A versatile budget application that allows a user to add expenses to a category and consequentially track expenses per category.
- Ruby
- Ruby on rails
** Update: After consultation with Heroku, an option would be to use dynos, which are virtual machines that can help you develop the application on the cloud and create a production environmnent with full dependencies supported.
You may setup the project on your local machine using the following steps:
- Open the terminal
- Get into the directory you want this folder to appear
- Type 'git clone https://github.com/Draxeytina/knowledgebase.git'
- Open index.html file and open it with live server in your preferred editor
Optionally you can follow the link under see project above ☝️
👤 Tinashe Timothy Murambinda
You are welcome to make any contributions, issues, and feature requests!
If you like this project please give a ⭐️!
This is has been crafted according to specifications. Future version will include analytics by topic searched. The use of pg_search was a trade-off of producing quality results over quick results due to ranking. Heroku did not support the stimulus gem, hence the live version will not load real-time. Improvements are to be made, and any suggestions are welcome.
This project is MIT licensed.