Releases: CrowdStrike/falcon-installer
Releases · CrowdStrike/falcon-installer
What's Changed
- fix: handle Amazon Linux OS name and version filtering by @redhatrises in #41
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0
What's Changed
- feat: add uninstall capability by @redhatrises in #36
- feat: add maintenance token support for uninstalls by @redhatrises in #37
- fix: use logging for errors in prevalidation by @redhatrises in #38
- feat: grab maintenance token from API if keys are provided by @redhatrises in #39
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- feat: add pkg tests by @redhatrises in #18
- feat: add VDI and linux image creation support by @redhatrises in #19
- chore: enable unit tests in CI by @redhatrises in #20
- chore: add license make target and apply to .go files by @redhatrises in #21
- fix: silence usage when there is a cli config error by @redhatrises in #22
- feat: add macos support to utils packages by @redhatrises in #23
- feat: check for missing license headers by @redhatrises in #25
- feat: break out falcon api calls into their own package by @redhatrises in #24
- fix: minor typos and fixes by @redhatrises in #28
- feat: add falconctl package by @redhatrises in #27
- chore: add configure-image flag for windows for consistency by @redhatrises in #29
- feat: add API function to get maintenance token by @redhatrises in #30
- feat: add initial macos support by @redhatrises in #31
- feat: allow AccessToken to be passed via CLI by @redhatrises in #32
- chore: only show supported sensor args for macos by @redhatrises in #34
- refactor: update retry handling when another process installing packages by @redhatrises in #33
- fix: sensor updates policies should be optional by @redhatrises in #35
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- fix: provide systemctl cmnd through PATH and return err if in local dir by @redhatrises in #9
- feat: check macos privs by @redhatrises in #10
- refactor: small fixes by @redhatrises in #11
- feat: implement CLI in cobra and viper by @redhatrises in #12
- cleanup: remove golangci exclude by @redhatrises in #13
- feat: add support for more Windows args by @redhatrises in #14
- cobra Windows cli updates and retry install by @redhatrises in #15
- chore: remove deprecated ubuntu14 code by @redhatrises in #16
- feat: update proxy code and configuration by @redhatrises in #17
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
What's Changed
- fix: handle short name for gov cloud until support in SDK by @redhatrises in #8
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- fix ProvWaitTime arg and default value handling by @redhatrises in #7
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- update gofalcon version by @redhatrises in #1
- upload binaries as part of release by @redhatrises in #3
- Fix typo and move windows sensor arg map by @redhatrises in #2
- Add ability to retrieve the provisioning token from the API by @redhatrises in #4
- windows fixes and updates by @redhatrises in #5
- fix typo by @redhatrises in #6
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.2.0
- Initial release
Full Changelog: