An app which shows people involved in FACN1, where a user can see everyone involved, and add new people
git clone &&
cd week7-ifitmake-suHapi &&
npm i &&
touch config.env &&
echo 'Add database URL to config.env'
CSS a list
search bar functionality
- in our query file, make a function which can take a search input and search the database for it.
- Have a route handler for the search route (/search?)
Add members functionality
vote for members functionality
Add data validation?
Mavis' Song.
As a visitor to the site
I want to see a list of all the people involved when I first visit the site
I want to be able to search for specific or groups people involved easily (by name, location, member type etc) to get information about them
I want to be able to add me/others to the list and see the list with me/them in it
I want to be able to vote for my favourite member and see the number of votes members have.
As a potential applicant
I want to find a list of people to talk to about FAC Nazareth
As a potential employer
I want to find the 'best' candidate from FAC Nazareth to maybe hire
Columns | ***Parameters *** |
name | VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL |
position | VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL |
location | VARCHAR(100) |
description | TEXT |
languages | TEXT |
Columns | ***Parameters *** |
member_id | references members(id) INT NOT NULL |
num_votes | INT |
All server side rendering (i.e. using Hapi and Handlebars)
Like in week 6, have database folder which builds and connects to a database.
Build a HAPI server, which can use views to serve up templates, filled out with Handlebars and uses Inert to serve static files.
Have form partials, which action gives different routes and different methods:
- search form, with endpoint '/search'
- add form, '/addmember'
- vote form, '/addvote'
Default layout will show the search form, other forms will be added with different views depending on design choices.
Different routes will deal with different endpoints, with the handler making connections to and querying the database, will pass the information recieved from the database in the
reply.view('[view name here]', [data here])