Go4eat is a cross paltform app that allows people to connect each others to share a meal, and so make new contacts and expand thier networks.
- React Native - Front end library for building user interfaces
- Redux - Storage to share data inside the app
- Facebook API - Login with facebook
- Google API - Login with Google
- Node / Koa - Back end web framework
- MongoDB / Monk - Database storage for Node
The home page shows your positio in the map and the markers indicates the event around you. Below the map it's possible to see the sudgested event and draggin you can access to the rest of the event in the list.
Opening the event you can see the details of the specific event and if you like join to the group.
If there's no events you are interested in you can create a new one selecting the restaurant the day and the hours.
Then the second step is the calendar where you can select the date that you prefer. As you click its update in realtime. Built from scratch
- Bug fixing. ask Leo!
- Linkedin login (developed server side, to implement in the front), get the profession.
- Search query backend: now - searches for free space, distance, rating of the people. To add for interest and profession.
- Notifications.
- Restaurants manager platform that can add his restaurants and events - add an event section to have separate events(users) and meeting(restaurants).
Andrea Ceccarelli – Linkedin- GitHub – [email protected]
Sergi Palau – Linkedin – GitHub - [email protected]
Hannah Redler – Linkedin – GitHub - [email protected]
Leonardo Di Vittorio – Linkedin – GitHub[email protected]