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MustAwaitAnalyzer is a roslyn analyzer that enforces the use of await when calling methods that return:

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Requires Unity 2021.1.2f1 or later. You can add to Package Manager.

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DENA008: Must use await

Item Value
Category DenaUnityAnalyzers
Enabled True
Severity Error
CodeFix False

Analysis Targets

Examples are provided below:

// bad
namespace BadCase
    public class Task1
        Task Task_NoAsync() => Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported

        public Task UseNoAsync()
            Task_NoAsync(); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported
        Action<object> action = (object obj) => {};
        public async Task Hoge()
            new Task(action, "a"); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported

// good
namespace GoodCase
    public class Task1
        async Task Task_NoAsync() => await Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008, "Must use await" is not reported

        public async Task UseNoAsync()
            await Task_NoAsync(); // DENA008, "Must use await" is not reported
        Action<object> action = (object obj) => {};
        public async Task Hoge()
            await new Task(action, "a"); // DENA008, "Must use await" is not reported

NOTE1: The following types are not analyzed:

NOTE2: If the last method in a method chain is named Terminate or Forget, the analysis does not take place.

static async UniTask HogeAsync()
    await Task.Run(() => {});

static void TerminateCase()
    HogeAsync(); // DENA008 is reported due to missing await
    HogeAsync().GetAwaiter(); // DENA008 is reported due to missing await
    HogeAsync().GetAwaiter().Terminate(); // Nothing is reported
    HogeAsync().GetAwaiter().Forget(); // Nothing is reported

NOTE3: If a method call directly references a property that is an analysis target, the property reference is analyzed instead of the method call.

// bad
public async static Task<Task> BadPropertyCase()
    var p = new Program();
    p.Example(); // DENA008 is reported
    return p.Example().Result; // Result returns Task, hence DENA008 is reported

public async Task<Task> Example()
    return await new Task<Task>(null);

// good
public async static Task<int> GoodPropertyCase()
    var p = new Program();
    p.Example(); // DENA008 is reported
    return p.Example().Result; // Result returns int, hence DENA008 is not reported

public async Task<int> Example()
    return await new Task<int>(null);

NOTE4: The following method calls, property references, and field references are excluded from analysis:

  • System.Threading.Tasks.Task.CompletedTask
  • System.Threading.Tasks.Task.FromResult
  • Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTask.CompletedTask
  • Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTask.FromResult

NOTE5: If Task or UniTask objects are assigned to a variable and then awaited, no warning is issued. Additionally, if Task or UniTask objects are stored in a list (a class that implements System.Collections.Generic.IList) and awaited collectively, no warning is issued either.

// good
public async Task M1()
    var task = Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008 is not reported
    await task;
// good
public async Task M1()
    var list = new List<Task>();
    list.Add(Task.Run(() => {})); // DENA008 is not reported
    list.Add(Task.Run(() => {})); // DENA008 is not reported
    await Task.WhenAll(list);

Analysis Locations

If the target of analysis exists within the following syntax and lacks an await, DENA008 will be reported.

Within a Block

// bad
namespace BadCase
    public class Task1
        Task Task_NoAsync() => Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported

        public Task UseNoAsync()
            Task_NoAsync(); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported

// good
namespace GoodCase
    public class Task1
        async Task Task_NoAsync() => await Task.Run(() => {});

        public async Task UseNoAsync()
            await Task_NoAsync();

Within a Statement

Examples for various statement types are shown below.

  • using Statement
// bad

namespace BadCase
    public class Task1
        public async void M1() 
            using (M2()) // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported
        public async Task<IDisposable> M2()
            return await (Task<IDisposable>)Task.Run(() => {});

// good
namespace GoodCase
    public class Task1
        public async void M1() 
            using (await M2()) // DENA008 is not reported
        public async Task<IDisposable> M2()
            return await (Task<IDisposable>)Task.Run(() => {});
  • do-while Statement
// bad
public class BadCase {
    public async void M() 
            Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported.
        while (true);

// good
public class GoodCase {
    public async void M() 
            await Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008 is not reported.
        while (true);
  • if Statement
// bad case
namespace FailedCase
    public class C {
        public async void M() 
            if (M2()) // DENA008 is reported

        public async Task<bool> M2()
            return await (Task<bool>)Task.Run(() => {});

// good case
namespace SuccessCase
    public class C {
        public async void M() 
            if (await M2())

        public async Task<bool> M2()
            return await (Task<bool>)Task.Run(() => {});
  • yield Statement
// bad
namespace BadCase
    public class YieldReturn
        public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> M1()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                yield return (Task<int>)Task.Run(() => 0); // DENA008 and CS0029 are reported

// good
namespace GoodCase
    public class YieldReturn
        public async IAsyncEnumerable<int> M1()
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                yield return await (Task<int>)Task.Run(() => 0);


// bad
namespace FailedCase
    public class Task1
        Func<Task<int>> Example() => (() => Task.Run(() => 0)); // DENA008, "Must use await" is reported

        public void UseAsync()
            Example(); // DENA008 is not reported since the return type is Func<Task<int>>, not Task<int>.

// good
namespace SuccessCase
    public class Task1
        Func<Task<int>> Example() => (async () => await Task.Run(() => 0));

        public void UseAsync()
            Example(); // DENA008 is not reported since the return type is Func<Task<int>>, not Task<int>.

Asynchronous Processing within Partial Methods

namespace BadCase
    interface IStudent
        Task GetName();

    partial class PartialMethod : IStudent
        public virtual partial Task GetName();

    public partial class PartialMethod
        public virtual partial async Task GetName()
            Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008 is reported.

namespace GoodCase
    interface IStudent
        Task GetName();

    partial class PartialMethod : IStudent
        public virtual partial Task GetName();

    public partial class PartialMethod
        public virtual partial async Task GetName()
            await Task.Run(() => {}); // DENA008, "Must use await" is not reported

Target-typed Inference

// badcase
namespace BadCase
    public class TargetTypedNewExpression
        Func<object, int> func = null;

        public async Task<int> Hoge()
            return await new Task<int>(func, "a");

        public async void M()
            Dictionary<string, int> field = new()
                { "item1", Hoge() } // DENA008 is reported

// GoodCase
namespace GoodCase
    public class TargetTypedNewExpression
        Func<object, int> func = null;

        public async Task<int> Hoge()
            return await new Task<int>(func, "a");

        public async void M()
            Dictionary<string, int> field = new()
                { "item1", await Hoge() } // DENA008, "Must use await" is not reported