- Update the changelogs and commit them. DevToys/src/app/dev/DevToys.Blazor/Assets/changelog.md
- Build and commit CSS/JS in DevToys.Blazor.
- Prepare a blog article (optional).
Set of pipeline and logic to apply when publishing
- Build DevToys and DevToys CLI by running
bash ./build.sh --MajorVersion 2 --MinorVersion 0 --BuildOrPreviewNumber 0 --IsPreviewVersion true
# install
sudo apt install ./artifact/{cpu}/devtoys_{version}.deb
# or
sudo dpkg -i ./artifact/{cpu}/devtoys_{version}.deb
# verify it's install:
ls -l /opt/devtoys/devtoys
ls -l /usr/bin/{devtoys,DevToys}*
# run
# uninstall
sudo apt remove devtoys
# if you want to remove dependencies
sudo apt autoremove
# install
sudo apt install ./artifact/{cpu}/devtoys.cli_{version}.deb
# or
sudo dpkg -i ./artifact/{cpu}/devtoys.cli_{version}.deb
# check installed folders and binaries
ls -l /opt/devtoys/devtoys.cli
ls -l /usr/bin/{devtoys.cli,DevToys.cli}*
# run
devtoys.cli --help
# uninstall
sudo apt remove devtoys.cli
- Build DevToys and DevToys CLI by running
./build.ps1 --MajorVersion 2 --MinorVersion 0 --BuildOrPreviewNumber 0 --IsPreviewVersion true
in a PowerShell command prompt.
- Build DevToys and DevToys CLI by running
sh ./build.cmd --MajorVersion 2 --MinorVersion 0 --BuildOrPreviewNumber 0 --IsPreviewVersion true --AppleId appleid --AppleAppPassword the-password --AppleTeamId the-id
A good way to validate that the app got notarize:
- Create a draft release on GitHub
- Upload the ZIP archive of the Mac app to it.
- Download the ZIP from the GitHub release
- Unzip and run the App: Mac should allow us to run it.
- Update these files: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/pull/156567/files
- Publish the MSIX to Microsoft Partner Center