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EIRepeat - EI Repeat Identification Pipeline

Gemy George Kaithakottil, David Swarbreck

1 Description

EIRepeat is an easy to use pipeline to identify repeats from the genome. It is designed to be run on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. EIRepeat is a wrapper around RepeatModeler and RepeatMasker, and it also includes the option to run RED (Repetitive Element Database) to identify repeats. The pipeline is designed to be run on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster.

EIRepeat utilises below tools to identify repeats:

  1. RepeatModeler v1.0.11 -
  2. RepeatMasker v4.0.7 -
  3. RED v22052015 - - Paper here

2 Workflow

Alt text Figure 1. The overview of Earlham Institute Repeat Identification Pipeline (EIRepeat)

3 Getting Started

To configure EIRepeat you need:

  • EIRepeat source code
  • software dependencies

To obtain the EIRepeat source code from GitHub, please execute:

git clone

3.1 Prerequisites

For ease of development, Singularity is recommended to install the dependencies

RepeatModeler v1.0.11
RepeatMasker v4.0.7
RED v22052015
SeqKit v2.1.0
TransposonPSI v1.0.0
BLAST v2.6.0
Bedtools v2.31.1

3.2 Installing

First obtain the source code using

git clone
cd eirepeat

To install, simply use from your current pip environment:

version=1.5.1 && python bdist_wheel \
&& pip install --prefix=/path/to/software/eirepeat/${version}/x86_64 -U dist/*whl

Or use Python Poetry

version=1.5.1 && poetry build \
&& pip install --prefix=/path/to/software/eirepeat/${version}/x86_64 -U dist/*whl

Also, make sure that both PATH and PYTHONPATH environments are updated and DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH points to the DRMAA installation

export PATH=/path/to/software/eirepeat/${version}/x86_64/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/software/eirepeat/${version}/x86_64/lib/python3.11/site-packages
export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/software/slurm-drmaa/1.1.4/x86_64/lib/

4 Running EIRepeat

4.1 Get help

$ eirepeat --help
usage: EI Repeat [-h] [-v] {configure,run} ...

EI Repeat Identification Pipeline

positional arguments:
    configure      see `configure -h`
    run            see `run -h`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -v, --version    show program's version number and exit

EIRepeat configure

$ eirepeat configure --help
usage: EI Repeat configure [-h] --species SPECIES [--run_red_repeats] [--close_reference CLOSE_REFERENCE] [--organellar_fasta ORGANELLAR_FASTA] [--jira JIRA] [-o OUTPUT] [-f] fasta

positional arguments:
  fasta                 Provide fasta file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --species SPECIES     Provide species name. Please use the file here to identify the species. Also, check the NCBI taxonomy to identify the correct species option -
                        /ei/software/cb/eirepeat/dev/x86_64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/eirepeat/etc/queryRepeatDatabase.tree.txt (default: None)
  --run_red_repeats     Enable this option to generate RED repeats, in addition (default: False)
  --close_reference CLOSE_REFERENCE
                        Provide a close reference protein CDS fasta to mask the RepeatModeler fasta. Try to extract just protein coding models and remove any models identified as repeat associated from this file (default: None)
  --organellar_fasta ORGANELLAR_FASTA
                        Provide organellar chloroplast|mitrochondrial nucleotide fasta to mask the RepeatModeler fasta. Use provided script ncbi_download to download this fasta file from NCBI (default: None)
  --jira JIRA           Provide JIRA id for posting job summary. E.g., PPBFX-611 (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Provide output directory (default: /ei/cb/development/kaithakg/eirepeat/dev/output)
  -f, --force-reconfiguration
                        Force reconfiguration (default: False)

EIRepeat run

$ eirepeat run --help
usage: EI Repeat run [-h] [--hpc_config HPC_CONFIG] [--jobs JOBS] [--latency_wait LATENCY_WAIT] [--no_posting] [--verbose] [-x] [-np] run_config

positional arguments:
  run_config            Provide run configuration YAML. Run 'eirepeat configure -h' to generate the run configuration YAML file. (Description template file is here: /ei/software/cb/eirepeat/dev/x86_64/lib/python3.9/site-

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hpc_config HPC_CONFIG
                        Provide HPC configuration YAML (default: /ei/software/cb/eirepeat/dev/x86_64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/eirepeat/etc/hpc_config.json)
  --jobs JOBS, -j JOBS  Use at most N CPU cluster/cloud jobs in parallel (default: 100)
  --latency_wait LATENCY_WAIT
                        Wait given seconds if an output file of a job is not present after the job finished (default: 120)
  --no_posting          Use this flag if you are testing and do not want to post comments to JIRA tickets (default: False)
  --verbose             Verbose mode for debugging (default: False)
  -x, --exclude_hosts   Enable excluding a specific list of hosts specified in the --hpc_config 'exclude' section (default: False)
  -np, --dry_run        Dry run (default: False)

4.2 Execution

4.2.1 eirepeat configure

There are mainly four ways you can configure EIRepeat to run, depending upon the types of evidence you have.

1. Using just the genome

eirepeat configure --output run1 --species Insecta honey_bee.genome.fasta
Running configure..

