Try it:
A step-by-step tutorial for building, testing and deploying a Chat app in Phoenix!
- Phoenix Chat Example
- How?
- 0. Pre-requisites (Before you Start)
- First Run the Finished App
- 1. Create The App
- 2. Create the (WebSocket) "Channel"
- 3. Update the Template File (UI)
- 4. Update the "Client" code in App.js
- 5. Generate Database Schema to Store Chat History
- 6. Run the Ecto Migration (Create The Database Table)
- 7. Insert Messages into Database
- 8. Load Existing Messages (When Someone Joins the Chat)
- 9. Send Existing Messages to the Client when they Join
- 10. Checkpoint: Our Chat App Saves Messages!! (Try it!)
- Testing our App (Automated Testing)
- Authentication
- Adding
to track who's online - Continuous Integration
- Deployment!
Chat apps are the
"Hello World"
real time
Sadly, most example apps show a few basics
and then ignore the rest ... π€·ββοΈ
So beginners are often left lost or confused as to
what they should do or learn next!
Very few tutorials consider
Testing, Deployment, Documentation or other "Enhancements"
which are all part of the "Real World"
of building and running apps;
so those are topics we will cover to "fill in the gaps".
We wrote this tutorial to be easiest way to learn Phoenix
and Channels
with a practical example anyone can follow.
This is the example/tutorial we wished we had
when we were learning Elixir
, Phoenix
If you find it useful, please β π Thanks!
A simple step-by-step tutorial showing you how to:
- Create a Phoenix App from scratch
(using the
mix chat
"generator" command) - Add a "Channel" so your app can communicate over WebSockets.
- Implement a basic front-end in plain JavaScript (ES5 without any libraries) to interact with Phoenix (send/receive messages via WebSockets)
- Add a simple "Ecto" schema to define the Database Table (to store messages)
- Write the functions ("CRUD") to save message/sender data to a database table.
- Test that everything is working as expected.
- Deploy to
so you can show people your creation!
Initially, we deliberately skip over configuration files and "Phoenix Internals" because you (beginners) don't need to know about them to get started. But don't worry, we will return to them when needed. We favour "just-in-time" (when you need it) learning as it's immediately obvious and practical why we are learning something.
This example is for complete beginners
as a "My First Phoenix" App.
We try to assume as little as possible,
but if you think we "skipped a step"
or you feel "stuck" for any reason,
or have any questions (related to this example),
please open an issue on GitHub!
Both the @dwyl and Phoenix communities are super beginner-friendly,
so don't be afraid/shy.
Also, by asking questions, you are helping everyone
that is or might be stuck with the same thing!
- Chat App specific questions: dwyl/phoenix-chat-example/issues
- General Learning Phoenix questions: dwyl/learn-phoenix-framework/issues
These instructions show you how to create the Chat app from scratch.
- Elixir Installed on your local machine.
see: dwyl/learn-elixir#installation
brew install elixir
Note: if you already have
installed on your Mac, and just want to upgrade to the latest version, run:brew upgrade elixir
- Phoenix framework installed.
mix archive.install hex phx_new
- PostgreSQL (Database Server) installed (to save chat messages)
see: dwyl/learn-postgresql#installation
Basic Elixir Syntax knowledge will help,
please see: dwyl/learn-elixir -
Basic JavaScript knowledge is advantageous (but not essential as the "front-end" code is quite basic and well-commented). see: dwyl/Javascript-the-Good-Parts-notes
Check you have the latest version of Elixir (run the following command in your terminal):
elixir -v
You should see something like:
Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-13.1.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [ds:10:10:10] [async-threads:1] [jit] [dtrace]
Elixir 1.14.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)
Check you have the latest version of Phoenix:
mix -v
You should see:
Phoenix installer v1.7.0-rc.2
Note: if your
version is newer, Please feel free to update this doc! π We try our best to keep it updated ... but your contributions are always welcome!
In this tutorial, we are using Phoenix 1.7-rc2, the second release candidate for
Phoenix 1.7
. At the time of writing, if you install Phoenix, the latest stable version is notv1.7
. To use this version, follow the official guide (don't worry, it's just running one command!) ->, if you are reading this after its release,
will be installed for you, and you should seePhoenix installer v1.7.0
in your terminal.
Confirm PostgreSQL is running (so the App can store chat messages) run the following command:
lsof -i :5432
You should see output similar to the following:
postgres 529 Nelson 5u IPv6 0xbc5d729e529f062b 0t0 TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 529 Nelson 6u IPv4 0xbc5d729e55a89a13 0t0 TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
This tells us that PostgreSQL is "listening" on TCP Port 5432
(the default port)
If the lsof
command does not yield any result
in your terminal,
It should print the following:
/tmp:5432 - accepting connections
With all those "pre-flight checks" performed, let's fly! π
Before you attempt to build the Chat App from scratch, clone and run the finished working version to get an idea of what to expect.
In your terminal run the following command to clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:dwyl/phoenix-chat-example.git
Change into the phoenix-chat-example
and install both the Elixir
and Node.js
with this command:
cd phoenix-chat-example
mix setup
Run the Phoenix app with the command:
mix phx.server
If you open the app localhost:4000 in two more web browsers, you can see the chat messages displayed in all of them as soon as you hit the Enter key:
Now that you have confirmed that the finished phoenix chat app works on your machine, it's time to build it from scratch!
Change directory:
cd ..
And start building!
In your terminal program on your localhost, type the following command to create the app:
mix chat --no-mailer --no-dashboard --no-gettext
That will create the directory structure and project files.
We are running the
command with the--no-mailer
arguments because we don't want our project to generate mailer files, to include aPhoenix.LiveDashboard
and generategettext
files (fori18n
When asked to "Fetch and install dependencies? [Yn]",
Type Y in your terminal,
followed by the Enter (Return) key.
Change directory into the chat
directory by running the suggested command:
cd chat
Now run the following command:
mix setup
Note: at this point there is already an "App" it just does not do anything (yet) ...
you can runmix phx.server
in your terminal - don't worry if you're seeing error
messages, this is because we haven't created our database yet.
We will take care of that in step 6!
For now, open http://localhost:4000 in your browser
and you will see thedefault
"Welcome to Phoenix" homepage:
Shut down the Phoenix server in your terminal with the ctrl+C command.
In your terminal window, run the following command:
mix test
You should see output similar to the following:
Generated chat app
Finished in 0.02 seconds (0.02s async, 0.00s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 84184
Now that we have confirmed that everything is working (all tests pass), let's continue to the interesting part!
Generate the (WebSocket) channel to be used in the chat app:
mix Room
If you are prompted to confirm installation of a new socket handler type
and hit the[Enter]
This will create three files:
* creating lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex
* creating test/chat_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs
* creating test/support/channel_case.ex
in addition to creating two more files:
* creating lib/chat_web/channels/user_socket.ex
* creating assets/js/user_socket.js
The room_channel.ex
file handles receiving/sending messages
and the room_channel_test.exs
tests basic interaction with the channel.
We'll focus on the socket
files created afterwards.
(Don't worry about this yet, we will look at the test file in step 14 below!)
We are informed that we need to update a piece of code in our app:
Add the socket handler to your `lib/chat_web/endpoint.ex`, for example:
socket "/socket", ChatWeb.UserSocket,
websocket: true,
longpoll: false
For the front-end integration, you need to import the `user_socket.js`
in your `assets/js/app.js` file:
import "./user_socket.js"
The generator asks us to import the client code in the frontend.
Let's do that later. For now, open the lib/chat_web/endpoint.ex
file and follow the instructions.
After this, open the file called /lib/chat_web/channels/user_socket.ex
and change the line:
channel "room:*", ChatWeb.RoomChannel
channel "room:lobby", ChatWeb.RoomChannel
Check the change here.
This will ensure that whatever messages that are sent to "room:lobby"
are routed to our RoomChannel
The previous "room.*
meant that any subtopic within "room"
were routed.
But for now, let's narrow down to just one subtopic π.
For more detail on Phoenix Channels, (we highly recommend you) read:
Open the the
and copy-paste (or type) the following code:
<!-- The list of messages will appear here: -->
<div class="mt-[4rem]">
<ul id="msg-list" phx-update="append" class="pa-1"></ul>
<footer class="bg-slate-800 p-2 h-[3rem] fixed bottom-0 w-full flex justify-center">
<div class="w-full flex flex-row items-center text-gray-700 focus:outline-none font-normal">
<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Name" required
class="grow-0 w-1/6 px-1.5 py-1.5"/>
<input type="text" id="msg" placeholder="Your message" required
class="grow w-2/3 mx-1 px-2 py-1.5"/>
<button id="send" class="text-white bold rounded px-3 py-1.5 w-fit
transition-colors duration-150 bg-sky-500 hover:bg-sky-600">
This is the basic form we will use to input Chat messages.
The classes e.g. w-full
and items-center
are TailwindCSS
classes to style the form.
Phoenix includes Tailwind by default so you can get up-and-running
with your App/Idea/"MVP"!
If you're new to
, please see: dwyl/learn-tailwindIf you have questions about any of the
classes used, please spend 2 mins Googling or searching the official (superb!) docs: and then if you're still stuck, please open an issue.
Your home.html.heex
template file should look like this:
Open the lib/chat_web/components/layouts/root.html.heex
and locate the <body>
Replace the contents of the <body>
with the following code:
<body class="bg-white antialiased min-h-screen flex flex-col">
<header class="bg-slate-800 w-full h-[4rem] top-0 fixed flex flex-col justify-center z-10">
<div class="flex flex-row justify-center items-center">
<h1 class="w-4/5 md:text-3xl text-center font-mono text-white">
Phoenix Chat Example
<%= @inner_content %>
Your root.html.heex
template file should look like this:
At the end of this step, if you run the Phoenix Server mix phx.server
and view the App in your browser it will look like this:
So it's already starting to look like a basic Chat App.
Sadly, since we changed the copy of the home.html.heex
our page_controller_test.exs
now fails:
Run the command:
mix test
1) test GET / (ChatWeb.PageControllerTest)
Assertion with =~ failed
code: assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Peace of mind from prototype to production"
Thankfully this is easy to fix.
Open the test/chat_web/controllers/page_controller_test.exs
and replace the line:
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Peace of mind from prototype to production"
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Phoenix Chat Example"
Now if you run the tests again, they will pass:
mix test
Sample output:
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.09s async, 0.06s sync)
8 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 275786
uncomment and change the line:
import socket from "./user_socket.js"
With the line uncommented,
our app will import the socket.js
which will give us WebSocket functionality.
Then add the following JavaScript ("Client") code to the bottom of the file:
/* Message list code */
const ul = document.getElementById('msg-list'); // list of messages.
const name = document.getElementById('name'); // name of message sender
const msg = document.getElementById('msg'); // message input field
const send = document.getElementById('send'); // send button
const channel ='room:lobby', {}); // connect to chat "room"
channel.join(); // join the channel.
// Listening to 'shout' events
channel.on('shout', function (payload) {
// Send the message to the server on "shout" channel
function sendMessage() {
channel.push('shout', {
name: name.value || "guest", // get value of "name" of person sending the message. Set guest as default
message: msg.value, // get message text (value) from msg input field.
inserted_at: new Date() // date + time of when the message was sent
msg.value = ''; // reset the message input field for next message.
window.scrollTo(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) // scroll to the end of the page on send
// Render the message with Tailwind styles
function render_message(payload) {
const li = document.createElement("li"); // create new list item DOM element
// Message HTML with Tailwind CSS Classes for layout/style:
li.innerHTML = `
<div class="flex flex-row w-[95%] mx-2 border-b-[1px] border-slate-300 py-2">
<div class="text-left w-1/5 font-semibold text-slate-800 break-words">
<div class="text-xs mr-1">
<span class="font-thin">${formatDate(payload.inserted_at)}</span>
<div class="flex w-3/5 mx-1 grow">
// Append to list
// Listen for the [Enter] keypress event to send a message:
msg.addEventListener('keypress', function (event) {
if (event.key === `Enter` && msg.value.length > 0) { // don't sent empty msg.
// On "Send" button press
send.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (msg.value.length > 0) { // don't sent empty msg.
// Date formatting
function formatDate(datetime) {
const m = new Date(datetime);
return m.getUTCFullYear() + "/"
+ ("0" + (m.getUTCMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "/"
+ ("0" + m.getUTCDate()).slice(-2);
// Time formatting
function formatTime(datetime) {
const m = new Date(datetime);
return ("0" + m.getUTCHours()).slice(-2) + ":"
+ ("0" + m.getUTCMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":"
+ ("0" + m.getUTCSeconds()).slice(-2);
Take a moment to read the JavaScript code and confirm your understanding of what it's doing.
