This document provides a step-by-step guide to setting up and running the Cyoda AI Chat application, which is a Django-based chat application leveraging AI for enhanced user interaction with Cyoda.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Docker
- Git
Follow these steps to install and run the Cyoda AI Chat application:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd cyoda-ai-chat
- Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t chat_app .
- Run the Docker container:
docker run -p 31179:8000 chat_app
- Apply database migrations:
find . | grep -E "(/__pycache__$|\.pyc$|\.pyo$)" | xargs rm -rf
python3 migrate
- Start the Django development server:
python3 runserver
Once the application is running, you can interact with it using the following API endpoints:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/return-data'
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/chat-clear?id=9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "entity": "net.cyoda.saas.model.TenderEntity", "input":"{\"id\":\"1\",\"date\":\"2019-07-16\",\"deadline_date\":\"2019-07-25\",\"deadline_length_days\":\"9\",\"title\":\"SustitucindeduchasdelosbaosdelpasilloCyDdelaResidenciaJuvenilBaltasarGracian\",\"category\":\"constructions\",\"sid\":\"3996914\",\"src_url\":\"https\",\"src_final_url\":\"https\",\"awarded_value\":\"20252.00\",\"awarded_currency\":\"EUR\",\"purchaser\":{\"id\":\"1\",\"sid\":null,\"name\":null},\"type\":{\"id\":\"minor-contract\",\"name\":\"Minorcontract\",\"slug\":\"minor-contract\"},\"notices\":[{\"id\":null,\"sid\":null,\"date\":\"2019-08-30\",\"type\":{},\"src_id\":null,\"src_url\":null,\"data\":{\"date\":\"2019-08-30\",\"type\":\"AnunciodeAdjudicacin\"},\"sections\":[]},{\"id\":null,\"sid\":null,\"date\":\"2019-07-16\",\"type\":{},\"src_id\":null,\"src_url\":null,\"data\":{\"date\":\"2019-07-16\",\"type\":\"AnunciodeLicitacin\"},\"sections\":[]}],\"awarded\":[{\"date\":\"2019-08-07\",\"suppliers_id\":\"1\",\"count\":\"1\",\"value\":\"20252.00\",\"suppliers_name\":\"GESTIMAX,GestinyServicios,S.L.\",\"suppliers\":[{\"id\":\"1\",\"slug\":\"gestimax-gestion-y-servicios-s-l\",\"name\":\"GESTIMAX,GestinyServicios,S.L.\"}],\"offers_count\":2,\"offers_count_data\":{\"2\":{\"count\":1,\"value\":\"20252.00\"}},\"value_for_one\":0,\"value_for_two\":20252,\"value_for_three\":20252}]}"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/initial
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "question": "how to write a loop in js", "return_object":"random"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/chat
{"answer":"To write a loop in JavaScript, you can use the following constructs:\n\n1. For Loop:\n The for loop is used to iterate a block of code a specific number of times.\n\n Syntax:\n ```javascript\n for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {\n // code to be executed\n }\n ```\n\n Example:\n ```javascript\n for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {\n console.log(i);\n }\n ```\n\n2. While Loop:\n The while loop is used to execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.\n\n Syntax:\n ```javascript\n while (condition) {\n // code to be executed\n }\n ```\n\n Example:\n ```javascript\n var i = 0;\n while (i < 5) {\n console.log(i);\n i++;\n }\n ```\n\n3. Do...While Loop:\n The do...while loop is similar to the while loop, but the condition is checked after executing the block of code. This means that the code will always be executed at least once.\n\n Syntax:\n ```javascript\n do {\n // code to be executed\n } while (condition);\n ```\n\n Example:\n ```javascript\n var i = 0;\n do {\n console.log(i);\n i++;\n } while (i < 5);\n ```\n\nThese are the basic loop constructs in JavaScript. You can choose the one that suits your specific use case."}
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "question": "Edit the script - if notices date is null the default date is 12-01-01. Do not return any comments just the code", "return_object":"code"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/chat
{"answer":"```javascript\nvar notices = [];\nvar Notice = Java.type('net.cyoda.saas.model.Notice');\n\n// Add notices from input\nfor (var i = 0; i < input.notices.length; i++) {\n var notice = new Notice();\n notice.setId(input.notices[i].id != null ? input.notices[i].id : 0);\n notice.setDate(input.notices[i].date != null ? input.notices[i].date : \"12-01-01\");\n notice.setType(input.notices[i].type != null ? input.notices[i].type : \"Unknown type\");\n notices.push(notice);\n}\n\nentity.setNotices(notices);\n```"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "question": "Edit the script - if notices date is null the default date is 12-01-01.", "return_object":"script"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/chat
{"script":{"body":"var notices = [];\nvar Notice = Java.type('net.cyoda.saas.model.Notice');\n\n// Add notices from input\nfor (var i = 0; i < input.notices.length; i++) {\n var notice = new Notice();\n notice.setId(input.notices[i].id != null ? input.notices[i].id : 0);\n notice.setDate(input.notices[i].date != null ? input.notices[i].date : \"12-01-01\");\n notice.setType(input.notices[i].type != null ? input.notices[i].type : \"Unknown type\");\n notices.push(notice);\n}\nentity.setNotices(notices);\n","inputSrcPaths":["notices/*/name","notices/*/id","notices/*/sid","notices/*/date","notices/*/type","notices/*/srcId","notices/*/srcUrl","notices/*/data"]}}
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "question": "Add column mapping for date", "return_object":"columns"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/mappings/chat
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/connections/return-data'
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/connections/chat-clear?id=9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b'
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"9bcfef68-fdfc-4468-a0a1-21b2804d560b", "question": "write an endpoint for cats", "return_object":"endpoints"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/connections/chat
List of topics: mappings, connections, workflows
GET /prompts/<topic>/<user>/: Returns all prompts for a user in a topic.
GET /prompts/<topic>/<user>/<index>/: Returns a specific prompt for a user in a topic.
POST /prompts/<topic>/<user>/: Adds a new prompt for a user in a topic.
DELETE /prompts/<topic>/<user>/<index>/: Deletes a specific prompt for a user in a topic.
- Add a new prompt:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"prompt": "1"}' http://localhost:8000/api/v1/prompts/topic1/userA/
- Get all prompts for a user in a topic:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/prompts/topic1/userA/
- Get a specific prompt for a user in a topic:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/prompts/topic1/userA/0/
- Delete a specific prompt for a user in a topic:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/api/v1/prompts/topic1/userA/0/
If you encounter any issues, please check the application logs for error messages. If the problem persists, please contact the support team.
If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with clear messages.
- Push your changes to your fork.
- Submit a pull request detailing your changes.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.