A change that will cause existing functionality to change or fail
Something isn't working as expected
Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
Changes that don't modify source code or tests
Changes to continuous integration
Changes or features specific to the Dart programming language
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Issues or changes related to third-party dependencies or external integrations
Looking for help on this ticket from the community
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
This issue contains detailed steps to reproduce the issue
This is currently being looked into to understand the cause/scope
This issue lacks sufficient details and further information in needed
No changes related to bug fixes and feature requests
Critical issues such as a build break or regression
High-priority issues at the top of the work list
Important issues not at the top of the work list
Issues that we currently consider unimportant
Changes that improve performance
Further information is requested
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor add a feature
Changes that reverts a previous commit
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
Changes that add missing tests or correcting existing tests