Releases: ElgarL/GroupManager
v3.2 for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.20+
v3.1 for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.20+
- Fix rare concurrency error.
v3.0 for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.20+
- Performance improvements.
- Add database support for - YAML, H2, MYSQL, SQLITE, POSTGRESQL
- Add "manimport" command to load Yaml data into SQL.
- Version update checking now works correctly.
- Add a purge for old users (runs at server start).
If players do not log in for (default 90 days) their data will be deleted.
Manually created users who have never joined will not be deleted.
To protect specific accounts from deletion set a lastplayed variable to '0'.
- Allow UniqueIds to be used in commands as well as player names.
- Allow empty fields in the mirror map to easily define un-mirrored worlds.
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation (@cid998).
- Add Indonesian translation (@GarudaID)
- Add Portuguese translation (@ice41).
- Add Romanian translation (@SynOfficial).
- Add Swedish translation (@ItsLynix).
- Add Turkish translation (@Selcuk05).
- Prevent oversized permission lists overflowing BungeeCord servers.
- Add Console tab-complete on commands.
- Add a config setting to disable timed permissions expiring.
- Fix NPE when using ManUDelAllTemp with no overloaded users.
- Add intelligent tab complete for permissions in mangaddp,manuaddp,mangcheckp,manucheckp
- Fix for failing to correctly initialize a mirror parent data.
- Remove GMLogHandler to stop Paper nagging.
- Fix the API returning incorrect permission result for worlds you are not currently in.
- Fix an issue where we removed the permission attachment before Essentials had finished the Player quit (breaks silent quit in EssentialsX).
- Re-order permission checks so GM permissions will be checked first before failing a wildcard test in superperms.
v3.0-SNAPSHOT for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.19+
- Performance improvements.
- Add database support for - YAML, H2, MYSQL, SQLITE, POSTGRESQL
- Add "manimport" command to load Yaml data into SQL.
- Version update checking now works correctly.
- Add a purge for old users (runs at server start).
If players do not log in for (default 90 days) their data will be deleted.
Manually created users who have never joined will not be deleted.
To protect specific accounts from deletion set a lastplayed variable to '0'.
- Allow UniqueIds to be used in commands as well as player names.
- Allow empty fields in the mirror map to easily define un-mirrored worlds.
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation (@cid998).
- Add Indonesian translation (@GarudaID)
- Add Portuguese translation (@ice41).
- Add Romanian translation (@SynOfficial).
- Add Swedish translation (@ItsLynix).
- Add Turkish translation (@Selcuk05).
- Prevent oversized permission lists overflowing BungeeCord servers.
- Add Console tab-complete on commands.
- Add a config setting to disable timed permissions expiring.
- Fix NPE when using ManUDelAllTemp with no overloaded users.
- Add intelligent tab complete for permissions in `mangaddp,manuaddp,mangcheckp,manucheckp`.
- Fix for failing to correctly initialize a mirror parent data.
- Remove GMLogHandler to stop Paper nagging.
- Fix the API returning incorrect permission result for worlds you are not currently in.
- Fix an issue where we removed the permission attachment before Essentials had finished the Player quit (breaks silent quit in EssentialsX).
v2.9 for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.19+
- Fix default GlobalGroups.yml. (@ElgarL, @super-cokil, @l1ttleO)
- Add Czech translation. (@JetelHudzum)
- Fix a really rare error of no world detected when a player logged in due to event ordering.
- Fix GM creating duplicate user entries due to plugins requesting lookups before GM can process PlayerLoginEvent.
- Fix syntax for "/temp..." commands (old commands will still work)
- Add timed subgroups (@l1ttleO, @ElgarL)
- Add PAPI support...
%groupmanager_group%, %groupmanager_allgroups%, %groupmanager_subgroups%,
%groupmanager_user_prefix%, %groupmanager_user_suffix%,
%groupmanager_group_prefix%, %groupmanager_group_suffix%,
PAPI permission checks -
v2.8 for Minecraft 1.9 to 1.16+
- Prevent a missing language entry in the config from preventing the config being loaded.
- Prevent GM events from throwing errors in the rare instance they are triggered during shutdown.
- Correct update link when outdated.
- Catch a VERY rare occurrence of Bukkit returning an OfflinePlayer with no name.
v2.7 for Minecraft 1.9 to 1.16+
DELETE your current config and allow a new one to be generated.
- Added French translation courtesy of Gayytis.
- Add chinese-simplified and chinese-traditional translations courtesy of Greensky, TROU.
- force UTF-8 encoding when reading language files (your server/client must support the language you are selecting).
- Set defaults for missing Config.yml entries.
- Block tab-complete use in console (no more errors).
- Fix mancheckw using the wrong language string (no more error).
v2.6 for Minecraft 1.9 to 1.16+
- Trap all null errors in tab-complete from malformed data.
- Added Russian translation courtesy of l1ttleO.
- Add compatibility back for pre 1.14 (not tested any further back than 1.8).
- Fix a bug in manuaddv throwing an error.
- Prefix/suffix will now be fetched from subgroups if there is no value on the player or the main group.
- Added a new config entry for tab_validate. If true GM will offer tab-complete names obeying the validate_toggle setting.
- Implement the unused GMUserEvent - USER_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED. This will trigger whenever an Online player has their permissions updated.
- Register the main GroupManager class with Bukkits ServiceManager instead of the WorldsHolder.
- Stop non UUID users in the users.yml from preventing superperm updates.
v2.5 for Minecraft 1.9 to 1.16+
- Make the saving of data Threadsafe.
- Add version checking for updates at startup.
- Externalise all text to allow for localisation.
- Fully register all our own permissions with superperms so commands are properly restricted.
- update permissions earlier in the log-in process so command visibility and tab complete are updated on the client.
- GM will now restrict access to ALL plug-in commands (tab-complete) for ALL plug-ins that correctly register their command permissions.
- Change ListGroups command to ManGList, in-line with the other command syntax. GM will still accept the old command.
- Fix tab-complete to not throw errors if GroupManager is in an error state.
v2.5-SNAPSHOT for Minecraft 1.9 to 1.16+
- Make the saving of data Threadsafe.
- Add version checking for updates at startup.
- Externalise all text to allow for localisation.
- Fully register all our own permissions with superperms so commands are properly restricted.
- Update permissions earlier in the log-in process so command visibility and tab complete are updated on the client.
- Change ListGroups command to ManGList, in-line with the other command syntax. GM will still accept the old command.