Work on Nako is continued on blockcore see here
A server application to index Blockchain transactions by addresses for Bitcoin and Altcoins.
Nako exposes a REST api to query the blockchain data.
Nako api can be searched by segwit addresses and Cold-Staking (hot and cold key) script types.
CoinVault uses Nako as a block Explorer, Nako is lightweight and uses mongodb to index transactions by addresses.
- dotnet core (and blazor)
- NBitcoin and Stratis.Bitcoin
- Running a full Bitcoin/Altcoin node either daemon or qt
- Running a MongoDB instance as indexing storage
- OWIN selfhost REST api easily documented using swagger
We user docker (with docker-compose)
Can be found here:
Swagger http://[server-url]:[port]/swagger/
GET /api/query/address/{address}
GET /api/query/address/{address}/confirmations/{confirmations}/unspent/transactions
GET /api/query/address/{address}/unspent/transactions
GET /api/query/address/{address}/unspent
GET /api/query/block/Latest/{transactions}
GET /api/query/block/{blockHash}/{transactions}
GET /api/query/block/Index/{blockIndex}/{transactions}
GET /api/query/transaction/{transactionId}
GET /api/stats
GET /api/stats/peers
Checkout an experimental blazor ui