working directory is on remote network
--watch [WATCH]           Set watching directory
--watch-user [WATCH_USER] Set username to use when watching directory is on remote network
--watch-pass [WATCH_PASS] Set password to use when watching directory is on remote network
--convert [CONVERT]       Set convert parameters
--exist [EXIST]           Set how to save when the target file already exists (rename|skip|overwrite)
--threshold [THRESHOLD]   Set the threshold % for stopping downloads when disk space is low (disable: -, default: 10, 3-50)
--rpc                     Activate JSON-RPC server
--rpcid [RPCID]           Set ID of JSON-RPC server (default: 70)
--rpcport [RPCPORT]       Set port of JSON-RPC server (default: 65000, 49152-65300)
--snapshot SNAPSHOT       Save snapshot to a JSON file whenever changing status
--startup [STARTUP]       Set startup method (normal|fast)
--settings [SETTINGS]     Set action when saving settings (default|skip|quit)
--reset                   Reset all settings


ChzzkTransportFinalizer --work work --watch out


Please kindly read Release Notes.


Please kindly read CREDITS.


Please kindly read AUTHORS.