I've upgraded to Guzzle v6 now.
- For php 5.3: see the php53 branch. You will need to supply your own
implementation. - For php 5.4: see the php54-guzzle5 branch.
composer require "cytracom/package-hubspot-apptoken": "master"
Or add to your composer.json file
"cytracom/package-hubspot-apptoken": "master"
All following examples assume this step.
Note: hubspot api keys are deprecated. You need to pass your private app token.
$hubspot = Fungku\HubSpot\HubSpotService::make('private-app-token');
$contact = $hubspot->contacts()->getByEmail("[email protected]");
echo $contact->properties->email->value;
// Get an array of 10 contacts
// getting only the firstname and lastname properties
// and set the offset to 123456
$response = $hubspot->contacts()->all([
'count' => 10,
'property' => ['firstname', 'lastname'],
'vidOffset' => 123456,
Working with the data is easy!
foreach ($response->contacts as $contact) {
echo sprintf(
"Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,
// Info for pagination
echo $response->{'has-more'};
echo $response->{'vid-offset'};
or if you prefer to use array access?
foreach ($response['contacts'] as $contact) {
echo sprintf(
"Contact name is %s %s." . PHP_EOL,
// Info for pagination
echo $response['has-more'];
echo $response['vid-offset'];
Now with response methods implementing PSR-7 ResponseInterface
$response->getStatusCode() // 200;
$response->getReasonPhrase() // 'OK';
// etc...
Just drop your app token into the secrets.php and run the example to see data.
php example.php
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