A cross-platform Minecraft P2P online multi-player library in C#, developed using high-performance sockets for excellent forwarding performance, with P2P powered by the Zerotier SDK.
Proudly powered by another of our open-source projects: Hive.Framework
Function | Status |
Server : Log Room Ops Info to local DB |
✅ |
Server : Client/Room management |
✅ |
Server : Relay Server management |
✅ |
Relay : Relay Server impl based on Hive |
✅ |
Client : ZT based P2P connection |
✅ |
Client : ZT based Relay connection |
✅ |
Client : ConnectX based Relay connection |
✅ |
We are using the MSDI(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection) as our DI container. The best practice is to use .NET Generic Host
for you program.
First, add the following method for the Server Config. ConnectXServerIp
will be the Backend address for the ConnectX.Server.
private static IClientSettingProvider GetConnectXSettings()
var serverIp = IPAddress.None;
var ips = Dns.GetHostAddresses(ConnectXServerIp);
var ipv4Addresses = ips
.Where(ip => ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
.Where(ip => !ip.IsLocalIpAddress())
if (ipv4Addresses.Length > 0)
serverIp = ipv4Addresses[0];
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Logger.Error(ex, "Failed to resolve ConnectX server IP.");
return new DefaultClientSettingProvider
ServerAddress = serverIp,
ServerPort = ConnectXServerPort,
JoinP2PNetwork = true
Then, just add one more line to complete the setup!
private static void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ...
+ services.UseConnectX(GetConnectXSettings);
// ...
Inject IServerLinkHolder
and Client
into the VM where you want to manage the room instances.
await _serverLinkHolder.ConnectAsync(CancellationToken.None);
Please make sure that before you perform any room operations, you need to make sure you already connected to the ConnectX server!
await TaskHelper.WaitUntilAsync(() => _serverLinkHolder is { IsConnected: true, IsSignedIn: true });
var message = new CreateGroup
UserId = _serverLinkHolder.UserId,
RoomName = createRoomRecord.RoomName,
RoomDescription = createRoomRecord.RoomDescription,
RoomPassword = createRoomRecord.RoomPassword,
IsPrivate = createRoomRecord.IsPrivateRoom,
MaxUserCount = 3
var (groupInfo, status, err) = await _multiPlayerClient.CreateGroupAsync(message, CancellationToken.None);
if (groupInfo == null || status != GroupCreationStatus.Succeeded || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
// Error process
_multiPlayerClient.OnGroupStateChanged += MultiPlayerClientOnGroupStateChanged;
// Other actions
MIT. This means that you can modify or use our code for any purpose, however, copyright notice and permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of your software.
ConnectX is not affiliated with Mojang or any part of its software.
Here, we'll list all programs using our code without obeying the MIT License.