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Work with web services (Salesforce, Google, and pretty much everything on the internet) directly from Excel

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VBA-Web makes working with complex webservices and APIs easy with VBA on Windows and Mac. It includes support for authentication, automatically converting and parsing JSON, working with cookies and headers, and much more.

Getting started

  • Download the latest release (v4.0.0-rc.1)
  • To install/upgrade in an existing file, use VBA-Web - Installer.xlsm
  • To start from scratch on Excel, VBA-Web - Blank.xlsm has everything setup and ready to go

For more details see the Wiki


The following examples demonstrate using the Google Maps API to get directions between two locations.

GetJSON Example

Function GetDirections(Origin As String, Destination As String) As String
    ' Create a RestClient for executing requests
    ' and set a base url that all requests will be appended to
    Dim MapsClient As New RestClient
    MapsClient.BaseUrl = ""
    ' Use GetJSON helper to execute simple request and work with response
    Dim Resource As String
    Dim Response As RestResponse
    Resource = "directions/json?origin=" & Origin & "&destination=" & Destination & "&sensor=false"
    Set Response = MapsClient.GetJSON(Resource)
    ' => GET https://maps.../api/directions/json?origin=...&destination=...&sensor=false
    ProcessDirections Response
End Function

Public Sub ProcessDirections(Response As RestResponse)
    If Response.StatusCode = Ok Then
        Dim Route As Dictionary
        Set Route = Response.Data("routes")(1)("legs")(1)

        Debug.Print "It will take " & Route("duration")("text") & _
            " to travel " & Route("distance")("text") & _
            " from " & Route("start_address") & _
            " to " & Route("end_address")
        Debug.Print "Error: " & Response.Content
    End If
End Sub

There are 3 primary components in Excel-REST:

  1. RestRequest for defining complex requests
  2. RestClient for executing requests
  3. RestResponse for dealing with responses.

In the above example, the request is fairly simple, so we can skip creating a RestRequest and instead use the Client.GetJSON helper to GET json from a specific url. In processing the response, we can look at the StatusCode to make sure the request succeeded and then use the parsed json in the Data parameter to extract complex information from the response.

RestRequest Example

If we wish to have more control over the request, the following example uses RestRequest to define a complex request.

Function GetDirections(Origin As String, Destination As String) As String
    Dim MapsClient As New RestClient
    ' ... Setup client using GetJSON Example
    ' Create a RestRequest for getting directions
    Dim DirectionsRequest As New RestRequest
    DirectionsRequest.Resource = "directions/{format}"
    DirectionsRequest.Method = httpGET
    ' Set the request format -> Sets {format} segment, content-types, and parses the response
    DirectionsRequest.Format = json
    ' (Alternatively, replace {format} segment directly)
    DirectionsRequest.AddUrlSegment "format", "json"
    ' Add parameters to the request (as querystring for GET calls and body otherwise)
    DirectionsRequest.AddParameter "origin", Origin
    DirectionsRequest.AddParameter "destination", Destination
    ' Force parameter as querystring for all requests
    DirectionsRequest.AddQuerystringParam "sensor", "false"
    ' => GET https://maps.../api/directions/json?origin=...&destination=...&sensor=false
    ' Execute the request and work with the response
    Dim Response As RestResponse
    Set Response = MapsClient.Execute(DirectionsRequest)
    ProcessDirections Response
End Function

Public Sub ProcessDirections(Response As RestResponse)
    ' ... Same as previous examples
End Sub

The above example demonstrates some of the powerful feature available with RestRequest. Some of the features include:

  • Url segments (Replace {segment} in resource with value)
  • Format (json and url-encoded) for content-type and converting/parsing request and response
  • Parameters and QuerystringParams
  • Body
  • Cookies
  • Headers

For more details, see the RestRequest page in with Wiki

Authentication Example

The following example demonstrates using an authenticator with Excel-REST to query Twitter. The TwitterAuthenticator (found in the authenticators/ folder) uses Twitter's OAuth 1.0a authentication and details of how it was created can be found in the Wiki.

