Supported device list (tested on STM32/nRF52):
ADS_ADC Tested ADS888x x ADS886x x ADS833x ADS831x ADS831x ADS9110 DF_SAR_ADC Tested LTC2500-32 x LTC2508-32 x LTC2512-24 LTC2380-24 EEPROM Tested AT24Cxxxx x 24AAxxxx x 24LCxxxx x LTC26x1 Tested LTC26x1 x TMF8x0x (Integration example only) Tested TMF8701 TMF8801 x TMF8805 TMF8801_Driver_BareMetalMCU_v3.0.18.0 x TMF8x0x (Integration example only) Tested VL53L0X x X-CUBE-53L0A1 x X-CUBE-53L0A1 product page: https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/ecosystems/stm32-open-development-environment/stm32cube-expansion-software/stm32-ode-sense-sw/x-cube-53l0a1.html
AMG88xx Tested AMG8833 x AMG8834 x amg8833-grid-eye_api_v2.1 x Grid-EYE API Lib is divided into 3 layers; users can select API functions from these layers according to the requirement. * API Lv1: APIs from this layer implement Grid-EYE data acquisition, transformation of temperature value and data format. * API Lv2: APIs from this layer implement filtering of original data, and provide functions for image processing, object detection, and human body recognition. * API Lv3 (binary code): APIs from this layer implement functions for object detection and object tracking.
Ublox_GPS_GNSS Tested SAM-M8x x AD983x Tested AD983x x MCP41xxx Tested MCP41010 x PCA9685 Tested PCA9685 x LTC2497 Tested LTC2497 x
- Clone the repository and submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/DuyTrandeLion/peripheral-drivers.git
- Add the include path in your project.
- Add library files in your project.
- If you use Ublox_GPS_GNSS library, also include the GPS NMEA parser library
in include path. This GPS NMEA parser library is called LwGPS and developed by Tilen Majerle.
- Ublox GNSS:
- Not all functions and NMEA protocols are supported.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.