This is a public feed based on Public Threat Feeds and CRITICAL PATH SECURITY gathered data. This feed will be updated as often as possible.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running.
- ZEEK 3.0 or greater
Install Zeek Dependencies
sudo apt-get install cmake make gcc g++ flex bison libpcap-dev libssl-dev python-dev swig zlib1g-dev
Clone the repository into /opt
cd /opt
git clone --recursive
./configure && make && sudo make install
Install Zeek
./configure && make && sudo make install
Clone the repository into /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds
cd /opt
git clone /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds
echo "@load Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds" >> /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/local.zeek
Navigate to /usr/local/zeek/bin/
./zeekctl deploy
A simple bash script can be used for updates. An example is shown below.
vi /opt/
Add the following:
cd /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds && git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
git clean -df
Make the script executable.
chmod +x /opt/
Make the following cron entry for 24 hour updates.
5 * * * * sh /opt/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Logs will be written to: