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Master-Stack Layout


Scroller Layout



This project is developed based on dwl, it is basically compatible with all dwm features. In addition, it is added many operation that supported in hyprland, such as smooth and customizable animationExternal configuration that can be hot overloaded,pin mode,maximize window etc...

See below for more features.

separate window layout for each workspace(tags), with separate workspace parameters

support layout

  • tile
  • scroller
  • monocle
  • grid
  • dwindle
  • spiral

window open rules


  • appid: type-string if match it or title, the rule match
  • title: type-string if match it or appid, the rule match
  • tags: type-num(1-9) which tags to open the window
  • isfloating: type-num(0 or 1)
  • isfullscreen: type-num(0 or 1)
  • scroller_proportion: type-float(0.1-1.0)
  • animation_type_open : type-string(zoom,slide)
  • animation_type_close : type-string(zoom,slide)
  • isnoborder : type-num(0 or 1)
  • monitor : type-num(0-99999)
  • width : type-num(0-9999)
  • height : type-num(0-9999)
  • isterm : type-num(0 or 1) it will be swallowed by the sub window
  • noswallow: type-num(0 or 1) don't swallow the isterm window
  • globalkeybinding: type-string(for example-- alt-l or alt+super-l)

some special feature

  • hycov like overview
  • foreign-toplevel protocol(dunst,waybar wlr taskbar)
  • minimize window to waybar(like hych)
  • sway scratchpad (minimize window to scratchpad)
  • window pin mode/ maximize mode
  • text-input-v2/v3 protocol for fcitx5
  • window move/open/close animaition
  • workspaces(tags) switch animaition
  • fade/fadeout animation
  • alt-tab switch window like gnome
  • niri like scroller layout



yay -S glibc wayland libinput libdrm pixman libxkbcommon git meson ninja wayland-protocols

stable - wlroots(0.17)

Since 0.18 has some bugs that affect the experience, I chose the more stable 0.17.4.

  • Arch
yay -S maomaowm-git
  • Other
git clone -b 0.17.4
cd wlroots
meson build -Dprefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C build install

git clone
cd maomaowm
meson build -Dprefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C build install

unstable wlroots(0.19)

This is the latest version of wlroots, it doesn't own enough test. you can try it out if you want to help to test.

yay -S wlroots-git
git clone -b wlroots-0.19
cd maomaowm
meson build -Dprefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C build install

suggest tools

yay -S rofi foot xdg-desktop-portal-wlr swaybg waybar wl-clip-persist cliphist wl-clipboard wlsunset


cp /etc/maomao/config.conf ~/.config/maomao/config.conf
touch ~/.config/maomao/
chmod +x ~/.config/maomao/

you can use MAOMAOCONFIG env to set the config-folder-path and the autostart-folder-patch like MAOMAOCONFIG=/home/xxx/maomao

  • the only default keybinds is ctrl+alt+[F1-F12] to change tty

  • the default config path is ~/.config/maomao/config.conf

  • the default autostart path is ~/.config/maomao/

  • the fallback config path is in /etc/maomao/config.conf, you can find the default config here

keybinds notice

All mod keys(alt,ctrl,shift,super) are case insensitive, in addition to other key names are case sensitive, the name follows the xkb standard name, you can use the xev command to get the key name of the key you want, note that if your mod key contains the shift key, then it may not be the key name displayed on the keyboard. Real name Refer to the name displayed in the xev command.

for example:

this is wrong:


this is right:


because your keybinds contain shift, the 2 cover to at swappy-20250227-182157

custom animation


You can design your animaition curve in: here, on,

or you can just choice a curve in:

overview mode

  • enable_hotarea: when your cursor enter the bottom left corner of monitor, it will toggle overview.
  • hotarea_size: the size of hotarea, 10x10 default.
  • ov_tab_mode:
    • it will circle switch focus when you toggle overview.
    • and will leave ov mode when you release your mod key.


when you in ov mode, you can use right mouse button to close window, and left mouse button to jump to a window.

About waybar

  • you can also use the dwl moudle in waybar to show tags and window title refer to waybar wiki: dwl-module
"modules-left": ["dwl/tags","dwl/window"],
"dwl/tags": {
    background-color: transparent;

#tags button{
    background-color: #fff ;
    color: 	#a585cd ;

#tags button.occupied{
    background-color: #fff ;
    color: 	#cdc885 ;

#tags button.focused{
    background-color: rgb(186, 142, 213);
    color: 	#fff ;

#tags button.urgent{
    background: rgb(171, 101, 101);
    color: #fff;

    background-color: rgb(237, 196, 147);
    color: 	rgb(63, 37, 5);

window#waybar.empty #window {
    background-color: transparent;
    color: transparent;
    box-shadow: none;
    padding-right: 0px;
    padding-left: 0px;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;


refer to ipc


  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    home-manager = {
      url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
    flake-parts.url = "github:hercules-ci/flake-parts";
    maomaowm.url = "github:DreamMaoMao/maomaowm";

  outputs =
    inputs@{ self, flake-parts, ... }:
    flake-parts.lib.mkFlake { inherit inputs; } {
      debug = true;
      systems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
      flake = {
        nixosConfigurations = {
          hostname = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
            system = "x86_64-linux";
            modules = [
                home-manager = {
                  useGlobalPkgs = true;
                  useUserPackages = true;
                  backupFileExtension = "backup";
                  users."username".imports =
                        { ... }:
                          wayland.windowManager.maomaowm = {
                            enable = true;
                            settings = ''
                              # see config.conf
                            autostart_sh = ''
                              # see
                              # Note: here no need to add shebang
                    ++ [
                      # Add maomaowm hm module

my dotfile


thanks for some refer repo