Countly Version 24.05.21
1585 commits
to master
since this release
- [core] Fixed a bug causing events to not being loaded when there's an escaped character in the event name
- [gridfs] fixes for moving to Promises
- [reports] Fixes report generation failure due to SSL error
- [surveys] "Select one" text in the widget can be edited now
- [system-utility] Fixed: Mongo error (code: 26) in some Countly instances when the profiler gets run for the first time
- Bump countly-sdk-nodejs from 24.10.0 to 24.10.1
- Bump countly-sdk-web from 24.11.2 to 24.11.4
- Bump express-rate-limit from 7.4.1 to 7.5.0
- Bump puppeteer from 23.10.4 to 23.11.1
- Bump sass from 1.81.0 to 1.83.4