Function QueryTwitter(query As String) As RestResponse
    Dim TwitterClient As New RestClient
    TwitterClient.BaseUrl = ""
    ' Setup authenticator
    Dim TwitterAuth As New TwitterAuthenticator
    TwitterAuth.Setup _
        ConsumerKey:="Your consumer key", _
        ConsumerSecret:="Your consumer secret"
    Set TwitterClient.Authenticator = TwitterAUth
    ' Setup query request
    Dim Request As New RestRequest
    Request.Resource = "search/tweets.{format}"
    Request.Format = json
    Request.Method = httpGET
    Request.AddParameter "q", query
    Request.AddParameter "lang", "en"
    Request.AddParameter "count", 20
    ' => GET
    '    Authorization Bearer Token... (received and added automatically via TwitterAuthenticator)
    Set QueryTwitter = TwitterClient.Execute(Request)
End Function

For more details, check out the Wiki and Examples

Release Notes



  • Add Request.RequestFormat, Request.ResponseFormat, and Request.Accept for setting separate request and response formats (e.g. form-urlencoded request with json response)
  • Add LogRequest and LogResponse for better logging detail (enable with RestHelpers.EnableLogging = True)
  • Allow headers and content-type to be set in authenticator BeforeExecute
  • 3.1.1 Fix importing class incorrectly as module bug
  • 3.1.2 Add XML and plain text formats
  • 3.1.3 Fix hard dependency for XML
  • 3.1.4 Fix logging in PrepareProxyForHttpRequest


  • Add Client.GetJSON and Client.PostJSON helpers to GET and POST JSON without setting up request
  • Add AfterExecute to IAuthenticator (Breaking change, all IAuthenticators must implement this new method)
  • 3.0.1 Add DigestAuthenticator, new helpers, and cleanup
  • 3.0.2 Switch timeout to Long and remove RestClientBase (out of sync with v3)
  • 3.0.3 Update OAuth1, deprecate IncludeCacheBreaker, update True/False formatting to lowercase, add LinkedIn example
  • 3.0.4 Fix formatting of parameters with spaces for OAuth1 and add logging
  • 3.0.5 Allow Array and Collection for Body in Request.AddBody and Client.PostJSON
  • 3.0.6 Convert Empty to null for json
  • 3.0.7 Add install.bat script for easy installation and upgrade


  • Add form-urlencoded format and helpers
  • Combine Body + Parameters and Querystring + Parameters with priority given to Body or Querystring, respectively


  • Add cookies support with Request.AddCookie(key, value) and Response.Cookies
  • 2.2.1 Add Response.Headers collection of response headers


  • Add Microsoft Scripting Runtime dependency (for Dictionary support)
  • Add RestClient.SetProxy for use in proxy environments
  • 2.1.1 Use Val for number parsing in locale-dependent settings
  • 2.1.2 Add raw binary Body to RestResponse for handling files (thanks @berkus)
  • 2.1.3 Bugfixes and refactor


  • Remove JSONLib dependency (merged with RestHelpers)
  • Add RestClientBase for future use with extension for single-client applications
  • Add build scripts for import/export
  • New specs and bugfixes
  • 2.0.1 Handle duplicate keys when parsing json
  • 2.0.2 Add Content-Length header and 408 status code for timeout


Major Changes:

  • Integrate Excel-TDD to fully test Excel-REST library
  • Handle timeouts for sync and async requests
  • Remove reference dependencies and use CreateObject instead


  • Add cachebreaker as querystring param only
  • Add Join helpers to resolve double-slash issue between base and resource url
  • Only add "?" for querystring if querystring will be created and "?" isn't present
  • Only put parameters in body if there are parameters


  • Add async support


  • Design based heavily on the awesome RestSharp
  • Author: Tim Hall
  • License: MIT


Work with web services (Salesforce, Google, and pretty much everything on the internet) directly from Excel






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  • Visual Basic .NET 100.0%