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Etherpad-Lite Heroku

Deploy Etherpad-Lite on Heroku. Whole Etherpad-Lite configuration, including plugins, can be specified in Heroku configuration variables (ENV).



As the project has Etherpad as submodule, you need to clone it with --recursive flag:

git clone --recursive


Configuration can be specified in 2 ways:

  • File (config/local.json) - designed for development environments where file configuration is simpler to maintain than env variables. See the example local.json
  • Environment variables - this is where all Heroku configuration variables show up.

NOTE: Environment variables override config/local.json.

Etherpad-Lite configuration variables

In Heroku config variables (ENV):

  • ETHERPAD_SETTINGS - JSON string of the whole standard Etherpad-Lite settings.json.
  • ETHERPAD_SESSION_KEY - The secret stored in Etherpad-Lite SESSIONKEY.txt.
  • ETHERPAD_API_KEY - The secret stored in Etherpad-Lite APIKEY.txt.
  • DATABASE_URL - Default database URI environment variable set by Heroku. It overrides all other DB configurations.

JSON defined in ETHERPAD_SETTINGS or config/local.json:

  • ___apiKey - The secret stored in Etherpad-Lite APIKEY.txt.
  • ___sessionKey - The secret stored in Etherpad-Lite SESSIONKEY.txt.
  • ___version - Per plugin configuration. Version of plugin to be installed by NPM.

Plugin configuration

Plugin version and configuration can be specified. Plugins are configured as you would normally do in Etherpad-Lite settings.json, but you can also specify plugin version which will be installed by NPM.

  • ___version - version of the plugin to be installed.

Example plugin config in ETHERPAD_SETTINGS or config/local.json:

  "ep_themes_ext": {
    "___version": "0.0.4",
    "default": [

Etherpad-Lite Heroku specific conf

  • ETHERPAD_LITE_HEROKU_LOGGER_LEVEL - Logging level for the start.js script.



Push it to your Heroku and Heroku will just run it picking up the entry point from Procfile

NOTE! As this project uses Etherpad as a submodule, Heroku autodeploys and deploys from web WILL NOT WORK as these do not check out submodules. The only way to deploy is to push to Heroku manually using remotes

  • Add a remote, if you do not have - for ex: git remote add test
  • Push to a remote to deploy: git push test.

NOTE2: YOU WILL probably get this error:

2021-04-13T17:35:56.716031+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 180 seconds of launch

Heroku has a fixed time for the app to boot and bind to a port. If it does not, "Boot timeout" error is thrown. YOU MUST ask Heroku Customer Support (no jokes, best in the world), to increase your boot timeout whatever maximum they alow. EP-Heroku boots long as the startup procedure involves long NPM install anddownloading plugins from NPM.

Development notes

Running locally

After first checkout:

  • Run: git submodule init && git submodule update - this will update Etherpad submodule

To run the app:

  • npm run start-dev

NOTE: When running locally with Citizen OS API, you may run into issues with certificate chain validation because of the API calls. In that case for DEV ONLY you can turn off the validation starting the app NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 npm run start-dev. NOTE2: DO NOT commit the generated package.json. If generated plugin configuration is in the package.json /config/ has no effect.

Developing and testing EP plugins with this project

  • Run ONCE: git submodule init && git submodule update - this will update Etherpad submodule
  • Run ONCE & KILL after EP starts successfully npm run start-dev - Reads your local configuration (env + local.json), prepares it for Etherpad and installs all Etherpad dependences.
  • Run & leave running: ./bin/scripts/sync ${ABS_PATH_TO_YOUR_PLUGIN} (ex: ./bin/scripts/ /home/m/dev/ep_auth_citizenos) - this will sync your local plugin checkout to directory Etherpad uses on runtime.
    • NOTE: Symlinks cannot be used as plugin fails to resolve dependencies correctly.
  • Run Etherpad NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 ./etherpad-lite/bin/ - Runs Etherpad without installing dependencies, uses your local plugin code if sync mentioned above is active.
    • NOTE: You do need to restart EP for changes in plugin code.

Upgrading Etherpad

Etherpad is bundled as a Git submodule to this project.

To update Etherpad version:

  • Find the specific commit hash of the release.
  • cd ./etherpad-lite && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout ${EP_NEW_VERSION_COMMIT_HASH} && cd ...
  • Update .gitmodules file, set the branch = ${EP_NEW_VERSION_COMMIT_HASH}.
  • git commit -a -m "Upgrade Etherpad to version ${ETHERPAD_VERSION}".



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