- clone this repo
npm i
npm run devStart
- (we don't have any tests, we know, bad us)
- We will post the usernames and passwords in gitter (security n that)
Column | Type | Modifiers |
user_id | integer | not null default |
username | character varying(100) | not null |
password | character varying(50) | not null |
isAdmin | boolean | not null |
Column | Type | Modifiers |
post_id | integer | not null default |
title | character varying(50) | not null |
body | character varying(500) | not null |
date | date | not null |
user_id | integer | not null |
A basic CMS blog platform with authentication, session management and templating with handlebars.
hapi for server creation and general back end stuff
PSQL hosted on heroku for the database
bcrypt for password hashing
handlebars for templating