Fork with updated LeapSDK and OpenVR. Refer to parent repository for base project installation.
- Install base project driver
- Grab latest release for your platform
- Extract files to "<your_drive_letter>:/Program Files/SteamVR Leap Motion driver/leap/bin/<your_platform>"
- Open solution in Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017
- Build your platform:
- x64 - build output is in "<solution_folder>/x64"
- x86 - build output is in "<solution_folder>/Win32"
- Copy build files to "SteamVR Leap Motion driver/leap/bin/<your_platform>":
- driver_leap.dll
- gesture_checker.exe
- leap_monitor.exe
- Copy additional shared libraries to "SteamVR Leap Motion driver/leap/bin/<your_platform>":
- vendor/LeapSDK/lib/<your_platform>/Leap.dll
- vendor/openvr/bin/<your_platform>/openvr_api.dll
- Copy control_config.xml and profile.json from solution root to "SteamVR Leap Motion driver/leap/bin/<your_platform>"
You can set restrictions by editing control_config.xml in corresponding driver folder.
Game profiles are enabled automatically when game is started from Steam. Available game profiles:
- vrchat - profile for VRChat. Control restrictions are ignored.
Game gestures:- Gun - corresponding hand gesture
- V-shape - corresponding hand gesture
- Point - corresponding hand gesture
- Rock out - corresponding hand gesture
- Thumbs up - corresponding hand gesture
- Spread hand - corresponding hand gesture. Also corresponds to grip button.
- Trigger - grab gesture
- Application menu - formed T-shape with two hands
- default - profile for other games.
Gestures:- Trigger - bending of the index finger
- Grip - grab gesture
- System menu - formed T-shape with two hands
- Application menu - hand with palm directed towards face
- Touchpad - Thumb press
- Touchpad circle - index finger of hand directed to palm of another hand
Sometimes installation of base project driver doesn't register driver folder for SteamVR. To manually add it:
- Open console as administrator in SteamVR/bin/win32 (or SteamVR/bin/win64 if you have 64-bit OS) and execute command:
vrpathreg adddriver "path_to_leap_folder"
- Check if driver folder is added by calling 'vrpathreg' without any arguments
- Open steamvr.vrsettings in Steam/config folder and add line in "steamvr" section:
"activateMultipleDrivers": true,