Socialize is a package that helps you to add social media features to your Laravel project easily.
You can share posts to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more is coming soon.
$fb = Socialize::facebook()
->setMessage('Awesome message')
->setAction(OgAction::FEELS, OgObject::EXCITED)
dump($fb->getPostId()); // 123456789101112
Or you can share posts using model trait.
$post = Post::first();
$response = $post->shareToFacebook();
echo $response->getPostId(); // 123456789101112
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Changelog
- Contributing
- Security Vulnerabilities
- Credits
- License
You can install the package via composer:
composer require draliragab/socialize
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="socialize-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
'facebook' => [
'default' => [
'app_id' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'),
'graph_version' => env('FACEBOOK_GRAPH_VERSION', 'v15.0'),
'page_id' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID'),
'page_access_token' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'instagram' => [
'default' => [
'graph_version' => env('INSTAGRAM_GRAPH_VERSION', 'v15.0'),
'user_access_token' => env('INSTAGRAM_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'instagram_account_id' => env('INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT_ID'),
'twitter' => [
'default' => [
'app_consumer_key' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'),
'app_consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
'account_access_token' => env('TWITTER_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'account_access_token_secret' => env('TWITTER_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'),
'model_columns' => [
'message_column' => 'title',
'photo_column' => 'image',
For each social media you need to add the required credentials to your .env
file or directly to the published config file.
By default, the package will use the default
configuration. But you can publish to multiple pages and accounts by adding more configurations.
return [
'facebook' => [
'default' => [
'app_id' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_ID'),
'graph_version' => env('FACEBOOK_GRAPH_VERSION', 'v15.0'),
'page_id' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID'),
'page_access_token' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
'page_2' => [
'app_id' => env('FACEBOOK_APP_ID_2'),
'graph_version' => env('FACEBOOK_GRAPH_VERSION', 'v15.0'),
'page_id' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID_2'),
'page_access_token' => env('FACEBOOK_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN_2'),
and pass the configuration name to the initialization method.
$fb = Socialize::facebook('page_2');
All the social media providers have share
and getPostId
$fb = Socialize::facebook()
message: 'Awesome message',
image: '',
options: [],
$postId = $fb->getPostId();
$fb = Socialize::facebook();
Accepts the configuration name as a parameter.
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Socialize;
$fb = Socialize::facebook('page_2');
setBackdatedTime(float|Carbon $backdated_time)
setBackdatedTimeGranularity(string $backdated_time_granularity) // One of ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']
addChildAttachment(string $link, string $name = null, string $description = null, string $image_hash = null, string $picture = null)
setFeedTargeting(int $age_max = null, int $age_min = null, array $college_years = null, array $education_statuses = null, array $genders = null, array $geo_locations = null, array $interests = null, int $locales = null, array $relationship_statuses = null)
setLink(string $link)
setMessage(string $text)
setMultiShareEndCard(bool $multi_share_end_card = true)
setMultiShareOptimized(bool $multi_share_optimized = true)
setObjectAttachment(string $object_attachment)
setPlace(string $placeId)
setPublished(bool $published = true)
setScheduledPublishTime(int|Carbon $scheduled_publish_time)
setTags(array $tagsIds)
setTargeting(int $age_min = null, array $geo_locations = null)
setAction(OgAction $action, OgObject $object, ?OgIcon $icon = null)
attachMedia(int $mediaId)
attachMedias(array $mediaIds)
// After setting the options you can share the post
// Also after sharing you can add comments to the post
addComment('Awesome comment')
// And you ca delete the post
deletePost(int $postId) // returns true if the post is deleted successfully
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Socialize;
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Enums\OpenGraph\OgAction;
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Enums\OpenGraph\OgObject;
$fb = Socialize::facebook();
$response = $fb
link: '',
name: "Awesome name",
description: "Awesome description",
picture: ""
link: '',
name: "Awesome name 2",
description: "Awesome description 2",
picture: ""
age_max: 65,
age_min: 18,
->setMessage('Awesome message')
age_min: 18
->setAction(OgAction::FEELS, OgObject::EXCITED)
->sharePost() // Must be called after setting the options
->addComment('Awesome comment'); // Must be called after sharing the post
$postId = $response->getPostId(); // Get the post id
// Delete the post
$deleted = $fb->deletePost($postId);
uploadPhoto(string $photoUrl, string $caption = null, bool $published = false, bool $temporary = true)
Upload a photo to a Page.
$fb = Socialize::facebook();
$mediaId = $fb->uploadPhoto('')->getMediaId();
// You can use the media id to attach it to a post
$postId = Socialize::facebook()
->setMessage('Awesome image')
Or you can publish photos directly to a Page.
$photoId = Socialize::facebook()
->uploadPhoto('', 'Awesome image', true, false)
->getMediaId(); // returns the photo id
$deleted = Socialize::facebook()->deletePhoto($photoId); // returns true if the photo is deleted successfully
get the posts of a Facebook Page. Returns Collection
$data = Socialize::facebook()-getPosts();
Accepts two parameters:
maximum number of posts to return. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.$fields
fields to return. see
get all public posts in which the page has been tagged.
get a specific post by its id. Returns Collection
accepts two parameters:
the post id$fields
fields to return. see
Delete a post by its id. Returns true
if the post is deleted successfully.
get comments of a post. Returns Collection
accepts three parameters:
the post id$limit
maximum number of comments to return. Default is 25. Maximum is 100.$fields
fields to return. see
get the url of a post.
$twitter = Socialize::twitter();
Accepts the configuration name as a parameter.
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Socialize;
$twitter = Socialize::twitter('account_2');
Publish a tweet to a Twitter account.
$twitter = Socialize::twitter();
$postId = $twitter->tweet('Awesome tweet')->getPostId();
addPlace(string $placeId)
addPoll(array $pollOptions, int $pollDuration)
quoteTweet(string $tweetId)
restrictReply(string $restrictReply) // "mentionedUsers" and "following" are the only options
inReplyTo(string $tweetId)
addMedia(array $mediaIds)
tagUsers(array $usernames)
$postId = $twitter
pollOptions: ['Disappointed π', 'Predictable π', 'Excited π'],
pollDuration: 60,
text: '',
Add a comment to a tweet.
$postId = $twitter
->tweet('Awesome tweet')
->addComment('Awesome comment')
Upload media to the account
accepts an array
of media paths.
$imgPath = public_path('default-page-img.png');
$imgPath2 = public_path('default-page-img2.png');
$mediaIds = $twitter->uploadMedia([
Add media to a tweet.
accepts an array
of media ids.
$postId = $twitter
->tweet('Awesome tweet')->getPostId();
You can combine uploadMedia()
and addMedia()
$postId = $twitter
->tweet('Awesome tweet')
Delete a tweet by its id. Returns true
if the tweet is deleted successfully.
$insta = Socialize::instagram();
Accepts the configuration name as a parameter.
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Socialize;
$insta = Socialize::instagram('account_2');
Publish an image to an Instagram account.
accepts three parameters:
the image url$caption
the caption of the image$options
an array of options. see
$insta = Socialize::instagram();
$postId = $insta->publishImage('', 'Awesome image')->getPostId();
Publish an image carousel to an Instagram account.
accepts three parameters:
an array of image urls$caption
the caption of the image$options
an array of options. see
$postUrl = $insta
], 'Awesome image')
->addComment('Awesome image')
Add a comment to a post.
$postId = Socialize::instagram()
->publishImage('', 'Awesome image')
->addComment('Awesome image', $postId)
get the url of a post.
$postUrl = Socialize::instagram()
->publishImage('', 'Awesome image')
get a specific post by its id. Returns Collection
accepts two parameters:
the post id$fields
fields to return. see
This trait is used to share to social media directly from the model.
use DrAliRagab\Socialize\Traits\Socializer;
class Post extends Model
use Socializer;
Share to social media directly from the model.
$post = Post::find(1);
$post->shareToFacebook(); // share to facebook
$post->shareToTwitter(); // share to twitter
$post->shareToInstagram(); // share to instagram
All of the above methods search for the image in the image
column of the model and the message in the title
You can change the columns in the config
'model_columns' => [
'message_column' => 'title',
'photo_column' => 'image',
Or you can pass the message, image and sharing options as array.
'photo' => '',
'message' => 'Awesome post',
'options' => [
'scheduled_publish_time' => now()->addDays(2)->timestamp,
Also you can pass the social media account.
'photo' => public_path('default-page-img.png'),
'message' => 'Awesome post',
'config' => 'account_2',
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.