Storybook Addon to display code related to a story. Framework agnostic
Install the plugin into your project
npm install storybook-code-panel --save
Register it in your addons.js
file in your Storybook config directory
import 'storybook-code-panel/register'
Set global settings in your config.js
file in your Storybook config directory
import { addParameters } from '@storybook/html'; // Replace `html` with your framework (e.g) react, vue, etc
storybookCodePanel: {
// Disable by default, enable per story
disabled: true,
// For file extensions that don't match Prism language name, map file extension to language
// See list at:
extensionMapping: {
hbs: 'handlebars'
// Optional, when auto-adding files specify allowed file extensions and the order to display
allowedExtensions: [
'hbs', 'scss', 'css','js', 'json'
In your stories
The createParams
method can be used to automatically load file list
It takes of parameter of a Webpack context to find the files.
For example, require.context('!!raw-loader!../', false, /^((?!stories).)*$/)
will load all files in the parent directory (../
), without subdirectories, and excluding filenames containing "stories".
They will also be loaded using the raw-loader
(prefixed with raw-loader!
) ignoring all other webpack loaders (with the !!
import storybookCodePanel from 'storybook-code-panel';
export default {
title: 'Elements|Simple/Button',
parameters: {
storybookCodePanel: storybookCodePanel.createParams(require.context('!!raw-loader!../', false, /^((?!stories).)*$/))
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html'; // Replace `html` with your framework (e.g) react, vue, etc
import storybookCodePanel from 'storybook-code-panel';
storiesOf('Elements|Simple/Button', module)
storybookCodePanel: storybookCodePanel.createParams(require.context('!!raw-loader!../', false, /^((?!stories).)*$/))
The parameters can also be specified manually
import storybookCodePanel from 'storybook-code-panel';
export default {
title: 'Elements|Simple/Button',
parameters: {
storybookCodePanel: {
disabled: false,
files: [
fileName: 'button.hbs',
// Not needed if file extension was mapped globally, or file extension matches Prism language key
language: 'handlebars',
code: require('!!raw-loader!../button.hbs')
fileName: '_button.scss',
code: require('!!raw-loader!../button.scss')
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html'; // Replace `html` with your framework (e.g) react, vue, etc
import storybookCodePanel from 'storybook-code-panel';
storiesOf('Elements|Simple/Button', module)
storybookCodePanel: {
disabled: false,
files: [
fileName: 'button.hbs',
// Not needed if file extension was mapped globally, or file extension matches Prism language key
language: 'handlebars',
code: require('!!raw-loader!../button.hbs')
fileName: '_button.scss',
code: require('!!raw-loader!../button.scss')