Great! Created run_config file: '/path/to/run1/run_config.yaml'

In all cases, it is recommended that the genome fasta headers be shorter than <50 characters otherwise RepeatModeler might error, like:

FastaDB::_cleanIndexAndCompact(): Fasta file contains a sequence identifier which is too long ( max id length = 50 )

2. Using just the genome and organellar fasta

eirepeat configure --output run2 --species Insecta \
    --organellar_fasta Bombus_ORGN_10433_mitochondrion.complete_record.fasta \
Running configure..

Great! Created run_config file: '/path/to/run2/run_config.yaml'

You can use the script ncbi_download to download organellar fasta file from NCBI, please see below a real eample where we download both mitochondrion and chloroplast fasta for all eudicotyledons. Please make sure that you have external internet access before executing the ncbi_download script.

ncbi_download \
  -e [email protected] \
  '"eudicotyledons"[Organism] AND (mitochondrion[filter] OR chloroplast[filter])' \

In the above example command, I use the name eudicotyledons.genetic_compartments.849434.07Dec2021.sequence.fasta just to keep a record of the data for our own reference, where:

  • eudicotyledons : is the organism name
  • 849434 : is the number of hits received for query on 07Dec2021 from NCBI nuccore. This number might differ on another date for your query.
  • 07Dec2021 : is the date data was downloaded

You can call the output fasta with any name.

3. Using just the genome and close reference protein coding CDS fasta

eirepeat configure --output run3 --species Insecta \
    --close_reference GCF_000214255.1_Bter_1.0_cds_from_genomic.nonTE.fa \
Running configure..

Great! Created run_config file: '/path/to/run3/run_config.yaml'

Here, make sure that the CDS fasta file you provide with --close_reference is only the protein coding CDS models. What I would do here is that:

  1. Extract only models with gene_biotype and transcript_biotype marked as protein_coding
  2. And if any functional annotation is available then remove any repeat associated models, for example, the grep command grep -v "\(transpos\|helicas\)" should get you all the models that are repeat associated and then remove them from the fasta.
    If you have SeqKit toolkit available in your PATH, we can do this in one step, for example, seqkit grep -n -v -r -p 'transpos|helicas' {input.fasta} -o {output.fasta}

4. Using just the genome, the organellar fasta and close reference protein coding CDS fasta [RECOMMENDED]

eirepeat configure --output run4 --species Insecta \
    --organellar_fasta Bombus_ORGN_10433_mitochondrion.complete_record.fasta \
    --close_reference GCF_000214255.1_Bter_1.0_cds_from_genomic.nonTE.fa \
Running configure..

Great! Created run_config file: '/path/to/run4/run_config.yaml'

Before running this, make sure that we do follow the notes under section 2 and 3 to prepare the inputs

4.2.2 eirepeat run

EIRepeat run command is quite simple. All the above four runs can be executed like below

eirepeat run run1/run_config.yaml

I would recomment to run the above command as a cluster job to avoid terminal connection drop-outs. Below is an example HPC command we use for SLURM job scheduler

cd work_dir
sbatch --mail-type=END [email protected] \
    -p ei-medium -c 2 --mem 20G -J eirepeat-run1 -o out_eirepeat-run1.%N.%j.log \
    --wrap "source eirepeat-1.0.0 && \
    /usr/bin/time -v eirepeat run run1/run_config.yaml"

5. Output

Once the job completes successfully, we should see the summary below in the log file.

EIREPEAT completed successfully!

The output directory is below:

RepeatMasker output using RepeatMasker library 'Insecta' repeats (low-complexity):

RepeatMasker output using RepeatMasker library 'Insecta' repeats (interspersed):

RepeatMasker output using RepeatModeler repeats (interspersed):

Main output files
All repeats (low + interspersed):

All interspersed repeats (interspersed):

Additional repeats:                                  - with --run_red_repeats option
RED Repeats

EI Repeat Summary Stats:
All repeats (low + interspersed)
Total Sequences                 240
Total Bases                       2.58641e+08
Total Masked bases                4.66707e+07
Total Percentage Bases Masked    18.0446

All interspersed repeats (interspersed)
Total Sequences                 240
Total Bases                       2.58641e+08
Total Masked bases                4.11962e+07
Total Percentage Bases Masked    15.9279

RED repeats                                          - with --run_red_repeats option
Total Sequences                 240
Total Bases                       2.58641e+08
Total Masked bases                7.83649e+07
Total Percentage Bases Masked    30.2987

Storage details
Output directory:
3.8G    /path/to/run1
3.8G    total

6 Troubleshooting

SLURM specific

If there are certain cluster nodes/hosts you would like to exclude when running the pipeline, you can update the --hpc_config JSON file in the exclude field. Once you have updated the HPC config JSON file, you can provide that to the eirepeat pipeline, like eirepeat run --exclude_hosts.
Remember to use --exclude_hosts when you do this.

7 Reporting suggestions/issues

Please raise a GitHub issue for any suggestions or issues you may have.

Alternatively, I can be contacted at: [email protected] or [email protected]


eirepeat - EI Repeat Identification pipeline







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