Mentimeter** is an easy-to-use presentation software used by more than 25 million people. With Mentimeter you can create fun and interactive presentations. It helps you to make your events, presentations, lectures, and workshops innovative and memorable.
This is our first project at Masai School after learning the JavaScript and HTML, We had task of creating replica of the Mentimeter. We devided this work in multiple parts as we were four people to work on it.
- Prasad Birari
- Ajay Kumar
- Sathya prakash P
- Anwar Shad
Netlify :
In this project we were able to achieve a near to perfect clone of the original website. As we do not want to overwhelm you, we haven't shared all the pages here.Please fork the repository and then use it on your own.
You can also take the glimpse of our Project,just after cloning the repository you can just open any editor and go with live or just copy the file path and paste it on any browser.
Here basically we created pages according to Mentimeter and divided in beetween us and completed individually. We focused on every main page of the website, we haven't considered all the pages. We have used content of the Mentimeter, content as in texts and images and placed them on the new pages as they were placed on the Mentimeter. Basically we created CSS and Animations according to the Mentimeter
The pages can be seprately viewd from the above directory:
- Home Page.
- Features.
- Overview
- Live Polling
- Word Cloud
- Solutions.
- Pricing.
- Blog.
- Sign up / Log In
- Blog