Hopefully the in-line comments are self-explanatory, but if anything is unclear, please ask!
At this point your app.js
file should look like this:
By default the phoenix channel (client)
will subscribe to the generic room: "topic:subtopic"
Since we aren't going to be using this,
we can avoid seeing any
"unable to join: unmatched topic"
errors in our browser/console
by simply commenting out a few lines in the user_socket.js
Open the file in your editor and locate the following lines:
let channel ="room:42", {})
.receive("ok", resp => { console.log("Joined successfully", resp) })
.receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })
Comment out the lines so they will not be executed:
//let channel ="room:42", {})
// .receive("ok", resp => { console.log("Joined successfully", resp) })
// .receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })
Your user_socket.js
should now look like this:
If you later decide to tidy up your chat app, you can
these commented lines from the file.
We are just keeping them for reference of how to join channels and receive messages.
If you are running the app,
try to fill the name
and message
and click Enter
(or press Send
The message should appear on different windows!
With this done, we can proceed.
If we didn't want to save the chat history,
we could just deploy this App immediately
and we'd be done!
In fact, it could be a "use-case" / "feature" to have "ephemeral" chat without any history ... see:
But we are assuming that most chat apps save history so that
people joining the "channel" can see the history and people who are briefly "absent" can "catch up" on the history.
Run the following command in your terminal:
mix phx.gen.schema Message messages name:string message:string
You should see the following output:
* creating lib/chat/message.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230203114114_create_messages.exs
Remember to update your repository by running migrations:
$ mix ecto.migrate
Let's break down that command for clarity:
mix phx.gen.schema
- the mix command to create a new schema (database table)Message
- the singular name for record in our messages "collection"messages
- the name of the collection (or database table)name:string
- the name of the person sending a message, stored as astring
- the message sent by the person, also stored as astring
The line creating lib/chat/message.ex
creates the "schema"
for our Message database table.
Additionally a migration file is created, e.g:
creating priv/repo/migrations/20230203114114_create_messages.exs
The "migration" actually creates the database table in our database.
In your terminal run the following command to create the messages
mix ecto.migrate
For context we recommend reading:
You should see the following in your terminal:
11:42:10.130 [info] == Running 20230203114114 Chat.Repo.Migrations.CreateMessages.change/0 forward
11:42:10.137 [info] create table messages
11:42:10.144 [info] == Migrated 20230203114114 in 0.0s
If you open your PostgreSQL GUI (e.g: pgadmin)
you will see that the messages table has been created
in the chat_dev
You can view the table schema by "right-clicking" (ctrl + click
on Mac)
on the messages
table and selecting "properties":
Note: For sections 7, 8, and 9 we will be fleshing out how our code "handles" the different events that can occur in our chat app.
Phoenix abstracts away much of the underlying message-passing logic in Elixir's process communication (for more info on how Elixir processes communicate, read here).
In Phoenix, events/messages sent from the client are automatically routed to the corresponding handler functions based on the event name, making message handling seamless and straightforward!.
Open the lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex
and inside the function def handle_in("shout", payload, socket) do
add the following line:
Chat.Message.changeset(%Chat.Message{}, payload) |> Chat.Repo.insert
So that your function ends up looking like this:
def handle_in("shout", payload, socket) do
Chat.Message.changeset(%Chat.Message{}, payload) |> Chat.Repo.insert
broadcast socket, "shout", payload
{:noreply, socket}
If you noticed earlier, in our assets/js/app.js
file, we used the function
to push our message to the server on the "shout" event.
Phoenix routes the message to the server-side
handle_in("shout", payload, socket)
function because the event name
matches 'shout'.
In this function, we handle the payload (which is the message text and any other data) and insert it into our database. Neat!
Open the lib/chat/message.ex
file and import Ecto.Query
defmodule Chat.Message do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query # add Ecto.Query
Then add a new function to it:
def get_messages(limit \\ 20) do
|> limit(^limit)
|> order_by(desc: :inserted_at)
|> Chat.Repo.all()
This function accepts a single parameter limit
to only return a fixed/maximum
number of records.
It uses Ecto's all
function to fetch all records from the database.
is the name of the schema/table we want to get records for,
and limit is the maximum number of records to fetch.
In the /lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex
file create a new function:
@impl true
def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do
|> Enum.reverse() # revers to display the latest message at the bottom of the page
|> Enum.each(fn msg -> push(socket, "shout", %{
message: msg.message,
inserted_at: msg.inserted_at,
}) end)
{:noreply, socket} # :noreply
and at the top of the file update the join
function to the following:
def join("room:lobby", payload, socket) do
if authorized?(payload) do
send(self(), :after_join)
{:ok, socket}
{:error, %{reason: "unauthorized"}}
Note: like section 7, Phoenix knows to call this function when the server sends the internal message
via the channel process.Our
function inlib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex
sends that:after_join message
to the channel process when the client successfully connects to the"room:lobby"
Start the Phoenix server (if it is not already running):
mix phx.server
Note: it will take a few seconds to compile.
In your terminal, you should see:
[info] Running ChatWeb.Endpoint with cowboy 2.8.0 at (http)
[info] Access ChatWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:4000
webpack is watching the filesβ¦
This tells us that our code compiled (as expected) and the Chat App
is running on TCP Port 4000
Open the Chat web app in
two separate browser windows: http://localhost:4000
(if your machine only has one browser try using one "incognito" tab)
You should be able to send messages between the two browser windows:
Congratulations! You have a working (basic) Chat App written in Phoenix!
The chat (message) history is saved!
This means you can refresh the browser or join in a different browser and you will still see the history!
Automated testing is one of the best ways to ensure reliability in your web applications.
Note: If you are completely new to Automated Testing or "Test Driven Development" ("TDD"), we recommend reading/following the "basic" tutorial:
Testing in Phoenix is fast (tests run in parallel!)
and easy to get started!
The ExUnit
testing framework is built-in
so there aren't an "decisions/debates"
about which framework or style to use.
If you have never seen or written a test with ExUnit
don't fear, the syntax should be familiar if you have
written any sort of automated test in the past.
Whenever you create a new Phoenix app or add a new feature (like a channel), Phoenix generates a new test for you.
We run the tests using the mix test
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.05s async, 0.06s sync)
8 tests, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 157426
In this case none of these tests fails. (8 tests, 0 failure)
It's worth taking a moment (or as long as you need!)
to understand what is going on in the
file. Open it if you have not already, read the test descriptions & code.
For a bit of context we recommend reading:
Let's take a look at the first test in /test/chat_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs:
test "ping replies with status ok", %{socket: socket} do
ref = push socket, "ping", %{"hello" => "there"}
assert_reply ref, :ok, %{"hello" => "there"}
The test gets the socket
from the setup
function (on line 6 of the file)
and assigns the result of calling the push
function to a variable ref
merely pushes a message (the map %{"hello" => "there"}
on the socket
to the "ping"
The handle_in
function clause which handles the "ping"
def handle_in("ping", payload, socket) do
{:reply, {:ok, payload}, socket}
Simply replies with the payload you send it,
therefore in our test we can use the assert_reply
to assert that the ref
is equal to :ok, %{"hello" => "there"}
Note: if you have questions or need any help understanding the other tests, please open an issue on GitHub we are happy to expand this further!
(we are just trying to keep this tutorial reasonably "brief" so beginners are not "overwhelmed" by anything...)
Often we can learn a lot about an application (or API) from reading the tests and seeing where the "gaps" in testing are.
Thankfully we can achieve this with only a couple of steps:
Open your mix.exs
file and find the "deps" function:
defp deps do
Add a comma to the end of the last line, then add the following line to the end of the List:
{:excoveralls, "~> 0.15.2", only: [:test, :dev]} # tracking test coverage
Additionally, find the def project do
section (towards the top of mix.exs
and add the following lines to the List:
test_coverage: [tool: ExCoveralls],
preferred_cli_env: [
coveralls: :test,
"coveralls.detail": :test,
"": :test,
"coveralls.html": :test
Then, install the dependency on excoveralls
we just added to mix.exs
mix deps.get
You should see:
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed:
* Getting excoveralls (Hex package)
... etc.
In the "root" (base directory) of the Chat project,
create a new file called coveralls.json
and copy-paste the following:
"coverage_options": {
"minimum_coverage": 100
"skip_files": [
This file is quite basic, it instructs the coveralls
to require a minimum_coverage
of 100%
(i.e. everything is tested1)
and to ignore the files in the test/
directory for coverage checking.
