DeepDriveMD-F: Deep-Learning Driven Adaptive Molecular Simulations (file-based continual learning loop)
Details can be found in the documentation. For more information, please see our website.
Running DeepDriveMD requires the use of virtual environment. At this point we distinguish different stage runs of DeepDriveMD using different virtual environments to alleviate package compatibility with associated dependencies across different stages.
For instance, below is a list of Python versions used by different virtual environments:
- RCT env: Python 3.7.8
- OpenMM env: Python 3.7.9
- pytorch (AAE) env: Python 3.7.9
- keras-cvae (CVAE) & rapids-dbscan: Python 3.6.12
- Install
into a virtualenv with a Python virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install -e .
Or with a Conda virtual environment:
. ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda create -n deepdrivemd python=3.7.9
conda activate deepdrivemd
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
conda install scipy (this step is needed if a failure of installing scipy is observed)
pip install -e .
- Install OpenMM:
by source code (for Linux ppc64le, e.g., Summit)
by conda (for Linux x86_64, e.g., PSC Bridges)
module load anaconda3
module load cuda/9.2
source /opt/packages/anaconda/anaconda3-5.2.0/etc/profile.d/
conda install -c omnia/label/cuda92 openmm
- In some places, DeepDriveMD relies on external libraries to configure MD simulations and import specific ML models.
For MD, install the mdtools
package found here:
git clone
pip install .
For ML (specifically the AAE model), install the molecules
package found here:
git clone
pip install .
Install the
virtual environment as above (deepdrivemd
is needed in all the virtual environments since each task uses the DDMD_API to communicate with the outputs of other tasks). -
Install the
model withrapidsai DBSCAN
package found here:
conda config --prepend channels
conda install powerai-rapids
- Install packages
version 2.10.0:
conda install scikit-learn h5py=2.10.0
- Install the
package (need to compile with CUDA 10.2.89, not compatible with CUDA 10.1.243 and CUDA 11.1.1 or higher versions):
conda install tensorflow-gpu
First, run this command to get a sample YAML config file:
python -m deepdrivemd.config
This will write a file named deepdrivemd_template.yaml
which should be adapted for the experiment at hand. You should configure the molecular_dynamics_stage
, aggregation_stage
, machine_learning_stage
, model_selection_stage
and agent_stage
sections to use the appropriate run commands and environment setups.
Then, launch an experiment with:
python -m deepdrivemd.deepdrivemd -c <experiment_config.yaml>
This experiment should be launched
The input PDB and topology files should have the following structure:
ls data/sys*
Where the topology files are optional and only used when molecular_dynamics_stage.task_config.solvent_type
is "explicit". Only one system directory is needed but an arbitrary number are supported. Also note that the system directory names are arbitrary. The path to the data
directory should be passed into the config via molecular_dynamics_stage.initial_pdb_dir
The streaming version of DeepDriveMD uses the adios2 package.
is installed with spack:
spack install adios2 +python -mpi
To use adios2 in python, one needs to load the corresponding module, for example, with
module load adios2
spack load adios2
and to set up PYTHONPATH
to the corresponding subdirectory of the adios2 installation:
export PYTHONPATH=<ADIOS2_dir>/lib/python<version>/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
To make a small 30m, 12 simulation, 1 aggregator, test run of DeepDriveMD-S, cd into test/
and run
make run1
To make a large 12h, 120 simulations, 10 aggregators run do
make run2
in DeepDriveMD-pipeline directory.
To watch how one of the aggregation files grows, do, for example
make watch1 d=3
assuming that the experiment directory is ../Outputs/3
To watch what happens in one of the simulation task directory, do
make watch2 d=3
To watch the log for task 0014 (for run1 it corresponds to the outlier search log), do
make watch3 d=0014
To clean after the run, do
make clean d=3
The configuration files for the run, including
that is used to create config.yaml
, adios xml files for SST streams between simulations and aggregators and for BP files between aggregators and the downstream two components, are in a subdirectory of
test/bba, for example, test1_stream
(run1) and lassen-keras-dbscan_stream
(run2). Yaml files are generated by running ./ > config.yaml
or, if you prefer, you can edit config.yaml
directly and not use
To use multiple input files, put the corresponding pdb files into cfg.initial_pdb_dir
. The simulation sorts pdb files from this directory and picks up the one corresponding to its task id modulo the number of pdb files.
Please report bugs, feature requests, or questions through the Issue Tracker.
If you are looking to contribute, please see
DeepDriveMD has a MIT license, as seen in the LICENSE file.