Node-dev is a development tool for Node.js that automatically restarts the node process when a file is modified.
In contrast to tools like
supervisor or
nodemon it doesn't scan the filesystem for
files to be watched. Instead it hooks into Node's require()
function to watch
only the files that have been actually required.
This means that you don't have to configure any include- or exclude rules. If you modify a JS file that is solely used on the client-side but never run on the server, node-dev will know this and won't restart the process.
This also means that you don't have to configure any file extensions. Just
require a .json
file or a .coffee
script for example and it will be watched.
Node-dev uses filewatcher under
the hood and hence will take advantage of the native
API if it
is available on your system.
Just run node-dev
as you would normally run node
node-dev foo.js
There are a couple of command line options that can be used to control which files are watched and what happens when they change:
Watch only the project's own files and linked modules (vianpm link
Watch the whole dependency tree--respawn
Keep watching for changes after the script has exited--dedupe
Dedupe dynamically--delay=<seconds>
Delay restarting by seconds to allow multiple changes to queue.--graceful_ipc <msg>
Send 'msg' as an IPC message instead of SIGTERM for restart/shutdown--poll
Force polling for file changes (Caution! CPU-heavy!)--no-notify
Switch off desktop notifications (see below)
By default node-dev will watch all first-level dependencies, i.e. the ones in
the project's node_modules
Node-dev can be installed via npm. Make sure to use the -g
option to install
it globally.
npm install -g node-dev
Status and error messages can be displayed as desktop notification using node-notifier:
- Mac OS X: >= 10.8 or Growl if earlier.
- Linux: notify-osd installed (Ubuntu should have this by default)
- Windows: >= 8, task bar balloon if earlier or Growl if that is installed.
- General Fallback: Growl
Usually node-dev doesn't require any configuration at all, but there are some options you can set to tweak its behaviour:
– Whether to clear the screen upon restarts. Default:false
– Whether to display desktop notifications. Default:true
– The timestamp format to use for logging restarts. Default:"HH:MM:ss"
– Whether to watch files loaded via Node's VM module. Default:true
– Whether to hook into child_process.fork (required for clustered programs). Default:true
– How many levels of dependencies should be watched. Default:1
– Whether modules should by dynamically deduped. Default:false
- Delays the restarting of the script for the configured amount of seconds. Default: 0graceful_ipc
- Send the argument provided as an IPC message instead of SIGTERM during restart events. Default:""
Upon startup node-dev looks for a .node-dev.json
file in the following directories:
- user's HOME directory
- the current working directory (as provided by process.cwd())
- the same directory as the script to be run
Settings found later in the list will overwrite previous options.
Sometimes you need to make sure that multiple modules get
exactly the same instance of a common (peer-) dependency. This can usually be
achieved by running npm dedupe
– however this doesn't work when you try to
npm link
a dependency (which is quite common during development). Therefore
node-dev provides a --dedupe
switch that will inject the
dynamic-dedupe module into your
You can also use node-dev to run transpiled languages. You can either use a
.js file as entry point to your application that registers your transpiler as
require-extension manually, for example by calling CoffeeScript.register()
you can let node-dev do this for you.
There is a config option called extensions
which maps file extensions to
compiler module names. By default this map looks like this:
"coffee": "coffee-script/register",
"ls": "LiveScript"
This means that if you run node-dev
node-dev will do a
before running your script.
Note: If you want to use coffee-script < 1.7 you have to change the
setting to {"coffee": "coffee-script"}
Options can be passed to a transpiler by providing an object containing
and options
"js": {
"name": "babel/register",
"options": {
"only": [
Node-dev sends a SIGTERM
signal to the child-process if a restart is required.
If your app is not listening for these signals process.exit(0)
will be called
immediately. If a listener is registered, node-dev assumes that your app will
exit on its own once it is ready.
Windows does not handle POSIX signals, as such signals such as SIGTERM
the process manager to unconditionally terminate the application with no chance
of cleanup. In this case, the option graceful_ipc
may be used. If this option
is defined, the argument provided to the option will be sent as an IPC message
via child.send("<graceful_ipc argument>")
. The child process can listen and
handle this event with:
process.on("message", function (msg) {
if (msg === "<graceful_ipc argument") {
// Gracefully shut down here
For the instances where a transpiler might make changes the multiple files in
rapid succession, a delay can be configured. If any new changes are detected
during the delay, the delay will be reset. The restart will occur when no changes
happen during cfg.delay
If you’d like to ignore certain paths or files from triggering a restart simply
list them in the .node-dev.json
configuration under "ignore"
, e.g.
"ignore": [
This might be useful when you are running a universal (isomorphic) web app that shares modules across the server and client, e.g. React.js components for server-side rendering, which you don’t want to trigger a server restart when changed, since it introduces an unnecessary delay.