We also ignore files such as application.ex
, core_components.ex
and user_socket.ex
because they are not relevant for the functionality of our project.
1We believe that investing a little time up-front to write tests for all our code is worth it to have fewer bugs later.
Bugs are expensive, tests are cheap and confidence/reliability is priceless.
To run the tests with coverage, copy-paste the following command into your terminal:
MIX_ENV=test mix do coveralls.json
For windows use:
$env:MIX_ENV="test"; mix do coveralls.json
You should see:
Randomized with seed 527109
100.0% lib/chat.ex 9 0 0
100.0% lib/chat/message.ex 26 4 0
100.0% lib/chat/repo.ex 5 0 0
70.0% lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex 46 10 3
100.0% lib/chat_web/components/layouts.ex 5 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/error_html.ex 19 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/error_json.ex 15 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/page_controller 9 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/page_html.ex 5 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/endpoint.ex 49 0 0
66.7% lib/chat_web/router.ex 27 3 1
[TOTAL] 80.0%
As we can se here, only 80% of lines of code in /lib
are being "covered" by the tests we have written.
To view the coverage in a web browser run the following:
MIX_ENV=test mix coveralls.html ; open cover/excoveralls.html
This will open the Coverage Report (HTML) in your default Web Browser:
Open the test/chat_web/channels/room_channel_test.exs
and add the following test:
test ":after_join sends all existing messages", %{socket: socket} do
# insert a new message to send in the :after_join
payload = %{name: "Alex", message: "test"}
Chat.Message.changeset(%Chat.Message{}, payload) |> Chat.Repo.insert()
{:ok, _, socket2} = ChatWeb.UserSocket
|> socket("person_id", %{some: :assign})
|> subscribe_and_join(ChatWeb.RoomChannel, "room:lobby")
assert socket2.join_ref != socket.join_ref
Finally, inside lib/chat_web/router.ex
comment the following piece of code.
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
Since we are not using this :api
in this project,
there is no need to test it.
Now when you run MIX_ENV=test mix do coveralls.json
you should see:
Randomized with seed 15920
100.0% lib/chat.ex 9 0 0
100.0% lib/chat/message.ex 26 4 0
100.0% lib/chat/repo.ex 5 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex 46 10 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/components/layouts.ex 5 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/error_html.ex 19 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/error_json.ex 15 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/page_controller 9 1 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/controllers/page_html.ex 5 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/endpoint.ex 49 0 0
100.0% lib/chat_web/router.ex 27 2 0
[TOTAL] 100.0%
This test just creates a message before
the subscribe_and_join
so there is a message in the database
to send out to any clien that joins the chat.
That way the :after_join
has at least one message
and the Enum.each
will be invoked at least once.
With that our app is fully tested!
We can extend this project to support basic authentication. If you want to understand how Authentication is implemented the easy/fast way, see:
One of the great advantages
of using Phoenix
is that you can
easily track processes
and channels.
This paves the way to effortlessly showing who's online or not!
If you are interested in
developing this feature,
we have created a guide in
just for you! π
Continuous integration lets you automate running the tests to check/confirm that your app is working as expected (before deploying). This prevents accidentally "breaking" your app.
Thankfully the steps are quite simple.
For an example ci.yml
, see:
Deployment to takes a couple of minutes, we recommend following the official guide:
Once you have deployed you will will be able to view/use your app in any Web/Mobile Browser.
If you found this example useful, please βοΈ the GitHub repository so we (and others) know you liked it!
If you want to learn more Phoenix and the magic of LiveView
consider reading our beginner's tutorial:
For a version of a chat application using LiveView you can read the following repository:
Thank you for learning with us! βοΈ
This repo is inspired by @chrismccord's Simple Chat Example: β€οΈ
At the time of writing Chris' example was last updated on
20 Feb 2018
and uses
Phoenix 1.3
There are quite a few differences (breaking changes)
between Phoenix 1.3 and 1.6 (the latest version).
Our tutorial uses Phoenix 1.6.2
(latest as of October 2021).
Our hope is that by writing (and maintaining)
a step-by-step beginner focussed
tutorial we contribute to the Elixir/Phoenix community
without piling up
on Chris's repo.
- ExUnit docs:
- Testing Phoenix Channels:
- Phoenix WebSockets Under a Microscope: