kubegen is a simple command line Kubernetes manifest generator. Instead of copy&pasting from the documentation, or trying to write the manifest from scratch are time consuming and error-prone. It's point is to provide a simple fast generator as a starting point mainly for quick POCs.
Run go install github.com/DavidZisky/kubegen@latest
kubegen - a simple Kubernetes manifests generator
kubegen [flags]
kubegen [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deployment Generate a deployment manifesto
help Help about any command
ingress Generate a ingress manifest
service Generate a service manifest
version Print the version number of kubegen
-h, --help help for kubegen
--log-level string Output level of logs (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
Use "kubegen [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Most flags can be used across commands. For instance to generate a stack of manifests for an app called "echo", one could run:
kubegen deployment --name echo --port 80
kubegen service --name echo --port 80
kubegen ingress --name echo --port 80