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Elikill58 edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 1 revision

All messages are editable at the end of config. By Default, all messages are in english.

Placeholders for getIP command :

  • %city% : The city of the IP
  • %region% : The region of the IP (like 'California')
  • %region_code% : the region code of the IP (like 'CA')
  • %country_code% : The IP's country code (like 'US')
  • %country_name% : The IP's country name (like 'Washington')
  • %continent_code% : The continent code (like 'NA')
  • %in_eu% : If the IP is in EU
  • %timezone% : Timezone of the country of the IP (like 'America/Los_Angeles')
  • %languagues% : Lang of the country (like 'en-US,es-US,haw,fr')
  • %asn% : The number of the organization which is owner of the IP
  • %org% : Organization owner of the IP

Only Proxy

This feature fix a security issue

If you want to use it, don't forget to enable it thanks to set enabled: true.

To set all valid bungeee IP, edit bungee_ip which is a list of all IP.

If the player doesn't connect on a known bungee, you can enable kick thanks to kick: true, or run a command given in command_wrong_proxy.

Banned IP

Forbidden access to a specific IP.

If you want to use it, don't forget to enable it thanks to set enabled: true.

To set all banned IP, edit disallow which is a list of all IP.

IP Notifier (v1.2)

This feature enable to run some actions according to the amount of online players on same IP.

To configure it, you have to set "amountNumber" according to how many players will be online at the same times :


If you set only for 3 players, and a 4th player which join, it will use the option for 3 players.

Action work like : actionType:Value used by action

You can run action :

  • console : Run command from console
  • run : The player wil run the command
  • send : Send a message to player. By default, only OP can see the message. To manage who can receive it, you can set "permission" value such as :
      permission: "permission.needed"
      - "send:%name% have a lot of account (%count%)"
  • kick : Kick the player with the given message

In all actions, there is placeholders :

  • %name% : The name of player which just join
  • %uuid% : The uuid of player which just join
  • %count% : Amount of player on same IP
  • %all_names% : All names of player on the same IP (including just join player). Format: "Name1, Name2"
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