A collection of assignments and the group project for my Machine Learning Class at CSUN Fall 2023
A single document in pdf format discussing the differences between the various Disciplines of AI, ML, DL, etc.
A short assignment to learn the basics of ML with the well-known iris dataset from UCI - Iris
contians all the code for this section
all other files are for the dataset
A short assignment to use linear SVM and kernel RBF SVM Classifier on MNIST dataset.
contains all the code for this assignment
Code to perform the Coding Portion of the 2nd Midterm for the class:
was the given code
contains the adjustments made to the given document to run on my computer
contains the given dataset from the professor
was my code submission with output cells for the 2nd Midterm
A group project where me and my groupmate are working on the same dataset and problem, but are working with different algorithms. Isaiah will work with SVM, Res Net 50, and CLIP while Joycelyn will work with CNN and VGG16 Together we are doing a Image Classification on Cats, Dogs & Pandas.
Our dataset can be seen here
is the notebook that we used to work on the project
is a helper file that we used to create and store functions that would be useful
contains the weights to be used for VGG16
contains the original given images from the dataset selected
contains the images that were deemed usable for working
are the images within animals_cleaned after being resized and put through a GrayScale filter
contains all of the LaTeX files that were necessary for the final report including the final report itself
contains the related works used for a separate assignment that was related to this project
contains the powerpoint presentations in .pptx and pdf format for our project
contains the project proposal and its revision in pdf format
contains some the related works Isaiah Martinez used for the project. This was used for another separate but related assignment
is a txt file that contains some sample documents to be used for the final project that would be cited
is a txt file that contains the images that were removed via manual cleaning
is a txt file that contains some sample notes that we shared between us to outline the data clearly
Please see:
Final Paper for the final product of our analysis on the dataset selected.
Final Presentation for a slideshow on our findings as well.